I have never heard that before. Seems kind of ridiculous.
2006-10-14 09:57:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Im black ive been eating cereal like ever since i was 3 i think. and theres nothing wrong with my skin.
so what you heard is so untrue
2006-10-14 10:04:28
answer #2
answered by Danger! 3
Anyone can eat cereal.
The only way that someone could not eat cereal is if they have allergies. If you have allergies to certain foods than you should always read any ingredients on any food you buy.
2006-10-14 10:04:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Frosted Friday Flakes...?
2016-03-18 09:36:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If this is a honest question then it makes me very sad. I can't believe you're asking this. We're human beings, of course we can eat cereal, can't you? Why would we as a whole race be unable to eat anything? Its not like we have a different digestive system. If this was a joke, please grow up, if this wasn't, God help you.
2006-10-16 11:46:50
answer #5
answered by candy 3
ice cube tries to eat cereal in FRIDAY but he had no milk his dad told him to put some water on it but he didnt like that idea so i guess i dont know
2006-10-14 11:57:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
cereal is a universal food like rice
everyone can eat it
2006-10-14 10:02:24
answer #7
answered by Doctor 2
No im black (not dark as night, caramel) and i eat cereal for breakfast alot. Your friend doesnt know much about black ppl does she
2006-10-14 10:03:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That is totally obscured and racist, I think your friend needs to look in his or her own backyard and stop gossiping, How meen, Colored people along with every race out there eats and bleeds the same way white people do. That is so not right. ticked me off. I have had different raced friends all my life and I have seen each and everyone eat cereal. Maybe your friend is allergic to milk or something and blew it all out of proportion.
2006-10-14 10:03:25
answer #9
answered by djshellyfox 1
I think we eat cereal more than anyone. The truth is that there was some experiment done (dont know the details) and it was found that black people are prone to lactose intolerance. I dont know if it true for just us though....But, your friend is a dumbass.
2006-10-14 10:03:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous