THANK GOD I thought I was the only one who considered it a fad!
2006-10-14 13:26:43
answer #1
answered by Rachel 4
Yes I hate President Bush. We dont have a plan for Iraq. Just recently in the news Britain is getting close to pulling out its 75,000 troops out of Iraq. Its only going to be the U.S. in there. Democrats want a plan and I totally agree. The new Iraq government should now takeover and sees all operations that its now doing. And furthermore, on domestic issues. I honestly dont see an impovement and I think now since the election is now only less than a month the Republican Party is trying to make things better before voters go to the polls. Dont be tricked by the party remember the President is not doing what he told us he would do. Think about that.
2006-10-14 16:19:52
answer #2
answered by Michael R 1
The above answers are ridiculous and are not reasons.
1. He cut a half a BILLION dollars from the Environmental Protection Agency' s budget. Who needs to look after the environment when there's all that oil drilling going on?
2. He approved a bill that denies financial aid to students convicted of misdemeanor drug charges (though convicted murderers are still eligible for financial aid).
3. He recently sent a delegation to the UN children' s summit to declare that the use of condoms is not a valid way to fight AIDS and that abstinence is the only solution. This is the view shared by some other countries such as Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Syria, and the Vatican. It seems that his policy of, "No child shall be left behind" has a whole new meaning.
4. He wouldn't sign the Kyoto Protocol agreement on global warming, which was ultimately signed by 178 other countries. He also told the entire European community that he would listen to their arguments, but he would not change his mind, effectively treating Europe like an 8 year old child. This may have something to do with why most of the world hates the US.
5. He rejected an international accord to enforce the 1972 treaty banning germ warfare. Of course that would mean that the US would have to stop producing biological agents too.
6. And talk about the fox watching over the hen house, he nominated former mining company executive Dan Lauriski as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.
7. He allocated only 3% of the amount requested by Justice Department lawyers in the governments continued litigation against tobacco companies.
8. He prohibited any financial aid from going to international family planning organizations that provide abortion counseling, referrals, or services with their own funds.
9. He provided every member of the Bin Laden family living in the U.S. a chartered plane shortly after 9/11 to fly back home to Saudi Arabia without questioning them. One of GW' s first petroleum venture was partnered with the Bin Laden family and George Sr. has been getting filthy rich selling defense contracts to the Bin Ladens. These are just some examples of the many ties the Bush family has with the Bin Ladens.
10. He officially withdrew from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty, gutting the landmark agreement-the first time in the nuclear era that the US renounced a major arms control accord.
11. Refused to join 123 nations pledged to ban the use and production of anti-personnel bombs and mines, February 2001
12. September 2001: withdrew from International Conference on Racism, bringing together 163 countries in Durban, South Africa
13. Over the past 10 years, the US prison population has more than doubled. This is mainly due to unfair three strikes laws, and harsher drug penalties. OK so maybe W. wasn' t behind this one, but the Republicans are.
14. International Plan for Cleaner Energy: G-8 group of industrial nations (US, Canada, Japan, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, UK), July 2001: the US was the only one to oppose it.
15. George replied, "Ken who?" when asked about his relationship with Kenneth Lay, the CEO of Enron, during the federal bankruptcy hearings. This was after Enron gave him their company jet to use for his presidential campaign. George and Kenny were such good friends that Ken was actually seen giving wedgies to the president in the oval office. Yet he still replied, "Ken who?"
2006-10-14 13:30:11
answer #3
answered by Lady Day 2
Well the reason I don't want bush in office.... Is because we went into iraq on a false premises. The terrorists who were involved in 911 were mostly saudi-arabian, even led by saudi-arabian Osama. We decided to invade afgahnistan to find him... a month too late... It was a disaster. But it's rediculous to even consider the war in iraq as fighting the terrorists. We went to iraq to take out an unfriendly government, and install a new one that we like. And our "intelligence" gave us groundless reports about weapons of mass destruction.
North Korea is an unfriendly government
We know they have weapons of mass destruction
Why did we invade a country that's rich in natural resources because they might...
And now we seek a "diplomatic resolution" with one that has almost no natural resources...
But Has Tested A Nuclear Bomb!
(and some delivery systems yay)
policy changes all of the sudden huh?
I hate war, but if it comes to keeping nuclear weapons away from angry dictators. i get the point
but what the **** are we doing in iraq??
if jeb bush runs for president... I'm moving to canada
2006-10-14 18:33:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
you obviously have no idea that even domestically, bush is a failng if not failed president
economically the dollar is '****' & that's not rude, it's just pure fact
do you even know what it means to have weak currency?
the education is not improving, forget foreign policy because half the world if it's not scared shitless of bush & his ideas, it's busy breeding terrorists for tomorrow because their father was put in guantanamo, or they were having a nice good day before their home was tw@tted into nothingness because some renegade superpower wanted to chase an old man who had already committed the major crimes he was going to & now had very little left to offer the world in terms of anything...
there are more terrorists now because of what bush has decided than there were before. that's a widely accepted fact. instead of bombing everything, bush should just spend the same money on training iraquis to build their infrastructure & improving their economy & in no time people will be too busy living life to think about killing each other 'cos they'd be happier...
america will take a long time to recover from bush.
2006-10-14 13:34:07
answer #5
answered by Can I Be Your Pet? 6
I don't hate Bush. I think he is immature, arrogant and incompetent. I am opposed to his policies and actions.
