Oh, I'd say that'll take about 2-5 years to cool off. If the father cheated on the mother, that is definitely a knife in the back and that has dramatic consequences on the wife, but especially the kids. It will alter their views on the opposite sex (mostly for girls) as well as their views on relationships.
2006-10-14 13:10:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is NO amount of time that is going to change this guy...he will form a new relationship only to start cheating in that one. Don't believe that it was all the wife's fault. Same old story..."my wife didn't understand me..." Yea, right. !
If you are serious, there is NO rebound in sight..he is free to live and love now. Rebound is transferring love of one person to another .... and it never works. IF he didn't love the woman, there is no love to transfer. But do not believe that he is going to magically transform into Mr. Perfect Husband. Slow down and keep your eyes and ears open. Chilren do not abandon their father without reason...well, not entirely true, I do know of one case where that happened for no reason. Good luck
2006-10-14 13:12:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't quit understand why you are so possessed about the goings on with your co-worker. Actually dear you have no idea what he did or did not do and have no reason to know the why fors. If you do not like this gentleman just maintain a business relationship where you must and get on with your pristine life. You need a rest away from wondering about this man and his affairs.
2006-10-14 13:12:56
answer #3
answered by lily 6
MRSPATPAT79 gives very bad advice...
You need to follow your feelings..there is nothing wrong with wanting someone to help you get through the pain of a divorce. MRSPATPAT is young and has no clue about real life. I bet there is someone out there just waiting to help heal those wounds...be good to yourself..open your heart, your mind....Good Luck girl
2006-10-14 14:27:36
answer #4
answered by justwonderingwhatever 5
As soon as possible you need to know how it feels to be treated good for A change go have fun and enjoy life don't waste any more tears or precious life on you ex enjoy yourself you are free. That is sad what he did to you and the best way to get back at him is to move on and be happy and let him know you can move past him and trust me he will regret what he has done to his family. Good luck have fun life is to short not to.
2006-10-14 13:14:53
answer #5
answered by honeygirland 3
You will know when the time is right. I know you had 20 years in but try your best to forget about him. It sounds like the best thing you got out of it was your children. I hope you meet someone who deserves you. Good Luck. I hope things work out well for you.
2016-05-22 02:22:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It takes different people different amounts of time to get over a bad relationship! It depends on the person involved!
2006-10-14 13:16:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
in a divorce care class i learned every four years of marraige you need aone year off so i would wait for 5 years but if your emotionly and ready to move on i woul at least tke one year to rediscover your self.
2006-10-14 13:11:09
answer #8
answered by jamai 2
I was told 3 mounths for every year was the best way to go
2006-10-14 14:04:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't understand what you are asking. Are you asking how long you should wait to start dating again? Or how long should you and your ex wait before you get back together? Or......what are you asking?
2006-10-14 13:18:05
answer #10
answered by littleflower_57 4