No amount of tobacco use is healthy.
It does sound like your drinking is at an unhealthy level too, and the fact that you're asking if you're an alcoholic leads me to believe that you're concerned about how much you drink.
What would happen if you went a week without drinking?
2006-10-14 07:04:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Good question - the difference arises when you consider - can you stop if you want to or the price gets to high? if you can, then you are a hard drinker. If not, then you are an alcoholic. Remember (or know) that alcoholisim IS NOT the things we do or the amount we drink - it is a distinct enity that makes us unable to stop even when we should. The next important question is - do you WANT to stop - if you don't then have a great day and AA is here when you want us. if you do - go to a meeting - talk to another alcoholic and get to a good meeting and find out the answers to your problems and be happy joyous and free for the rest of your life!
2006-10-15 14:30:44
answer #2
answered by theboyzmom 2
One, you know its bad when you ask if this is healthy.
Two your liver is going to be shot in a few years. Welcome to acute renal failure. I'm sorry if this seems harsh but i deal with this at the hospital everyday.
So listen up. Go pour out your bottle, dry out and live to your fullest potential. I guarantee that after you are connected to a dialysis machine for eight hours out of your day and your hacking up pieces of your destroyed lungs then you'll wish you had stopped. If you have to ask after stating the above then you may still be in denial.
It seems you depend on the alcohol EVERYDAY. So yes. You are an alcoholic. Find your local AA before its becomes medically apparent that you are.
If you do not believe me answer the questions to the links below. They will tell you what you no doubt know already.
Please try to get help.
2006-10-14 14:27:29
answer #3
answered by lorrieface 3
In most cases, when a person asks if they have a drinking problem, they usually do.
Alcoholism is an incurable, progressive disease, ending only when the person decides to abstain from drinking. Only you can decide if you are an alcoholic. Go to an AA meeting and listen, then decide for yourself. If you decide that you aren't, continue drinking, and all your misery will be refunded.
2006-10-14 14:04:55
answer #4
answered by wildbill05733 6
Yes, you're an alcoholic as you already have figured out. And smoking is in no way healthy. The best to you in making some changes for yourself and those who care aout you.
2006-10-14 14:20:50
answer #5
answered by beez 7
Smoking is a no brainer, definitely no good. Drinking that much will also be very bad for your health. If you have to drink, moderation is the key.
2006-10-14 14:24:35
answer #6
answered by kidneyoperation 3
Oh man.
Does it affect your life in negative ways?
Drink is sweet, drink is good, but if it affects your life in negative ways, then you need to par down or stop altogether.
How about starting with drinking every other day? Try that.
2006-10-18 05:38:25
answer #7
answered by MotorCityMadman 3
Alcoholics go to meetings...drunks have fun! And for the smoking its a stress reducer! I say if your still kicking and loving it...ENJOY! Cause you never know what will happen.
2006-10-14 23:33:24
answer #8
answered by sparky_butt 3
alcoholics are typically in denial, so by asking whether you may be an alcoholic suggests that you are not. Your concern does suggest that you are aware that you are abusing the substance. Congratulations. Step 2..?
2006-10-15 10:01:24
answer #9
answered by Ronrros 1
If you think you are guess what? you are neither one is good for you try aa good luck I'll bet your wife would wish you would if you have a wife that is!!!
2006-10-14 14:25:25
answer #10
answered by 3