You getting a boyfriend to take your girl's mind off her dad is a BAD BAD BAD idea on so many levels. It'll just make her feel even more insecure.
Get her to write him a letter, that way she can say how she feels. Make sure you send it where he can get it but the step-witch can't. Through a solicitor if need be. Also, a solicitor is a good idea for the Family Mediation. You could meet with him and her and get her to explain why. Having an impartial person in the room will stop you ripping her throat out. (I know. BTDT).
She's an utter b*tch. Fancy making someone choose! This is about your daughter and nothing to do with you, so why is she so p*ssy? Other than her being insecure, of course) And why is he such a wishy washy under the thumb b*stard?
If there's no luck now then you'll have to explain that it isn't a good time for him right now. Pile the blame onto the stepwitch so he still looks good in her eyes (v. important to a girl's well-being)
2006-10-14 10:32:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
i cant believe he would even consider her opinion in regards to his own daughter, he doesnt seem to be that bothered about his daughter, and i know its hard for you and your daughter, but after all this time if he really did want a father/daughter relationship he would have made the effort before now. its a bit late in the day to be saying oh well i would like to now, but have a dilema so what his daughetr should come first before any new partner, regardless of whether they have children together. i suppose you need to have a good chat to him and put your ultimatium to him that he either wants a relationship with his daughter now, or he doesnt that he has to make a choice now. and that he cant put the opinion of his partner before his daughter. and explain to your daughter what is going on and the whole process along the way. she will only find out in the end, anyway. so good luck and get him told as soon as possible.
2006-10-14 20:38:58
answer #2
answered by samantha s 2
Why does she want to get to know a man that doesnt care about her? That doesnt make any sense. Steer your daughter away from this as sweetly as possible. You just tell your daughter that her biological father is too immature to be a good influence in her life and there is too much negativity in his home for her.
Why would you even want to send her to a house that will harm her even more than her bio dad not being in her life!!! Dont even go there!!
Protect your daughter from harm! Forget about the guy and move on with your lives. :)
2006-10-14 17:28:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Most definitely My son does not see his father for the exact same reason and I have fought it till I'm tired of fighting because he (the dad) doesn't want too see him. Thankfully the guy I'm married too claims my son and he thinks that is his father. Its going to be difficult for your daughter but give it the best effort even if it is meeting at the park or for lunch while he is at work
2006-10-14 17:26:30
answer #4
answered by milliondollarbabe25 1
If he has to think about what to do, then your daughter is best away from him. So very very sad for her but your love and support will ease her upset.
If he values a relationship with a selfish ***** more than his daughter then I think I would know the answer x
2006-10-15 08:11:22
answer #5
answered by pinkkitten 3
your exs partner,needs a slap sorry she really needs too grow up what is she jealous,you say he now wants to see your daughter after 11 years wow,bless if that's what she wants too see her father and catch up on lost time bless her then yes i would fight it .this woman is very selfish for giving him a choice between him his wife and there children or your daughter she really his a sad cow...... i hope your daughter gets to know her dad i wish you both good luck ............................
2006-10-15 03:17:10
answer #6
answered by skye 4
i know its not easy, but if they were going to see the chil on a regular bases i would say yes, but at first have someone as a nutral person to set with them for a few times getting reaquainted takes time a to have the child understand whats going on and the after math will be A challenge. good luck
2006-10-14 17:23:02
answer #7
answered by jamai 2
its not up to u or ur ex's partner , ur daughter wants to see her father , does her father want to see her? if he does its a no brainer !!! She needs to see him !!! Personally I despise him for not gettin involved in her life b4 !! I think hes a peice of oops, granted i dont know the whole story but i dont have to he shouldve been involved in her life all along , but its really up to ur daughter , if she really wants to see him get to know him and have him in her life than its her right too!!!!!!!!
2006-10-14 17:25:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
your daughter will understand in a couple years that her dad is being rude. Try your best to keep your daughters mind off seeing her dad. Maybe if you get a boyfriend that she likes it will help. Keep reminding your husband that its not right that he never sees her and that it is breaking her heart, maybe he doesnt understand.
2006-10-14 17:22:47
answer #9
answered by tabatha1333 4
That's tough. Your ex's new woman must be a total ***** - how can she be jealous of an 11 year old.
But - you can't really force him to see your little girl. If he can't, or won't, then tell her the truth. I think she's old enough to understand.
2006-10-14 17:26:42
answer #10
answered by Hello Dave 6