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Okay im 15 going to be 16 in two weeks, i really want a baby sooo much, i know i can handle it because i used to take care of newborns all the time and learned all of the responsibilities, i still go to school and everything and i know it will affect my future but i really need to know is this the right time? HELP

2006-10-14 12:30:26 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

37 answers

You're only 15. Not even halfway through life yet...and you're ready to make a decsion that most adults are to scared to make. How do you plan on taking the child to his or her doctor appt. its not like you're old enough to drive. How to expect to feed, bath, clothe, and by the time you are 19 have them in school? Imangine being 44 and not being able to celebrate you're 21st birthday because your 6 year old child is home with the flu. Imagine..working in and out of cheap unrealiable jobs because you didnt get the education you needed to be successful in a business. People think life with a child is going to be easy...the best way of knowing that someone is always there needing you....and you have a reason to wake up each morning. Think about what you want to be when you grow up. that the motativation you have for this baby you want and put it towards that. trust me....its not time for a baby. my sister was 19 when she had her baby...she dropped her off in my bedroom one morning and was gone. I rasied her, i was only 11. changing diapers and waking up 3, 4, 5 in the morning feeding her. I love her to death. But...i missed out on so many learning experenices...that i wish could have been there for.

2006-10-14 12:50:45 · answer #1 · answered by ev3rlazt3nluv 1 · 1 0

Honestly, I don't think it is a good time. It is much harder then it seems. I grew up the oldest of 10 kids, I was a preschool teacher for a while, and I LOVE children! But it takes a LOT of money, financial stability is important. Even if it's just a small job that you can grow in. It's also best if you are married to the father before you're pregnant. relationships are very complicated and delicate, as I'm sure you know. a relationship with a child will be dampened if you have to provide for him on your own. yes, women do it all the time, but it is always best to have a stable family unit for support, help, love, etc. I was married for 3 years before having a baby, I'm now a stay at home mom, and we still have a lot of things to get the hang of. Our baby had colic so I was up all night with him crying intensely. Things like that really wear a person down. let alone school and work. When would you spend time with the baby? It's not a good idea to get pregnant planning on not spending more then 4 awake hours with him. It's been reserched and discovered that children learn and grow and develop best with a consistant parent figure. Meaning a 24/ 7 mother. You just can't do that alone.

2006-10-14 12:53:59 · answer #2 · answered by Larissa H 1 · 0 0

NO! A baby is a huge responsibility, more than a weekend of newborn babysitting. You may feel like you can handle it, but who is going to pay the rent--Don't count on your parents, it isn't their responsibility to help raise your baby. Who will babysit the baby when you are at school--even if your school offers free daycare, those day care facilities are not a good place for a baby. You can't get a good job because you are only 16. So how will you buy your baby clothes and toys and foods. Do you want your baby to rely on charity? Do you want her to be the poor kid in school with second hand clothes? Do you want her to be the girl who shows up at birthday parties without presents, or the girl who can't join dance because her mom can't afford lessons? Don't count on the guy who gets you pregnant to help out either. No real man would ever have sex with a 16 year old. No man who could support a baby would have sex with a 16 year old. I hope you grow up before you get pregnant and ruin your life and the life of the baby you will have.

2006-10-14 12:41:33 · answer #3 · answered by sounsure90211 1 · 0 0

you know, i know there are a lot of answers calling you stupid... i am not going to say you are stupid for wanting a baby... i mean , come on , theyre cute and sweet and loveable, but you have to think, taking care of newborns doenst qualify you as a dependable adult. once you have that baby, you are stuck with it. the hospital has a no return policy on babies, so you have to take it home with you. also, when the baby is no longer a newborn, do you know how to take care of a toddler? they are noisy obnoxious and very demanding... you are not ready for this kind of job... it is 24/7 til the day you die. i really dont think you can handle motherhood yet, so please for the sake of your future put these thoughts out of your head, cuz you will end up working in mcdonalds or some other minimum wage job, or worse, on welfare for the rest of your life, and no child deserves to grow up wwith nothing, not to mention the fact that no 16 year old boy is going to want to help out with a baby... hell even most men over the age of 18 if they arent married to you they will not take care of the kid... how is that fair to your little ones? do yourself a favor... if you want to take care of a baby, see if you can get a part time job at a hospital helping out in the materninty ward, or babysit for your neighbors, or help out at a daycare... but please consider the future you have a chance at having long before you make a mistake that you cant take back, beleive me, you have a chance to go to college and get a good job and find a guy you really love and get married and then have kids, all things have a time and a place, and high school is not the time or the place to have a baby!

