My oldest daughter told me about a web site called ghost cam. When I pulled it up I chose to look at the live pictures of the Queen MARY ship that's suppose to be haunted, Well about 10:30 { according to the clock on the cam } there it was. I saw a couple of orbs and this foggy cloud came out of no where to the bottom left of the camera then suddenly disappear. Then it came form the right. Then the right again and you could see a figure in it this time of a man, Then it went up to the Carma and looked straight into it like it knew that I was watching him. It freaked me out so much I had to x out of it. If your interested in looking at it go to yahoo and type in 'GHOST CAM" then scroll down to the last one on the page that has the Queen Mary and click on and you will see the pool area of the ship and you will see maybe what I did. SCARY STUFF!!!!!!!
2006-10-13 20:17:03
answer #1
answered by Countrygirl 5
OK found out i was pregnant on Friday 13th that was good news then found out baby was not growing properly that was another Friday 13th and then lost baby on Friday 13th but i pulled myself out of bed this morning and so far Ive had a good day This is honest truth but it all happened 8 yrs ago
2006-10-13 13:31:53
answer #2
answered by angel 36 6
I think that alot of people have it in they're head that friday the 13 is an unlucky day and if you believe that, then ne thing unlucky that happens to you on this day you'll be all like see its friday the 13th..when ne thing can happen to you at ne time...its all in the head..if you tell yourself that your gonna have a bad day enough times, then guess what? your gonna have a bad day...
2006-10-13 13:31:07
answer #3
answered by lyss s 2
Do you mean 13th September? It has a terible horror in the Americas
2006-10-13 13:46:37
answer #4
answered by Andrew O 2
Nothing so far. Just boredom. There's a going away party at lunch today with pizza and cake. Thats pretty much the jist of my day.
2006-10-13 13:31:20
answer #5
answered by *Cara* 7
First day of adult learning course
First time out on my motorbike alone since passing test
Very low visability an rain for first ride
Mums birthday
Dad didnt pass on message to mum so now I cant see her till tomorrow and so she cant have her prezzie till then
2006-10-13 13:39:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's always been a luckey day for me....up till now. I called and asked what propane is going for and was told it's $2.99/gallon. Now I guess I'll have to think about moving since I won't be able to afford to heat my little house anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live alone and just can't do it on 2 jobs anymore. Talk about HORRORS!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-10-13 13:30:36
answer #7
answered by pinkrosegreeneyes bluerose 6
I wanna tell ya it was horrible I was at the store and reached for my Dr. Pepper got home opened it and it was nasty...thought it had gone bad...then i looked again and it said Berries and Cream....It's friday the thirteenth and its a horror story!!Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
2006-10-13 13:33:07
answer #8
answered by djmantx 7
My son was born on this day. Oct. 13 1963 but he was delightful and loved and not a horror...
2006-10-13 13:30:13
answer #9
answered by Carol H 5
FRIDAY THE 13th is just another day like friday the 5th
2006-10-13 13:33:22
answer #10
answered by K. B 2