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Do you feel the Human rights Campaign is a worth whild cause? I am bidding on several items on ebay to benefit them. Would you support them.


2006-10-13 10:01:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

10 answers

Yes, IMO, I believe that the HRC is is an excellent organization and worthy of your eBay money and your donations. You should check out their site and sign up for their emails, they'll notify you when important matters of human rights are about to be decided by your politicians. They'll help you make informed decisions regarding voting on upcoming elections - knowing who supports your rights and who doesn't.

2006-10-13 10:12:07 · answer #1 · answered by emmie 3 · 0 0

Human Rights is a worthy cause on all levels. There are so many people in the world, who are not as fortunate as most Americans in the United States. A little bit mustard from many adds up to a lot and is quite beneficial. Because of Human Rights Activist and their supports; people have been feed and watered in times of droughts; removed from immoral prison sentences; elevated in living conditions; freed from slavery rather child labor or adult; provided with better living structures; and lead to the over turn of many regime type governments. You may not see it in it's initial stage, but someone, some day, will look up and thank God on your behalf.

2006-10-13 10:19:51 · answer #2 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 0 0

IMOHO (In my own humble opinion) HRC is not a worthwhile cause. They used to be, until they decided they were elitist and decided to shun 1/2 the gay population (the population that started Stonewall and Pride marches mind you) I'm talking about the Leather and Drag folks...Yes I'm one of them...

HRC though a lot of it's memberships are Leather and Drag folks but our voices is often quelled down as the ugly step sisters. It amazes me that they forget that Stonewall and the first pride marches was organized by Leather and Drag folks. We are almost always at the forefront of everything. in Washington DC When Whitman Walker (The HIV/AIDS clinic) was nearly bankrupt it was the Leather and Drag community that pitched in and helped resuscitate it by creating what now is known as Brother Help Thyself, who still today raise money for needy charities including and not limited to the Gay men's Chorus of Washington, Grandma's House and Pediatric AIDS/HIV care.

I don't see HRC doing that with their surplus money, they can operate out of a less extravagant building than the one they have now in the Heart of DC (Which is Primo Real-Estate) To me it is waste full spending.

It is my own personal opinion. While I agree that HRC has done many good things, I cannot in good conscience support them.

It is my own opinion. Feel free to air your grievance

2006-10-13 11:56:25 · answer #3 · answered by Tsar 2 · 0 0

I have been involved with HRC for more than 10 years now. It is because of the grassroots efforts of this organization that positive changes have been made in gay rights. HRC is the largest political organization in the U.S. dedicated to advocating for equal human rights. HRC helps mobilize individuals and groups in cities and towns all across the US to vote on important political issues as they pertain to the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community. For example, it is because of HRC's efforts that the antiquated sodomy law in Texas was overturned. Up until HRC went to bat for gays on this law, it was actually illegal for two men or two women to have sex together. In fact, in 1998 John Lawrence and his lover Tyron Garner were making love in the privacy of their Houston, TX home when police broke through their door and arrested them on sodomy charges. Apparently, a neighbor called the police, complaining of domestic disturbance. According to Lawrence this neighbor had never liked them, and periodically made slanderous remarks about the couple being gay. Lawrence's case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where the Texas sodomy law was finally oveturned. HRC helped mobilize individuals all over the US to make their voice heard on this issue. If it weren't for the efforts of HRC, the LGBT community would continue to suffer unequal human rights. PLEASE...join me and hundreds of thousands others in supporting the efforts of HRC.

2006-10-13 11:10:56 · answer #4 · answered by jasonseesall 2 · 0 0

Anything to educated people on this topic is worth the cause. There is so much hate and ignorance in this world that every little bit helps.

2006-10-13 15:40:44 · answer #5 · answered by JR 5 · 0 0

Yes, support human rights. Not everyone has the same rights as those living in "western" countries, life is quite tough. You rock!!!!!! Peace upon ya man!

2006-10-13 10:05:10 · answer #6 · answered by Janji 3 · 0 0

They run a very extensive website, which is useful for a lot of things. Beyond that...I have some very major issues with them. I don't think I'd contribute money, no.

2006-10-13 21:06:01 · answer #7 · answered by Atropis 5 · 0 0

Yeah, I would support the HRC.

2006-10-13 10:04:50 · answer #8 · answered by BuckFush 5 · 0 0

I'm involved in many ways.

2006-10-13 10:38:34 · answer #9 · answered by tammidee10 6 · 0 0

Human rights - yes
Perverted deviant rights - no

Homosexuality , incest , beastiality , pedophilia - NO


2006-10-13 10:23:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

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