If you're not sexually active, you won't be pregnant.
Stress can definitely affect your menstrual cycle.
Losing a lot of body fat can diminish your cycle as well.
Female athletes lose their cycle due to lack of body fat.
Talk to your mom or doctor if you don't get your period soon & still are worried.
2006-10-14 05:19:02
answer #1
answered by Fraulein 7
OK sweety calm down, if you are not in any way sexually active and I mean NO SEX OF ANY KIND then do not worry. Your worry and stress can cause you to be late. Your studys at school are most likely the cause, being an honors students has to be stressful. My daughter also 13 at the time was 6 weeks late then had her period, it was a bit more painful then usual was all. Tell your mom in a frustrated voice that you wish your period would go ahead and start so you could get it over with. Ask her is she was always regular.
2006-10-14 12:06:51
answer #2
answered by picture 1
I'm 13 too and I 'm not sexually active either !! I havn't had my periods for 3 months !! I was really worried ! But I wen to the doctors and they said it was normal . Our periods don't get regular till we 're 14 - 15 and sometimes we can have big gaps of a couple of months ! I started about the same time as you ! Try not to worry ! I still worry a bit but it's normal . I'm just glad to see that i'm not the only one ! Hope this helps !
2006-10-14 12:04:05
answer #3
answered by La parisienne ! 2
I am a mother of a 14 year old. Anyhow don't worry if you are not sexually active, but do go to your mom if you are worried because she can make you feel better. Lots of things can make you late besides being pregnant and if you really are worried and all stressed out then you should talk with your mom. Sometimes our bodies change and our cycle changes. Sometimes there are medical reasons for this but at your age it probably is just stress or changes in your body. If you are really worried you should go get a physical...so talk with your mom. If you really can't talk with your mom then go to an adult you trust and have them go with you to your mom.
2006-10-14 12:09:42
answer #4
answered by kathyaguilar 1
Good news is your not sexually active,good for you and keep it that way!
More good news, your NOT pregnant since no sperm got inside of you.
And your probably just a little irregular,and its normal,mine is pretty unreliable,too. Stress can make it late and being an honors student is alot of work. Tell your mom,see your doctor but Im sure everything is fine.
2006-10-14 12:02:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
sometimes stress, not eating enough, excessive exercise, or anxiety can lead to irregular/late periods. the first few years of your period, it is more irregular than when you grow up more. you are still going through puberty and your body is changing and producing alot of hormones right now that might interact with your period. If you do not get it for a few months then I would be worried.
2006-10-14 12:04:22
answer #6
answered by blueberry-yum-yum! 3
There is nothing to worry, sometimes it delays as long as u did not have sex. Sometimes stress, anxiety will also be a reason. Do not keep thinking about it. Take MagPhos 12x in warm water thrice daily.(It is a tissue remedy). or take Pulsatilla 200 (Potency)(Homeopathy) just for 3 times a day (two pills) for 3 days. U will be alright. r u in cold place keep urself warm as much as possible. Good luck
2006-10-14 12:04:38
answer #7
answered by ketav 2
hm~ periods tend to be irregular for the first 2 years and some girls tend to have irregular periods for more than 2 yrs. Sometimes stress, starvation do affect our periods, so all you can do is to continue with your life and wait for your period to come. Periods can sometimes come in a few weeks earlier or later. So relax!! Its normal for periods to be irregular provided you are NOT sexually active..
Cheers! (=^.^=)v
2006-10-14 12:05:21
answer #8
answered by doomsdayfreak 2
This can be because of stress, weight loss, or being sick. Don't worry. As long as you aren't sexually active there is nothing to be worried about.
2006-10-14 13:01:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
relax,, everything is ok.. sometimes when females run a lot like in exercise, it will cause the peiods 2 delay.. but you are just starting into womenhood, it is normal not 2 be regular 4 a few years.. just enjoy your freedom of not having a peiod : )
2006-10-14 12:13:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous