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What is your favoirte browser? I have tried:
Internet Exploer (default for Windows) out of a 10 I give it a 6
FireFox out of a 10 I give it a 10
Mozilla out of a 10 I give it a 7
Avant 9/10
Maxathon 7/10
Opera 9/10
K-Meleon 8/10

Those are all the browsers I have tried any othres?
Which do you like the best and why?

Personally I LOVE FireFox because it does not crash often, WAY less pop ups like only 5 the entire 2 months I have had it and no or less spyware from websites, love the extensions (addons) and themes and how you can customize FireFox

Avant is the best IE based browser it works wonderfully.

I really like the set up and appaearmce of Opera and the thins it has.

I currently use FireFox, Mozilla,and Opera

2006-10-14 11:25:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Internet

Also people think FireFox and Mozilla are the same thing they are run by the same company but aren't


2006-10-14 12:02:59 · update #1

5 answers

I have tried explorer, netscape, opera, and firefox. I have decided to stick with firefox for security, and it's pretty fast. Opera is kind of cool, but I feel more secure with firefox.

2006-10-14 11:31:00 · answer #1 · answered by martin h 6 · 0 0

Firefox and Mozilla are the best. They are the most common besides IE and they are VERY well supported. They also have ton of add-ons which can be found at. http://www.mozilla.com/add-ons/ And lastly, they are some of the most secure browsers available. (I refer to them as one browser because they are base off of the same code) The only bad thing is that they are a bit slower than Safari on a mac

Hope this helps!

2006-10-14 18:29:41 · answer #2 · answered by cman 3 · 0 0

I also love Firefox because of the add-ons and it's simplicity :)
but I'm using Safari now because of my Mac and it's pretty good also

2006-10-14 18:27:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Firefox IS Mozilla's. As is ThunderBird E-mail.

I use IE 6, & when v7 is finished being tested, I'll upgrade.

Have no probs w/ popups.

2006-10-14 18:43:21 · answer #4 · answered by What_Did_You_Expect 6 · 0 1

I've used them all and in my opinion Firefox is the best.

2006-10-14 18:33:29 · answer #5 · answered by ○Freeman○ 6 · 0 0

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