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if you have the ability, just read through this.
it explains a lot of thing, also why he uses unbrellas in the shade.

its a shame so many people hate someone who has done so many wonderful things for the world, for music, for dance, for children, all because of the way he looks and due to reading made up stories about him in the tabloids.

look at this too


2006-10-13 02:37:19 · 43 answers · asked by mj_junkie86 3 in Entertainment & Music Music

may i remind you ignorant narrow minded pathetic people that MJ was found NOT GUILTY by a court of law.
even on the lesser counts he was found NOT GUILTY.
sayin he does anything to children or implying he does is slander and is against the law.

2006-10-13 02:41:54 · update #1

you will see that only one child accused him of anything.
this was "backed up" by the boys brother who "saw" them. even tho the boy changed his story to make it worse and worse and the case went on.
then low and behold the mother is committing fraud. humm... makes you wonder doesnt it.... fraud.... getting money from michael....

the boy from 93 always said that MJ did nothin to him, until his dad a dentist done some work on his with a drug that is NOT used by dentists as it gives you the power to affect peoples minds when they are out.
ie you tell them they were up on a space ship and they'd come round from the drug swearing blind they were.
i wish people would do their own research before making judgement about him.
iit only shows peoples willingness to accept anything that is thrust upon they by the media, thats really pathetic

this artical will explain and fill in the gaps of the things u (clearly) didnt know. http://members.aol.com/mjnfc/pageone.html

2006-10-13 02:50:48 · update #2

43 answers

Finally a smart person on yahoo answers! You actually have a brain of your own and you use it, instead of just believing everything the media tells us!! If these haters would read the transcripts of the trial then they would know what a joke all the charges were!! So he has Vitiligo he can't help it! As for the plastic surgery 99% of celebrities get plastic surgery, it's his money and his body so he can have whatever plastic surgery he wants!! These MJ haters are no better than the people who hate blacks or gays, it's all based on ignorance and jealousy!!

♥♥We Love You Michael!!!!♥♥

2006-10-13 06:54:36 · answer #1 · answered by ♥Stranger In Maine™♥ (Thriller) 7 · 0 2

You're begging for stars on behalf of Michael Jackson? Pathetic. Where was the defending of him before he died? Everyone came out the closet after he died. Too late now. Three years ago this section wasn't thinking about MJ. Now all of a sudden, people want to love him, should have showed him respect when he was ALIVE. Thank goodness he's no longer suffering from no good back stabbing pieces of sh*t. Edit: You say I'm judging, but yet you call me a hater. I'm not even a MJ hater. I was directing my comments towards the majority of answers, not specifically you. What the hell is there to be jealous of? Give me a good reason to be jealous of him. You can only be jealous of two things, appearance, and materialistic things. I want none of what he had. What makes you think i'm a hater. The fact that when he dies, he's a savior all of a sudden. People never appreciated him when he was alive. People will continue to hate him, you can't change other opinions.

2016-03-28 07:23:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't have anything mean to say about Jackson. I'm aware of all the time & effort he puts into his involvement with global charities. I understand why he needs the umbrella. There are many other people who require shade. It's the big, fat "Umbrella Guy" I find hysterical. It seems he's the only person seen holding parisols over Jackson's head and he's never been observed doing anything else. Imagine what his resume must look like! But I digress. Back to Jackson......I'm especially impressed with Jackson's multi-million dollar contributions to Liz Taylor's numerous AIDS Charities. A very gracious and noble deed.

2006-10-13 02:54:29 · answer #3 · answered by Ozzie B. 6 · 4 1

Ok, if we just say for arguments sake that Michael has vitiligo. Fine, but you being a great fan of Michael surely will have noticed the changes to his face from when he was younger to Off the Wall to now. We can explain the skin colour to Vitiligo. What about the changes to his face? From a quite normal wide nose to the ridiculous upwards, pointy, bony nose. His whole face structure has changed to ridiculous proportions, where before he looked like a quite attractive black guy to a caricature of himself. How do you explain that? And yes unfortunately if you have an unhealthy obsession with kids, everybody is going to think that is weird. Even if nothing happened at all. If you did the same, sleeping with kids in the same bed etc, you would probably have been sent to jail already. No argueing over his music legacy. The guy used to be a genious, but after Thriller, or maybe parts of Bad he has rapidly gone down hill. If he had had the decency to stop when the trouble started rearing its ugly head, he would still be considered a genious, but now unfortunately he is a joke. And not a very funny one !!!

