I don't have cable so HNIC is basically my only source of hockey. I am a Habs fan and all they televise is Toronto Maple Leafs games, and I hate that team!!! All their commentators are biased and because of this I've started watching the french channel because they have more Montreal games (I don't speak or understand French btw). CBC doesn't even play Ottawa games that often either, and I'd rather watch they play then the Leafs. I thought I was going to watch the game of Montreal vs. Ottawa, but guess what its not oging to be shown because Toronto is playing Calgary!! Anyone else hate CBC?
15 answers
asked by
➔ Hockey
Warrior: You've got to be joking...... you're telling me that all true hockey lovers need to satelite radio and cable, in order to be a TRUE fan. Give me a BREAK!
13:00:33 ·
update #1
well i live in the vancouver area and tonight i thought i would have been able to flip back and forth between the montreal /ottawa game and the toronto/calgary game but i noticed the french cbc network was not broadcasting the habs and sens....this is a joke..i know last season the CBC French was using RDS' (TSN's french version) feed to show games on saturday nights but this year it seems like no more....
Don't tell me my saturday night just got worse!...I mean we have TSN, Sportsnet and even Headline Sports has been known to show live sporting events...but yet on a saturday night when pretty much most of the Canadian teams are in action we are forced to watch Toronto only when Ottawa and Montreal also play at the same time?!
I am a huge hockey fan but not a real big fan of the Leafs (that's no surprise cuz normally alot of people aren't as well) but without that variety especially on a saturday night means my weekend has been shot!
I swear Toronto and all its fans must have some inferiority complex to try to pull this off...thinking that the the CBC can do this to try to get everyone in Canada to like the Leafs...well if anything they pretty much are pissing off alot people and I have a feeling the Leaf Haters will just grow and grow from this experience!
Well CBC Toronto, my wish is that the leafs finish dead last and they move to some remote mountainous region where everyone wont be able hear them brag about their recent stanley cup victories...oh wait a minute, that wasn't so recent , but yet why do they still think they won it last year and why does the CBC think they are Canada's team?
What Idiots!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-10-14 19:00:38
answer #1
answered by goaltenderforhire 2
Yup. I was just looking at that. I am not watching game one cuz that game sucks when there is a great Montreal/Ottawa game I would rather see. That is a great match-up, but there are 12 other games on today that I would rather watch than Toronto.
If CBC is so sure we want to watch Toronto then why aren't the other sports stations allowed to broadcast a competing game? It doesn't matter that you don't have cable on Saturdays. Oh, unless you wanted to catch the Toronto pregame propaganda, which you don't. They've even taken the French channel hockey options away from me. I use to watch Montreal in French all the time.
I might actually watch baseball, and it would be the first baseball game I watch this year. Guess I will just watch game 2 and only because Colorado is in it.
Zyb: Toronto Market? The game is national unless you live in Ottawa or Montreal. The jerks consider Canada the Toronto market. I just watched grapes so I can go back to the start of the next baseball game. Go Cards.
2006-10-14 11:03:52
answer #2
answered by JuanB 7
Look at HNIC's schedule. You'll notice that ALL but five of the Maple Leafs games are in HD. The other Canadian teams get scant HD coverage - usually ONLY when they play Toronto.
2006-10-14 13:09:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No, I don't hate Hockey in Night in Canada, but there are some things they need to get rid off. They got to stop being bias, as favoring Toronto, and Montreal to hog most of the CBC T.V. air waves. Secondly, they need to get rid of that annoying, interrupting overpaid host Ron McClain (ex-referee). I like Kelly Rudy. He does a better job and that's who they should replace Ron position for. He more polite and gets to the point unlike Ron who just keeps interrupting the question with a meaningless remark, question, you name it and then returns back to the original question. Yet, I understand they're target is to get the most viewers, but it's Canadian tax payers money, who funds the CBC network company.
2006-10-17 11:07:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm just going to watch the French CBC so I can watch the Habs game.
2006-10-14 11:38:07
answer #5
answered by ? 4
You should get Star Choice TV then. It has many different CBC channels which include Montreal. The Montreal game was shown on CBC-MONTREAL on Saturday.
2006-10-16 12:57:33
answer #6
answered by queenbee 4
I hate HNIC it is always the Leaf games they are not going to win the cup so show some real games HNIC not the liberal city of the dreaded TO
2006-10-14 15:27:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
With Don Cherry are you kidding me? CBC is pretty good but then again it really depends on WHERE you live sounds like you are in a Toronto market therefore you'll get the Toronto games. If you really love hockey either get XM radio or get NHL Center Ice.
2006-10-14 12:23:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Rhinobuck gave you to answer don't hate HNIC for showing what everyone wants to see. Although your right about the commentators everyone besides Ron and Jim Hughson should have been put out to pasture long ago.
2006-10-15 13:42:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i agree, bob cole&harry neale have to go, the only thing good about the cbc is don cherry, he always helps the kids. is montreal on french tv. i looked with no luck.
2006-10-14 11:50:38
answer #10
answered by jim m 3