If we leave Iraq, the Iraqis will just continue to kill each other. "The terrorists" are dispersed all over the world they aren't just in Iraq. From your comments it is obvious that you haven't studied situation in Iraq or Bush's actions and are basically ignorant on the subject. Read a book -- maybe "Fiasco" or "State of Denial" or "End of Iraq" before you call others stupid because they don't like Bush.
2006-10-14 13:39:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Some of the answers are immature, naive, and misinformed but all seem to be reasons, for one reason or another.
1.The only thing President Bush did wrong by cutting the environmental budget by a half of a billion dollars is that he should have eliminated it altogether. Although eliminating it would put many inept lawyers and endangered species activists on the welfare rolls. How many of you have toured the back country and tried to count the millions upon millions of Joshua trees with kangaroo rats setting around them eating frogs?
2.Do you really think that if we gave condoms away on every street corner it would help prevent some wayward college students and half of Africa from spreading AIDS?
3.College students are no longer children, they should be adults, the ones I know are.
4.Most of the countries that signed the Kyoto Protocol agreement did so to get financial aid from the more successful countries so they could use it for whatever the so called leaders wanted, such as a new Mercedes, more gold dinner plates, or an incognito trip to Monte Carlo, or even sell their ratings to some other country for many millions. Some of the more affluent countries signed it for the express purpose of buying the ratings rather than clean their pollution up. Moreover some of the European countries should be treated like children for all of the common sense they sometimes portray. Of course we should all heed the predictions and warnings of that great scientist Al Gore, who has just informed the world of his latest, greatest, scientific discovery, that cigarettes are the cause of the elusive global warming/ice age problem.
5.Rejecting the international accord to enforce the 1972 treaty banning germ warfare would not in any way stop terrorists from using it since they don’t seem to be interested in observing any of the other treaties or even the resolutions of the prestigious United Nations Organization that should already be enforcing it.
6.As far as a fox watching over the hen house. Don’t you think it would be better to have an honest, vegetarian, moralistic fox, as a watch dog over the hen house than a dumb cluck rooster or a “chicken” chicken?
7.I believe 3% of the amount requested by the justice department is sufficient for continued litigation against tobacco companies. I also believe that if a person wishes to use tobacco he or she should be able to rather than have their Civil Right taken away by the Justice Department. I don’t see any Justice Department enforcement preventing American Indians from smoking their pipes and I don’t think there should be.
8.If family planning organizations use their own funds for abortion counseling, referrals, and services, why then should the American taxpayer start paying for it?
9.If President Bush or his family is getting filthy rich selling defense contracts to the Bin Laden family I personally would be interested in seeing the evidence before I would have any further comment. If this is referring to Halliburton Corporation then investigate how many shares the Lyndon Johnson family still owns if any. At one time Lady Bird Johnson owned a very large block of Halliburton stock.
10.As far as President Bush and Congress withdrawing from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty. Don’t you think that was very wise (especially the way things have developed recently) personally I think it involved a great deal of foresight by both Congress and the Administration.
11.The refusal in 2001 to join with 123 nations to ban the production and use of personal bombs and mines by the Administration and Congress was a wise move in my opinion as the United States would more than likely be the only country then that would not have any or am I in error in assuming that all of the other conscientious treaty abiding would also do away with their arsenal, along with all of the very moralistic terrorists.
12.In 2001 the United States (President Bush did it all by himself?) withdrew from the International Conference on Racism in Durbin, South Africa that we all know was responsible for eliminating all racial discrimination in that part of the world, give me a break.
13.In respect to the U. S. prison population doubling over the last decade, we must also look at the population of the U. S. that has increased dramatically and calculate the percentage of the population in prison then and currently before making rash conclusions. And also check the ratio as to how many that are illegally in the United States are also in prison. I have unconfirmed figures that are shocking to say the least.
14.Please verify before judging. Sincerely; The Pope
2006-10-14 20:42:33
answer #7
answered by PopeJohn 1
I don't hate him. I do hate what he is doing to our country, families and the way he has the world thinking of us. I realize he is under
a great deal of stress, I do pray for him as well as our troops.We know it's all about the oil. B/C there are many countries with terrorists we have not gone after them.There were no weapons of mass destruction.there , But there are many in other places. We are not fighting them. The more I see him the more confused he looks.
2006-10-14 13:30:01
answer #8
answered by Sugar 7
I think you are exactly right in many, many cases. I think lots of them hate Bush just because it's some kind of strange fad. I don't follow that particular fad. I think he's done a great job in the face of incredible difficulties facing the nation and under incredible hate from his own countrymen.
2006-10-14 15:39:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You may disagree with the President, and his policies, but hate is not an emotion to be dwelt on. It is not good for any ones mental or physical health to be spending time in hating. You can well see what hatred has recently done in the Balkans, and remember that Hitler hated the Jews, and you can see what manifested from hatred.
2006-10-14 13:37:58
answer #10
answered by pooterilgatto 7
I hate George Sr because he's a Texas oil baron crook. I hate Jeb Bush for giving up on Florida and turning it over to the Hispanics. I hate Neil Bush for bringing us the Silverado S&L scandal in the 70's. I hate George POTUS, for turning us all into such tempting targets. Everybody loves to hate Americans.
2006-10-14 13:29:46
answer #11
answered by ? 4