2006-10-13 02:52:16 · answer #4 · answered by Scorpius 5 · 5 3

He doesn't need to be Guilty of Anything in a legal sense to be a strange person whose "creepy" traits far outnumber his "admirable" ones.

1) Pop music genius (although his style played out in the '80s)
2) Philanthropist
3) (Add any admirable traits you can think of--since I can't come up with anymore...)

1) Never ending parade of facial surgeries (all denied)
2) Living in an amusement park (which other adult ever did- besides Willy Wonka?)
3) veils, veils, veils!
4) new obsession with women's high heel shoes and handbags
5) obsession with and sleeping in same room with young boys not his own children (name another adult who does this and is NOT in jail for it.)
6) Paying the maid to bear your kids?
7) dangling children from 3rd floor balconies??
8) the singsong "little girl" voice he uses instead of his real tone

Nobody "WANTED" to hate Michael Jackson. Its simply that the weight of his bizarre behaviors left 99% of everyone wondering if he hadn't been possessed by aliens or something.

If this list described George Clooney, then I'd answer the question the same way.

2006-10-13 02:59:04 · answer #5 · answered by chocolahoma 7 · 5 2

I dont hate him i grew up on hies music, but i dont like what hes become, the man is strange and i DO believe hes a child molester. No one will change my opition on that, you have your opition i have mine and most the people i know agre with me hes not right and at the very least he should get help, as he is obviouslt not right in the head, its HIS children i feel sorry for having to go out with veils on there heads and being dangled out of windows! Get a life and support someone who desrves you!!

2006-10-13 06:54:01 · answer #6 · answered by welcome2whereyouare 4 · 1 0

what are you so defensive about MJ. Are you related in anyway. Yes MJ was ,like i said was a great entertainer. He did a lot for the music world. But when a man who has gone thru 380 million dollars in 47 yrs , dont you think there is something wrong with this picture. There is nothing wrong with a person being gay straight whatever but it is totally wrong to violate a young boy whether he is white or black or hispanic or what. A child molester is a chid molester no other way around it. Dangle your own child out a 3 story balcony. That should tell you he hasnt got a stable mind. He left this country because he was getting ready to be indicted again. you go on with your beliefs if you want thats your right to. but to try and convince the rest of th world youre in the wrong there.

2006-10-13 02:44:43 · answer #7 · answered by duc602 7 · 5 4

Sure all the kids he molested are lying! and the pornographic pictures they found weren't real, the video footage where he was holding his baby over a balcony was made up, Come on Kid... yeah I'm sure there is a good side to him, but he needs help, and maybe even some jail time... People that do this to children whether they have money or not should be reprimanded! As for his skin disorder, yeah it sucks and maybe the rest of the world should be more educated on it but it doesn't mean that because he suffers everyone else has to, ecspecially those poor innocent children!

2006-10-13 02:50:46 · answer #8 · answered by Amanda F 2 · 4 3

Are the non-ignorant Michael Jackson haters allowed to answer this or read the link, please clarify ?

Do you have a locked room in your house where you share a bed with teenage boys. I sure don't

he can write,sing and entertain, yes definately. But don't defend the human, it makes you look silly.

help me here, is calling us ""ignorant narrow minded pathetic people " slander or libel ? Just want to know for the note to my lawyer. I've a tad suspicion its libel.

Its great to see that you acuse everyone of believing anything thrown at then from the tabloids and then point us to a private (who knows who ) AOL webpage...yep, that sure is going to be genuine thoughtout science isn't it. Do you include CNN, reuters and the BBC in the "tabloid" pot

and his skin looks nothing like the webpage you pointed us to. If you've got an arguement that can stand up to more than a 5 minute test lets hear it

2006-10-13 02:49:09 · answer #9 · answered by Michael H 7 · 5 3

I have never hated MJ. I also believe he has never abused a child. But when he put his child out the window that scared me a little because he wasn't think of his child's immediate safety. But I know his a great father like my brother they share a lot of planets and are both misunderstood. Michael was robbed of his fame and pop crown. His name will remain forever smugged. It's a shame.

2006-10-13 02:47:22 · answer #10 · answered by jp78 3 · 4 1

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