Yes when I was about 8 or 9 I was visiting my aunt in Tampa, Fla with my mom, sister and brother. I was asleep on a cot in the living room, my brother was beside me on a cot and my mom was on the couch. Sometime during the night I was awaken by the feeling of two hands on both my legs holding them down I was so scared that I was afraid if I called out that it would kill me so I kept quite. It finally let me go and I fell back to sleep. But not for long, my mom woke me up and said ''Lets go we're leaving here now. It was still in the middle of the night. She told us in the car when we were down the road a bit that something tried to smother her and the only thing she knew to do was quot scripture from the bible and when she did it let her go. I sure wasn't going to doubt her not after what it did to me.
Then about two years ago my youngest daughter was 9 and she always wanted me to stay up until she fell asleep. So when I would go to bed I would check on her to make sure she was asleep. One night I decided not to check on her since it was so late, I knew she had to be asleep so I went on to bed. About 2am she came into my bedroom and woke me up to say she had a bad dream, so I put her into the bed and we wnet back to sleep. I wanted to talk to her about her dream the next day but she had a friend come over to sleep so I decide to waite till the next day. Well when the next day came and she was ready for bed I had forgot to talk to her till then. She was getting into bed and ask me not to check on her that night because I woke her up the night before. I told her I didn't check on her the night before but had last night and she was like YES you did mommy, I didn't have a bad dream the other night I was just sleepy and wanted to go back to bed, you woke me up when you checked on me and I followed you back to your room. Well guess what it wasn't me she followed. As I said I didn't check on her that night and was asleep in my room when she woke me up to say she had a bad dream. So who did she follow????????
2006-10-13 20:04:30
answer #1
answered by Countrygirl 5
Yes I do. The house I grew up in was haunted by the ghost of my Great Aunt Tommy. She killed herself in the garage by carbon monoxide poisoning when she was eighteen. There were five places in that house that never felt right. The front bedroom was a southeast facing room that never got hot even when the temperature outside was over 100. She tried to use pills and was laid in the bed in there till the paramedics came. It was also her bedroom. The banister over the stairs in the attic never stayed bolted down (hung herself with a belt from there). You also always felt like someone was watching you and sometimes something would touch you when you were up there. It also rarely got hot up there and you definitely had cold spots. And the garage was some place you did not want to be. My Great Grand Father was the only person who could stand it in there for more than five minutes. The basement was also a strange place to be. Even the front of the house has a sad look to it.
To this day if I'm messing up by being with wrong guy I will dream about her and that attic. It's like she warns me from her fate. Sh ekilled herself over a man.
And when you look at all the evidence it proves, maybe not in the concrete way some like, but in an anecdotal and circumstantial way that they do exists.
2006-10-13 22:30:40
answer #2
answered by PasoBrio13 2
Yes I believe in ghosts. I have had many expereinces with them. My first real encounter was when I was 19 and living with my bf. We moved into an apt and a couple of weeks after moving there we would hear someone opening and closing the attic door and walking up the steps and walking around upstairs. I called the police three times thinking it was a burgular or a vagrant. After the third time they told me "Don't call unless you actually physically see someone"
One evening I was in the bedroom reading and my bf was in the living room. He heard someone in the kitchen clanking glasses and went in and found himself face to face with a white appariation.
That was 20 yrs ago, we moved out of the apt a few months later.
Now more recently. I moved into my apt about two months ago and a few weeks after moving in I was up rather late and found myself in bed around 1am when I saw a girl dressed in a flannel nightgown and cap (like something from Little House on the Prairie) walk beside the bed and then right into the wall.
The apt complex is less than twenty years old, I think the girl is haunting whatever used to be here. She did not acknowledge me so I don't think she's an intelligent haunt, just a residual.
I've seen her again a few nights ago and this time I had my foot out on the edge of the bed and when she passed thru it felt like someone rubbing an ice cube on my foot.
I have had some other experiences but too numerous to say right here.
Here is a link to my favorite ghost site if you want to share your experience and to read about other people's.
2006-10-13 19:26:31
answer #3
answered by neona807 5
I do believe in ghosts but have never had an experience.
I had a friend who claimed that his parents lived in a haunted house. He described the same kind of things happening that you have. The one story I remember is his mom was going on a trip and had her suite case in the living room, waiting to be loaded in the car, she out to start the car and came in for the suite case and it was laying open and all of her clothes were neatly piled around the room. Weird Huh?!
2006-10-13 19:20:39
answer #4
answered by Beatlegirl 4
I do believe in ghosts. The spookiest thing that ever happened to me was once renting a trailer, my three year old daughter told me that "grandma" used to tuck her in to bed every night. I was pregnant at the time and it really unnerved me.
Neither my mother nor either of my grandmothers were dead at the time so it couldn't be any of my relatives.
She always referred to her as "grandma"
2006-10-13 19:05:58
answer #5
answered by April J 4
I worked in a boiler room at a veneer mill and some guy had slipped and fallen into one of the water vats they used to heat up the logs--he was boiled to death by the time anybody could get to him. He was into throwing things--clipboards, brooms, rakes--you name it, if you turned your back it went flying across the room of its own accord
2006-10-13 20:56:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, while in New Orleans (Pre-Katrina) my 2 year old was talking to the wall in our hotel room, saying stuff like hi Dave, Ok dave... it was really creepy.
2006-10-13 19:01:05
answer #7
answered by Brooklyn Born Fella 2
why does everything, have to seem so negative, (i.e. the devil, or evil forces) to people, who just don't understand? It's sad that people can be so judgemental and closeminded. I believe, and work with relative and friends of those who have passed over.
2006-10-13 20:07:30
answer #8
answered by amber 5
Yes, I believe in them.I never seance one but on t.v.Plus I feel like I felt people being there all the time.Is that weired?
2006-10-13 19:02:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes i believe, yes i have seen them and had many experiences with them.
the ones that you are working with seem to be pretty neutral and just seem to be making their presence known. youprobally do not have anything to worry about.
2006-10-13 19:02:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous