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You guys have got me thinking about South Africa more than I have in years.
You also know what I think of your present so-called government.

Realistically speaking - without the usual cheerfulness in spite of the dark reality - what happens to South Africa in the next 10 years or so?
I know the usual suspects will insist that the country is being run by misunderstood saints, but really, all B.S. aside, what happens to the land of gold and diamonds in the coming decade?

2006-10-12 23:43:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

gem - no, baby, I live in New York.

2006-10-14 08:36:34 · update #1

poepies - interesante antwoord.
Die rede hoekom die swartes ANC stem, is die selfde rede dat wit mense meer as veertig jaar vir die Nasionale Party gestem het.
Die Nats het wit Suid Afrikaners bang gemaak met 'Die Swart Gevaar'.
Die ANC doen die selfde. Hulle maak die swartes bang met stories van 'Die Wit Gevaar'.
So lank as hulle as 'Freedom Fighters' gesien is, en die die kriminele en terroriste wat hulle eindlik is, sal die swartes enige bangmak en kak storie glo wat die ANC hulle vertel.
VIGS maak wit mense dood, u is reg, maar dis meer gevaar vir die swartes, want daar is baie meer van hulle.
Hulle beter baie gou wakker word.

Zuma SAL jou volgende president wees. Jammer. Ek wens dinge beter vir julle word.

2006-10-16 00:44:57 · update #2

'nie die'.

2006-10-16 09:11:34 · update #3

Hello Kitty - U is New York? Fantasties is dit nie?

2006-10-18 08:31:10 · update #4

21 answers

There are a number of real problems facing SA not the least of which is HIV/AIDS and the ANC. The AIDS pandemic will be a massive drain on SA's resources if properly dealt with and given that Public Health Institutions are in a mess, less than 20% of SA's population have access to Medical Aid and the attitude of the ANC through Dr Beetroot you wonder if it will be dealt with. Assuming it is not then millions are set to die with an inevitable drain on the human resources of the Country. Life expectancy in SA has already dropped by a phenomenal number of years. The ANC are set to rule the Country for the foreseeable future with no other political party any where near the support they get. The current leadership are focused on getting rich quick and living in the past.Everything is/was the fault of Apartheid and the "struggle" stories will soon be the subject of a Hollywood drama. Accepting that the core belief of South African politics via the ANC is Communism then there is a likelihood of link ups with Russia,China,Iran etc but that will not be for the betterment of ordinary citizens. The ANC elite will continue to line the pockets of themselves and their family/friends.Over the next 10 years I feel that South Africa will get poorer and poorer until it settles just above the povery line. It will never again be an economic powerhouse with many 1st World standards. After 2010 when the population awakens to the fact that FIFA have gone and left just a few Stadiums then many more Whites will leave.Their children in particular will be the hardest hit in being discriminated against for Apartheid and they will probably lead the next procession to Australia,US,UK etc. It is a pretty dismal picture of a once vibrant economy but has Communism worked anywhere in the World?

2006-10-13 02:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by Alf Garnett 3 · 2 1

Many are completely pessimistic. yet, i think of South Africa isn't completely doomed (yet). the government and the human beings of South Africa are nevertheless on a discovering curve. they are nevertheless experimenting and attempting to work out "how far do we pass, what do we do" and so on. that is been pronounced that a "new us of a" takes a era to "discover it´s ft". A era is thirty years, so, theoretically, the "new" South Africa remains springing up. which will entail jobs being misplaced, disgruntled and discriminated voters leaving the country (some even return later), the economic ingredient dropping. thankfully, there's a sturdy opposition occasion, and that i've got super faith in that. as long as this opposition is appearing definitely and making a marked distinction interior the climate they have maximum folk (particularly Western Cape), there remains various wish for South Africa. yet, the going won't continually be challenge-free. For the intervening time, South Africa isn't a write-off. Ask this question in ten 300 and sixty 5 days´s time, and enable´s see what the predictions would be like THEN.

2016-10-19 07:48:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hallo there,

I must confess, I'm scared of thinking what it would be like, we could end up like Zimbabwe. And worse, if Zuma turns out to be the next president, the white South African might as well take our stuff and emigrate!!!

What I don't understand, even the ANC people says that Zuma is corrupt ext, but still they vote for the ANC. They get promised houses, cars, money you name it, but still they don't get anything!!! I don't understand.

The white people isn't that great either, the black people stand together, in good and bad times, but white people always wants to do a thing alone. We always want to see who's the best, the strongest, and therefor the white people will not rule this country soon!!!

