a week, he had a party the police raided my home and arrested him. H e had illegal drugs on him and he was sent to prison. When I returned the condo association told me I had to pay $1,500.00 in sanctions. I paid the sanctions and assumed all was ok, wrong. It has been a year and a half and now my neighbors are taking me to court cause they want me to move. I recieved no charges in the raid and have never been in trouble with the law ever. I am 53 years old and Every month in the newsletter they still refer to my home as the suspected drug house, I cringe every time I see it. Is there anything I can legally do to stop this harassment? I am about out of money with the legal expenses and all. The court was open to all resedents and only 3 showed up the judge said he would not kick me out of my home as I was not here when the raid occured own But the harrassment still is ongoing. Every time I get a visitor they run out and write the license plate number down. it is my next door neighbor
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