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I have been going to subway everyday forr like a year..... i like it alot, but that just wayy too much money to spend. I get the turkey breast and ham, and was curious if anyone knew the type / brand of these meats.... thanks, for no meat i have tried yet is the same kind and is not as good.

2006-10-13 09:19:18 · 6 answers · asked by YahooAnswers 2 in Dining Out Fast Food

6 answers

Information about food suppliers is often proprietary and a closely guarded secret. If word got out where Subway gets their meats, then it would impact their business or copy-cat competitors would begin to appear.

Here's a link to Subway's ingredients:

Note, there's no information about where they get their meats.

You can always ask them the question at this link:

2006-10-13 13:50:09 · answer #1 · answered by HL 5 · 2 0

Subway, and most restuarant chains, usually get special orders from major farm factory owners, so their meat is not a brand name, just straight selected from the factories as a certain grade. It isn't easy to find the better grades of meat in the supermarket, but if it is sold, it's much more expensive (part of the reason you're paying more at restaurants).

2006-10-14 00:04:21 · answer #2 · answered by glacier_kn 3 · 0 0

I asked my wife she used to work at Slutway,that's what I call it. She said when it comes in it has no brand on it. It's prepacked in a subway label.

2006-10-13 18:33:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've always wondered that myself. But then again, things usually taste better from places like that.

Also for the comment about Slutway... why on earth do you call it that?

2006-10-13 19:09:40 · answer #4 · answered by Ril-Gania Veritas 2 · 0 0

Ham i think is much better turkey is too boney and hence more fat on flesh

2006-10-13 17:31:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-10-13 20:34:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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