Aids is taking its toll, but remember, it is not just black people getting aids, keep that in mind!

Poverty could be a reason for South Africa to change, because of poverty today, the crime is so high. Illegal immigrants surely do not help in this matter.

If death sentence do not come back in the South African system, I do not see a GREAT AWESOME future for SA.

Otherwise, SA is a great country, and therefor I will not leave. Until this country isn't burned down, I will stay put!!!!!

2006-10-15 20:40:52 · answer #3 · answered by poepies 4 · 0 0

Well this is what I feel that is very near to happening...it might come true , it might not. I feel that some sort of revolution is going to happen. The people on the ground is really sick and tired of the crime and the goverment not doing anything about it - man the cash-in-transit guards have threatened to strike in 7 days if their situation does not improve. Everywhere you here and read of ordainary people acting out agianst the criminals. I know this is not right but if you don't get justice or not even the acknowledgement for the crime done against you...anger is a strange thing and make you do stranger things even...there was a big article in "Rapport"last week about people that have the know how denying Mr Nqukula...A high court judge in sentincing a criminal that murdered a 4 year old girl strongly said he wished that the death penalty could be brought back..and caused a huge uproar because it's against the human rights of the criminal...I said to one of my co-workers today that only praying and wishing for things to be different won't help - it is really time fot the people of South Africa to stand up and cry out enough is enough...I am just afraid it won't happen and this beautiful country won't be the same anymore in 10 years time...and it breaks my heart...

2006-10-13 06:04:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

In the next 10 yrs nothing much will change more Aids related deaths even the criminals can't escape that, crime will still be the same, but if you asked in 20 yrs time that's a different matter because the current generation of high school students will be the future leaders and are better educated and have grown up with out the shadow of apartheid hanging over them plus the current crop of miss fits will be long gone, yeh looking better.

2006-10-13 00:12:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If it carries on the way it is now we will be a couple of million people short due to AID'S and TB. The roads will be hell to drive on, although the toll roads are still looking very good. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. Government services will just be hanging on if they last that long. I am an optimist. I still think this country will do a turn about and sort its problems out. I will surely be the last to leave this country.

2006-10-16 08:33:53 · answer #6 · answered by cheryl l 3 · 0 0

I'm actually with Moya on this one (believe it or not, we usually disagree)
It will either turn into a complete basket case like Zim, in which case I'll have to get the family out of there. (I pray it wont, I love the country of my birth and blood)
Or most of the folks with Aids would have died (back in 2001 UCT's bio labs predicted that half of the 5million with HIV/Aids will be dead by 2010) and hopefully fewer will get infected. There will hopefully less unemployment, and less crime that goes hand in hand with it. And SA will be a proper 1st world country.
I pray that these are not just pipe dreams, and that it can be accomplished.

2006-10-13 01:30:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anria A 5 · 0 0

evita bezuidenhout will be president with casper de vries as deputy president.jokes,jokes,jokes.

good question.seriously i dont know but i would say that it would be a safer and better place to live.we south africans are generally optimistic people.only good things can happen if so many people of this beautiful country feel the need to better their situation.we must put the past behind us and build for the future.then the land of gold and diamonds will indeed be a rich and resourcefull land for all its inhabitants.


2006-10-13 02:46:17 · answer #8 · answered by Marsattack 3 · 1 0

Well it can go one of two ways: Worse or better. Worse being absolute destruction of the moral fiber of our country (it already halfway destroyed). I doubt there would be many orphans as they too will die of AIDS (due to mother to child infections). But there will definitely be alot of old geezers running about. Technology will cease to improve since the current generation that is supposed to be carrying this country forward will have died. We will most certainly be a country full of idiots as almost half our teachers are infected. A small fraction of them are incapable of teaching anything as they are not really qualified. Many from our current government will have passed away because of complications caused by obesity (bunch of FAT cats).

Better: Three quarters of the criminals will be dead due to AIDS. Three quarters of our current government will dead too (don't get me wrong, some can and are trying to do their jobs its just that all that traveling and shopping and eating and partying keeps getting in the way of doing a good hard honest day's work).

So ja, its a very subjective question, and hopefully we will all survive to see what actually does happen in 10 years.

Man, I love a good ramble every day.

2006-10-13 00:22:52 · answer #9 · answered by moya 4 · 4 4

Because aids been denied existing and not treated :Inhabited by mainly old folk and orphans

2006-10-12 23:54:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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