wow - you really got people going with this question!! and what a variety of answers but none has told you the truth.
The facts of the matter are this - both men and women who have prolonged and continuous anal sex and large objects like butt plugs inserted frequently (and I mean a LOT) are at risk of having certain medical conditions which cause a collapse of some or all of the muscle wall. This is what can cause the anal leakage. It is also a risk (very small) for women through vaginal sex.
It has nothing to do with being homosexual and no one uses a cork - cos you would never get the thing out again!
It is a small risk but it can happen.
2006-10-13 10:58:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You actually have 2 sphincter. One upper and one lower and I can't honestly see anyone having that much anal sex (as in an actual TREND of this) that would ever be enough to damage BOTH lower and upper sphincter so much so that a cork would be necessary. Whoever told you that, was probably just looking for an excuse for the cork you found up their *** that they put up there because they LIKED IT THERE!
2006-10-13 11:30:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is true, I can't believe that so little people have heard about this. Anal sex reduces anal retention as the sphincter loses its natural elasticity due to being stretched unnaturally. 'Cork-like' structures called butt plugs have to be used otherwise your underwear might end up a bit browner than you would like!
2006-10-13 11:32:54
answer #3
answered by apple84 3
A cork? that would never be big enough for some of the queens I know!!!!
Maybe the bottle that the cork came from....
(Yes I'm a *****...hehe)
2006-10-14 08:17:43
answer #4
answered by harry_the_monk 3
HAHAHAHA.... That is false, young man. You feel free to go and have as much anal sex as you want to. Don't let those homophobic morons try to scare you. You are free to be yourself.
A little advice though.... a clean bottom is a popular bottom. Fleet Enema's... 99cents. Pharmacy aisle at any grocery store.
2006-10-13 10:48:13
answer #5
answered by Big D 1
I don't know where u heard that one dude!
I'm gay and I've never done and neither have any of my friends.
Ans as for you anus ... no anuses.... hole not closing properly, its not true. after anal sex the anus closes or goes back to it's normail size.
2006-10-13 18:47:54
answer #6
answered by Graham C 2
you r unrealisticley stupid. Don't bother stocking up on corks just yet. And don't believe everything you boyfriend tells you. He knows how much u love it that why and he's just trying to keep you from cheating on him. Actually it's true.
2006-10-13 10:48:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Lot's of thumbs down there, but not from me.
It is a very old belief, the way I heard it in the 80's as a kid was that they had to use Tampax to stop leakage.
Well, I'm not gay so can't answer from experience.
I will tell you this though, my wife's **** is as tight as the day I met her.
Her tounge is a bit looser though!!
2006-10-13 10:46:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
At Attica state prison in NY they issue cylindrical devices to all the inmates for this very reason.
2006-10-13 10:43:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I thought this was a gross question too... but I have also heard that.. I also wonder if it is also myth or fact.. maybe someone knows of a website or rl experience that could "disspell" this myth..
2006-10-13 10:46:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous