Are they related or are they different? Are they actual unknown species of primates or are they simply humans playing tricks on others? How do you explain the non-human tracks and other traits attributed to them if they are just people who are dressed up?
I watched a documentary awhile back where a crew member did an experiment and was pretty convincing from a distance that he could easily pass as a bigfoot walking in the snow. But yet it was still left up to speculation in the end, even on their part.
Do you think anyone will ever know exactly what they are or is it better left to the unknown?
16 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Mythology & Folklore
In order to be myth, there must be an origin somewhere. Myths we have today have their basis in reality which were then exaggerated and/or elaborated on as time passed, and then they turned to legend. So the same would have to apply to this if they are indeed myth.
15:49:57 ·
update #1
studys by an expert in fingerprints and biometrics on the footprints showed that if BIGFOOT exists then it's not exactly a primate. I don't know anything about yeti, but it would not be unsual for north america to have large hairy animals. There were loads of different kinds before humans came along. The native american killed off a lot of the large hairy animals like the giant sloth. and there is some very famous footage of what is supposedly Bigfoot and although any human could put on a suit and learn to walk in a specific way, sceptics can't explain why you can see the muscles moving under the skin.
2006-10-14 12:47:50
answer #1
answered by Jegis H. Corbet 4
Oh sure they're real. on a similar time as maximum photos and video clips could be hoaxed and look somewhat real (Wild Creek massive foot photos), there are some real video clips (Patterson photos from bluff creek, Freeman photos, Pennsylvania albino bigfoot is a competent one there is not any way it somewhat is a masks, verify those out). this is in ordinary terms a count number of time till at last this species is formally discovered. Researchers in Siberia at the instant went on an day holiday and concluded that possibilities are high ninety 5% that bigfoot/yeti, is a real species and the main suitable consequences ought to be out quickly. yet in the top all you're able to do is pick for your self. As for me, there is no longer a doubt in my ideas that they exist.
2016-12-08 14:26:53
answer #2
answered by kulpa 4
My sister swears she saw a Bigfoot in the park areas near Bel Air Maryland. I believe her. Her story is that she was young and was walking in the wooded areas (my dad was a fish and game warden in MD and always took his girls out with him on their days off from school) She looked up and across this little brook/strswam there was a Bigfoot thing staring back at her. She was like some sort of comical wildlife documentary and then it ran off.
I feel certain these Sasquatches exist. If they didn't we wouldn't have an Indian name for them...."Sasquatch"...that actually predates American explorers. There wouldn't be stories of Washington State, New England, Florida versions of the same thing. They have to be examples of cryptozoos that have eluded capture and classification, otherwise they are examples of mass hysteria nation and world wide. I don't believe mass hysteria of the same stories are some random coincidental event.
Is it possible that Sasquatch and Yeti are related, like how the Kodiak and Polar Bears are?
2006-10-13 17:42:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Whatever they are, they are not apes. Apes could not evade "evidence hunters" like these do. The only time they are seen is by accident and never because someone was looking for them.
Even most human beings could not pull that one off. I would not say they are men or apes but a species unto themselves - a very intelligent race or creatures.
This is assuming they are more than people's imaginations.
2006-10-13 15:34:51
answer #4
answered by Victor ious 6
This creature is no Myth. I think that this creature Is real, but scientists have got to get on the ball with this one. this creature is from the ape family. although others might think of capturing bigfoot. Unless you are a scientist, It's best left alone.
2006-10-14 14:27:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think they are 'aliens'. There is some decent correlation between ufo sightings and bigfoot sightings in the same area around the same time. No one ever thinks to connect them because bigfoot is a big, hairy animal and could never pilot a 'space ship', right?
They are actually the genetically engineered servants of the lizard people who live beneath the earth.
2006-10-13 18:28:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2006-10-13 15:33:43
answer #7
answered by Josh S 7
i imagine they are related but then i imagine they are related to us, also. upright hominids aren't all that common, eh?
how they have evaded us so well is what amazes me. my imagination has fun with how they do it.
as far as their reality goes, i have seen and heard enough myself, or others have made such believable reports with photographs, that i think the evidence is in, just not the proof.
one winter a friend of mine saw one, that spring the local news showed photographs of footprints in the melting snow, and that spring and summer i heard something LOUD in the woods unlike anything i've ever heard before. it sounded like large machinery accellerating in reverse then losing it's transmission LOL
2006-10-13 23:56:32
answer #8
answered by velvt_wi 2
Bigfoot is a space Alien.
2006-10-13 18:16:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I believe there is at least one who knows what it is, and that's God (being all knowing).... BUT... to speculate... my belief is the same as my belief of UFO's, that they are demons. Fallen Angels, manifesting themselves as different beings.
2006-10-13 15:34:38
answer #10
answered by buckhouse_ryan 2