That is cause hockey sucks.
2006-10-13 06:21:27
answer #1
answered by draftboyg 4
to espn hockey is not that important for these reasons:
1. they don't have the sole rights to the nhl footage. if you want to see a game you have to have cable or satelite. vs doesn't show many games.
2. the lockout. to them a one season lockout caused them some doubt as to whether or not they should continue to air the games and their highlights. what i mean is that the lockout hurt the nhl as they lost some fan base and the respect of this particular channel
3. lack of respect and interest in the nhl. the critics thought hockey was dead due to the lockout but they are wrong.
so yeah i think espn likes to talk about more important sports and topics besides hockey.
2006-10-13 23:13:47
answer #2
answered by notyouraveragesportfan 4
yes its true, its like they try not to give hockey the chance for the people to really start to understand the game and realize its the best sport in the world.
whats funny is when the NHL had its lock out ESPN wanted to try and create a new league if the lock out continued. and also the NHL has signed like a 5 year contract with ESPN just before the lock out and ESPN pulled the plug.
GO HABS GO!!!!!!
2006-10-13 23:08:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
ESPN has decided that hockey doesn't count and they are trying to show how important their channel is and they are doing everything they can to sink hockey. The last season they showed hockey they didn't even bother to adveritse. Preseason in any sport they show scores on the bottom line except hockey. ESPN bites the big one. I have a personal ban on them. I don't watch any of their channels.
2006-10-13 19:23:43
answer #4
answered by lidstromnumber1fan 5
ESPN gives the NHL no love and this OLN or VS channel that broadcasts the game on cable is a joke. They are showing two guys bass fishing now. You are forced tom buy the NHL Center Ice package on Direct TV if you like the game at all. Even if you have that comcast in Philadelphia does not show any games on Direct TV because they are a cable company and at war with the dish. So you never get to watch Forsberg play which I do not think is a great way of marketing the game when one of its most creative players can not be seen.
2006-10-13 15:25:59
answer #5
answered by messtograves 5
They don't have the broadcast rights to it anymore so they give it no air time. If they still had the broadcast rights you would see it all the time. As to the oh you need to have NHL Center Ice if you like hockey naw I have cable. I have FSN with Fox Sports Pittsburgh to watch my Penguins. I don't care about the other teams as far as wanting to sit around and watch every teams games.
2006-10-13 19:08:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
#1 Hockey does not suck, it is one of the best sport. Fastest sport around, try keeping up with the puck and the skaters keeps you involved with the game.
ESPN only cares about their ratings and hockey people do not get to do the ratings only the boring people who like to watch POKER more thahn a real sport.
2006-10-14 13:34:57
answer #7
answered by papabear569 2
I agree with you. Like there is the NFL Network in the USA there is the NHL Network in Canada. In the USA they won't allow access to the NHL Network. I also wish they would allow access in the USA for TSN {The Sports Network} and Rogers Sportsnet on USA satilite dish networks. THen we would get all the hockey news and hilites 24/7 like football fans get with the NFL Network.
2006-10-13 15:59:20
answer #8
answered by brian57 3
Hockey doesn't get much air-time from ESPN
2006-10-13 14:12:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
If the top 3 retards that posted don't like Hockey then why post here and wreak it for those who do...
2006-10-13 17:33:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
All i have to say is hockey is one of the best sports in the world, and it takes alot of hard work and effort to become good.
And even though i grew up at an ice rink, i dont see why hockey is pointless or sucks cause i'll i have to say is it makes alot more sense to me then football!!
2006-10-13 13:52:19
answer #11
answered by dreamscrushed 3