2006-10-14 13:00:42 · answer #4 · answered by dindonelle 2 · 0 0

I am a first time mom of a 4 week old baby boy. I thought I knew everything about being a mom because I had taken care of newborns and thought I knew all of the resposibilities. I can't tell you how wrong I was! Remember, if you have a child, you can't give it back to it's parents when it screams all night long and you can't figure out what is wrong. When you have to wake up every 2 hours to feed it. More if you breastfeed. You have to sterilize your bottles and mix up formula. You can't just pick up and go somewhere - you have to lug out the car seat/stroller/diaper bag/extra bottles/change of clothes/blanket/pacifiers. Diapers and wipes are expensive as well as formula. Sure, you'll get some as gifts, but eventually you run out. Formula is about 25.00 a week at the low end. Plus, you will have at least a 10,000 hospital bill and all the prenatal appointments and medications (prenatal vitamins and possible high blood pressure meds along with anything else that could happen).

Don't even get me started on the pregnancy part! I was so sick with morning sickness (all day sickness) that I actually burst a blood vessel in my eye with the vomitting. After a few months that went away and I had constant back aches from all the extra weight I was carrying around. At the 7,8,9th months I slept a total of 5 hours a night getting up to use the bathroom at 20 minute intervals.

Labor and delivery was awsome! I was in labor for 36 hours and ended up with a c-section, but the anesthesia didn't work, so I actually felt them cutting me open, until they finally were able to knock me out. If you do a natural delivery, be prepared to fart, poop and pee all over everything. You can't help but do it. Oh, and you have your period then up to 6 weeks after you have your kid.

After you have this kid the vacation ends. They are up all night long and need to be fed and changed and walked and bathed and burped and soothed...CONSTANTLY. As I write this, my son is FINALLY asleep after keeping his father and I awake since 5pm yesterday. We are exhausted, but this is what you have to do. Oh, and we work full time (I am off on maternity leave right now), and there is a 600.00 a month day care bill that we will have to deal with. The joys are never ending. Wait a while. Enjoy your childhood. Then have a baby and love every minute with them and you won't regret it. As tired as I am, I am so glad I waited ( I am 30 now).

2006-10-14 13:07:06 · answer #5 · answered by titania94 3 · 0 0

if you are questioning if it is the right time, then it really isn't ...
i had my first child at 16.. believe me. looking after newborns and having one of your own is completely different..
it's not a question of whether you can handle it.. its more, How will you support it? what about the father? where will you live? How will you finish school? What are your hopes for the future? Did you want to go to college? or travel?
Every single thing you do around your baby affects how it will grow, what its views will be, how it intergrates with others, and what sort of adult it will be.. one small mistake by you could seriously screw up the childs life..

You have your whole life ahead of you.. live it for a while..
Finish your education while it is free and readily availible to you, Enjoy your youth.Go on holiday with your mates.. Get a bit of finacial support behind you... Give your body a chance to mature abit more... Enjoy having firm breasts... Having a baby puts pay to them.. Enjoy your smooth stretch mark-free skin... stretch-marks always look ugly... Enjoy the energy and freedom you have now... and baby saps that out of you...
Get some experience of life...
Don't have a baby for the sake of having a baby, or just to fulfill your own wants... Think of the needs of the child... It really is blooody hard work.. with no let up.. it really is so much harder than you think... it's a 24 hour a day job!
my eldest is 18 now and i still don't have my freedom back. i am continually worried about him.
the child i had at 16 died.when he was 2months and 6days old. He was a victim of Cot Death, looking into it i learnt that a lot of cot death babies are born to smoking unmarried mothers under the age of 20, they are usually premature (you are at a higher risk of having a prem baby if you are young because your body hasn't properly matured) and born between november and febuary. arranging your sons funeral at the age of 16 is a BIG wake up call.. please if not for your own sake, for the sake of your future children...Wait....

2006-10-14 13:01:22 · answer #6 · answered by Nutty Nelly 2 · 0 0

OMG No you need to finish school and get a job. I am 28 and I have 3 kids and my oldest is 9 and I will say it is sooooooooooooooooooo hard I never got to go out with my friends to have fun and I thought cool I get to go out with my friends soon and guess what I had a baby 19 months ago. So have a kids at 16 is to young and to tell ya the truth you are just a kid too

2006-10-14 13:25:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are you retarded? having a baby at 16 is ridiculous...they say each child by the age of 18 not including college is approxiamtly $80,000 to raise. You will be stuck at dead end jobs your whole life trying to pay for it. Have the baby when you have a steady job with education above a high school diploma and with someone you care about that you are certain will help raise the child.

2006-10-14 12:41:24 · answer #8 · answered by Kevin Federline 2 · 0 0

I am glad you think you are ready but you can't even get a job yet to support the baby. I think your teenage hormones are going crazy. You are way to young to handle being pregnant and caring for a child while you are in school and have your future in front of you. You should at this point in your life be having fun with friends and looking forward to being young. You are just a kid don't be having kids.

2006-10-14 12:35:00 · answer #9 · answered by Sakora 5 · 0 0

No no NO!! You are much too young to have a baby. Think of all the things youll miss out on. You wont get to go out with your friends very much and youll be taking care of another person 24/7. You will lose so much of your life if you get pregnant now. If you love babies so much start babysitting or something and save chilbirth for when youre older. Dont throw your life away.

2006-10-14 12:40:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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