My Ieft hand and I totally agree with you!!! We are all human and we all deserve to be treated with respect. At the risk of sounding cliche I have to say that sexuality is fluid and how you define or label your sexual preferences has nothing to do with whether or not you are a "good" person. I am really sick of bigoted notions being supported by the Bible. Let's face it. The Bible says a lot of ****. It condones slavery and many other antiquated philosophies. Does that mean that it was OK to have slaves? Hell no. Even though being on this website consistently proves otherwise people like you make me hopeful that one day we will live in a world where people are free to make their own decisions without being judged or condemned to Hell.
Keep your head up sister and stay positive!!!!
2006-10-13 07:49:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you 100%. Homosexual, bisexual, straight, we're all humans and should have the same rights.
However, it is interesting to note that there was a time when lefties were seen as evil. As people learned more about them, this went by the wayside. Nowadays, when people find out about this little tidbit of history, they laugh through the centuries at those who persecuted left-handed people. How could anyone be so foolish and naive?
Proof of what causes homosexuality may lead to acceptance and awareness. (I, for one, need no proof or rationale. People are how they are. That's it.) One can only hope that perhaps people in the centuries to come will look back on the homophobes of today and laugh while shaking their heads and saying, "Silly, foolish, naive people..."
2006-10-13 03:56:38
answer #2
answered by Avie 7
Very well said!
But I want to put another question.
Even if it is a sickness as many of them say, it is not contagious. How do we harm society in any possible way? It doesnt take lots of brains to realise that a child watching Will and Grace will turn gay....besides we are one of the friendliest groups of people out there...we always try harder, we are more likely to be educated, we dont beat people up or try to steal their wallets...Bruce Willis can shoot at people and blow things up, but this is safe for children to watch I is more likely to make them "men".
Even if they dont like our way of living...why the hell do they insist so much? Is it the bible? There are thousands of sins carried out daily, cursing, swearing etc...I dont see anyone going out bashing those who hate...homosexuals is just the new fashion for the bigots I guess.
I really can t see why me and my partner, whom I am in love with, can possibly affect society and other people's life in by sleeping with him and sharing my life with him? how can a personal thing between two people be so bad? anyway...I just cant wait for the day where saying ******* is going to be illegal and an abomination. And this day is coming whether the psychopathic fundamentals like it or not.
2006-10-13 06:15:24
answer #3
answered by Nostromo 5
Well, it doesn't matter to me.. It doesn't matter to my Straight friends, it doesn't matter to my gay friends...seems to matter to very few people, actually, and we are seeing discrimination ebbing daily. Soon, homophobes are going to be out on a limb by themselves...actually, I think they already are. The atrocities committed by them have NOT gone unpunished. The word is out that hate is not so popular any more, and with a new crop of kids coming up (and out), things are changing fast. Here, appearances are not reality. Here, one person speaks as many, but we who are here often know what is going on. It is a shame that so many newbies are driven away, but that is life in the fast lane. There are always new places to go and new things to see. Good luck to are a shining point of sanity in this section, and have been for some time. Goldwing110083 (the real one)
2006-10-13 05:35:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Very good point!!! The bottom line is that people who judge other people based on their sexual orientation or have a problem with it, obviously have psychological problems of their own. I don't understand why anyone would put energy into making another human beings life miserable because they don't agree with their lifestyle. I personally don't agree with a woman who waits on her man hand & foot, cleans & cooks & is treated like an employee but I'm not going to call her names or picket her front yard. The joke is on the judgmental people of the world. They are the ones basking in their own unhappiness. How can you ever find inner peace when your happiness is dependant on other people's choices?
2006-10-13 04:01:48
answer #5
answered by Nunya 5
Good point. but in many cases, being a lefty was regarded to be wrong or deviant in the past, it goes to show how 'deviance' and what is 'normal' is a social construct.
2016-02-13 05:59:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It matters. If the cause is found to be genetic, then you'll start seeing abortions when a genetic marker is found in the fetus.
Would abortion be the right thing? I don't know. But I do know the gay community never objects to abortion on demand UNTIL the topic of genetic markers comes up. Then they're 100% against.
Secondly, if a genetic cause is found I guarantee you that sooner or later a serum will be developed to "cure" homosexuality. Just how will society handle that? I envision serum squads forcing people to take the drug. Watch the movie Equilibrium.
Ignoring those two things. No, it doesn't matter in the scheme of life if you're living in a vaccum.
Go ahead thumb me down. Keep living with your head in the sand. There are REAL consquences to this stuff that will impact you and everyone else. So kill the messenger if it'll make you feel better.
2006-10-13 04:02:51
answer #7
answered by it 3
This is the first time today I see a question in here with some intelligence attached to it. Thanks, there is still some hope ;-)
I keep my answer short. I completely agree with you. It does not matter!
2006-10-13 04:51:16
answer #8
answered by Bloed 6
Sista, you are preaching to the gay choir. I feel ya, it's not going to make any difference if we slap the haters in the face with proof positive, they would just close their eyes.
And to the "lady" above me, the word is accepted. We are already excepted, we don't need that.
2006-10-13 03:54:30
answer #9
answered by jrayhp 4
It doesn't matter except to shallow, ignorant right wingers. Great analogy by the way. I agree completely!
2006-10-13 03:55:36
answer #10
answered by Gene Rocks! 5