i always liked boys, always ercet if see a cute guy, always feel h*rny in gay porn, but when seeing girls and women i just think of how good they look like sexy, hot, cool and i love girly stuff and im copying legally blonde. sometime i play dress up in my room and i love girl stuff like makeup, shopping, pink, fashion. but im curious becasue few times when guys start balh blah about girls make me think liking girls is bettter and that what everyone think so.
29 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
I am a lesbian and just because I am doesn't mean that I don't know a hot guy when I see one. Does he turn me on? NO! Do I want to sleep with the hot guy? NO! If you are gay then be who you are. Just because you see a hot girl that you think is sexy doesn't mean you have to sleep with her or want a relationship with her. It's admiration!
2006-10-13 02:09:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry about what everyone else thinks and concentrate on what you feel. If guys excite you more than women, you may be gay. You may also be bisexual but more towards the gay end of the scale. Before you slap a label on yourself, take some time to explore who you are and what you like. Spend time with people of both genders and if you don't live in a city where you feel safe openly and honestly exploring, move. There is always room for you in NYC or SF.
2006-10-13 09:35:43
answer #2
answered by aibnyc 2
Quite honestly from the little information you give us I have the impression that you may be gay or bisexual and that you may have some gender issues. As I have no idea about how old you are it's almost impossible to give you good advice. What I have noticed is that you are easily influenced by your peers. In the coming years you will have to learn to know your own mind. Liking girls just because your friends do seems to be a recipe for disaster. I think you should seek counselling to help you deal with these issues. Try to find somebody neutral and sympathetic.
2006-10-13 10:49:04
answer #3
answered by Augusta B 3
Depending on your age, you may just be going through the natural phase of curiosity.
If you're older, then, darling, you're bisexual.
I really hate words like homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual.
Why can't we just be plain sexual beings like all animals are created to be?
Sometimes you do it for procreation, which means, at least right now, has to be Male and Female. Then sometimes, you just wanna have fun! Then, it can be either.
I think we put WAY TOO MUCH emphasis on labeling people and have little slots that everyone MUST fit into.
Blarney...it's time for a REAL sexual revolution in this country!
Sex is not dirty or unnatural. It's the most basic natural behavior; and it should be enjoyed and participated in as much as possible.
2006-10-13 10:22:19
answer #4
answered by DanZ 2
The confusion you're dealing with is not something uncommon in alot of people, specially young people. Deep down inside you know you have particular tastes and particular desires, but you're dealing with doing what you'd like, and doing what others might think is right or wrong. In the end, you have to be true to yourself, because it is the only way you will find peace of heart. Go with your heart......not with what society dictates. You already know that you have a little of both.....you like guys, but you also have some curisousity about girls. The question I have for you is, do you see girls as curiousity simply because of the way they look in certain clothes, the way they wear their hair and maybe the cool shoes and accessories they use? Or do you see them physically attractive? There is a difference. Once again....go with your heart, regardless of what others might think. Best of luck with your decision.
2006-10-13 09:11:19
answer #5
answered by Ralph 4
No Dear Brother,
You are not a gay and i think you should be happy that you like something in girls. some times we like males not because we are gay but because they are so good and that time we think as they are just like our brother or a father.
that's not a gay thing. leave it and be happy in life be natural god make this world with so many natural things and also one more thing. think about bad, cruel and repast then you decide not all man are good. some are good but some are bad too. mind it and be happy in life like a man.
bye & take care
2006-10-13 08:51:13
answer #6
answered by Gagan Sawhney 2
So glad to see you still going with the 'ercet' version!!! lol
Come on, relax! Do what you want to do lest you will regret for the rest of your life. If girls attract you, try them - touch, hug, sniff, lick etc. If they repel you, go with the boys.
2006-10-13 08:45:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Like I said before you can find beauty in humans of either gender.
As far as how you feel about boys. Yes you are gay.
It is completely normal that you are in touch with your female side. If you like to dress and all of that. That is you and that is normal for someone to do that.
2006-10-13 08:49:05
answer #8
answered by Dwayne 4
You have a rainbow in your Avatar. I'd say that makes you gay - regardless of how you feel about dudes or chicks.
2006-10-13 10:20:35
answer #9
answered by Forgiven 3
I don't even know why any of us would bother to write an honest, meaningful response.
You're just going to keep posting the same BS every day.
2006-10-13 09:53:11
answer #10
answered by jrayhp 4