Depends on what state your in. For example, where I am in Bakersfield, California, we use Divisions I, II, III, IV, & V. Division I schools are virtually public schools who are either super rich to bring winning coaches over, or those who have a rich heritage in a certain sport (football, basketball, baseball, etc.) Division III schools are smack dab in the middle. They may not have the notoreity, but they compete well enough to be considered for local tournaments w/ Division I & II schools. Division V schools are high schools that have a very small student body, lack the money to support athletics, and/or suck at sports all together. Just using Bakersfield as an example. Some states recognize schools as 1A, 1AA, 1AAA, etc. to determine which region a school competes in... although it would also have to determine their rank among local and statewide opponents... Just a thought...
BTY, Division II schools up above are in between Division I & III status, and likewise for Division IV...
2006-10-13 13:01:23
answer #1
answered by morea1991 3
It goes by school population. The bigger schools would naturally have a larger contingent of players. Thus 5A or 6A would be the best and higher level of play.
2006-10-14 09:19:30
answer #2
answered by smitty 7