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31 answers

My views on you? I have too little information to make a judgement.

However, there are some key things in the nature of your question. That you asked it at all is one of them. Perhaps you are looking to find out how judgmental people can be, (although I imagine you already know that.) Perhaps what drives you to ask is that you want to come out about it and are looking to see what kind of reactions people will have to someone "owning up" to their past. Perhaps you are concerned that you will not be trusted or accepted.

Another significant thing is that you say you are an ex addict. That says to me that you have had tough choices to make and have worked hard to be where you are now, and perhaps that you feel that you have not been well-enough supported or acknowledged for what you have achieved.

I find it interesting that you ask what kind of upbringing you have had.I can't imagine that you believe that many people will immediately brand you as coming from what may be a cliche-d and stereotypical background because it is well known that people who have become addicted to substances get there through all kinds of routes and from very different starting points. At one extreme, we regularly hear of celebrities or people from privileged backgrounds having the problem to deal with, and at the other, there are people who come from poverty-stricken, squalid, emotionally barren and abusive backgrounds. But between those two extremes is a whole range of human experience and situations that can just as easily, with the right, (or wrong) combination of circumstances, lead a person to a place where s/he have to deal with an addiction.

Well done for having the strength to overcome your problem. I am sure it wasn't easy. I hope you are able to find whatever acceptance and understanding you need, and that you can find greater reserves to cope with some of the prejudices you may still meet.

2006-10-13 01:00:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best way to get back your ex is https://tr.im/yJuWL

Here's the hard part: Pretend she never existed, like it was all a dream, don't call her, that will make you the smaller person, be the bigger person since you deserve better, what she did to you on Valentines Day was immature, especially after dating for four years. This person wasted allot of your time and through it out the window. Go out tonight, even it it is only yourself, don't drink and call or feel sorry for yourself, this will only cause you embarrassment! I know your hurting..This will eventually will go away in time. Today is not a good day for you and your emotions are spinning all over the place.

Please, whatever you do, don't answer her calls and don't call her. If she keeps calling, which she pro bally won't, don't return her call for 5 days. Make her sweat and DO Not get back together right away if you discuss this in 5 days. Tell her since she Broke up with you, you have done allot of thinking, and had the taste of "being single again" and you would like more time being "friends" for now, so you are sure you are making the right decision. Remember "She decided she didn't want to be with you" so the door is open for you to get out and see what you have been missing for four years. You honestly need to do this for yourself.

She doesn't know, but what she did was give you the best valentines day present you will ever get! A new start and a new beginning, use it to your advantage. You will look back on this and Thank God this happened now instead of 4 more wasted years of YOUR life. Today does suck, stay Strong and I promise you your life is going to be so much more exciting and you are going to be happy. If you continue to call and call her, she will think of you as needy and won't want you. She is going to rethink what she did to you today and will be hurt, if you act like you could care less. Girls always want the ones they can't have. That is who you are now to her. Let her suffer,realizing what a mistake she made. This will drive her crazy. Right now she is on cloud 9 thinking you will take her back, OH, is she stupid!

Your life isn't ruined, hers is..She lost someone special, and gave you a gift to let to live life and find someone you deserve. You are not getting back at her, your teaching her what an idiot she is and what she lost and what you gained without her. SO when You eventually talk to her, tell her thank you for what she did...
She will be hurt and you will be happy!

2016-07-19 11:50:50 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Rarely a gun has been held against your head to take drugs. For whatever reason you dont believe you could walk away/say no. Your upbrining for whatever reason didn't give you the knowledge or beliefs to stop it.

You could have come from a very posh background, private school and doing lines in the toilets to the stockroom, or you could have been in some public toilet on some sink estate, no job, a dealer and prob user too. Could be you at the wrong party and get introduced to the wrong people.

People talk of addictive personalities, which could have some merit, people react to medecine in different ways and the same possible for illegal drugs. But at that point its too late.

2006-10-13 01:45:03 · answer #3 · answered by budda m 5 · 0 0

your still a person question is what kind is hard to tell from just this. the fact you kick the habit make me think you have found your own personal answer wasn't the drugs but something else. As to your up bringing u are problay like most not getting the answers you needed in life so you went looking and found out that drugs were it for the time you enjoyed them. Now your at a new stage of life and hopefully you have started in a new direction to look for answers. you may not find the answers you want but the journey is more than just a trip it is an adventure if you choose to look at it like that. highs and lows and inbetweens it all there if you look at the big picture

2006-10-13 00:03:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am unable to form a view on the sparse information you have provided. There is some indication that you have an addictive personality and perhaps a need to escape from a perceived difficulty with yourself and/or others but this is just a guess. I hope you are now on the road to recovery and wish you all the best.

2006-10-13 00:02:36 · answer #5 · answered by paul h 4 · 0 0

Since you ask I'll assume that you are a pretty typical case. Brought up in a rough, ill educated, but streetwise environment. Felt obliged to act tough, confident and knowledgeable. Got into drugs through peer pressure at about 12 years of age; this led to crime and contact with seedier elements to finance your addiction. You are now analytical and self-aware, but find it hard to feel at ease with others. You felt absolutely terrific for a while, but this is wearing off as you find it difficult to integrate in to society and earn a decent wage. You are told that you have to accept responsibility for your situation and you do, though you have niggling doubts that the system is at least partially to blame. You have to avoid all temptation to drugs and alcohol, and realise how easy it would be to slip back into your old ways. You are told that you have an addictive personality, and understand it to be manageable but true.
This is accurate for someone but possibly miles off in your case. At the end of the day, if you are clean and trying your best, good luck to you. You will find that while you are clean many people will find you cool, but this will not help with the practicalities of life's problems, and, as you probably realise, the masses are notoriously fickle.

2006-10-13 00:25:16 · answer #6 · answered by Silkie1 4 · 0 0

If you are satisfied living in a sick society without taking drugs or Prozac or being alcoholic then you are a junky. If you are taking drugs to feel good then you are a junky again! The drugs are products for those who don't like this world and that's why they usually kill. If you managed to stop them then you should be strong because the most addicted people die.
There are some good things left I thing such as love(it doesn't kill).
Never mind the bollocks...

2006-10-13 00:46:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You got into a bad situation and have managed to find the strength to get out of it. I can't even give up drinking coffee, so i'm full of admiration.

As for your upbringing, who knows? Statistically speaking, you're more likely to have had some kind of trauma in your childhood or adolescence but there are any number of reasons why you went down the path you went down. You could equally have been a posh kid, rebelling against your pony riding, country club frequenting childhood. Who knows?

2006-10-12 23:55:16 · answer #8 · answered by Katya-Zelen 2 · 0 0

drug addiction shows no mercy for social back ground, emotional stability etc. I have no opinion of you other than you had an addiction and have hopefully come out the other side of it.
You did well and should be commended for it, but be aware that because you were an addict does not make you an ex-addict, no more than me giving up smoking makes me an ex-smoker. I will always be a smoker.

2006-10-14 10:26:01 · answer #9 · answered by Janey1973 2 · 0 0

So is my brother, it's hard to see him go through it!. He had a pretty good upbringing, parents divorced when he was 16 but his addiction started way before, I'm not sure what upbringing you had but it can happen in the worst or happiest of homes.

2006-10-12 23:53:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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