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As long as they are consenting adults enjoying themselves and not hurting anyone, then seriously - HOW CARES? can someone please explain what the big deal is?

2006-10-12 22:44:59 · 21 answers · asked by antibim 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

21 answers

people are ignorant and narrow-minded. homophobes are seem to mostly be very uneducated people (with teeth missing)

2006-10-13 00:38:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Explaining it does't make it acceptable or right.

I can tell you that most homophobes will argue that the word itself is incorrect because they don't "fear" gays, but obviously picking up a dictionary is too much for them to comprehend.

I can tell you that many who protest about gays and lesbians to an almost pathological level are probably in complete denial about their own sexuality.

I can tell you that because society in general has a long history of hating anything that's "different" or "out of the ordanary" is something they fear/hate/loath and will do just about anything to eradicate out of their own shame.

I can tell you that religions and their cultures have mistranslated and misinterpreted their own texts for centuries.

But what I can't tell you is, "Why?"

I dont know why anyone finds hate or violence acceptable. I can't tell you why anyone finds discrimination or denial of basic human rights and/or human dignity acceptable.

I don't know, I never will.

2006-10-13 10:38:58 · answer #2 · answered by DEATH 7 · 0 0

I often ask the same question. Why people concern themselves with what others are doing that in no shape, form or fashion is harmful to anyone. Who someone falls in love with is not the business of others. Live and let live.

2006-10-13 13:15:11 · answer #3 · answered by juicie813 5 · 0 0

There isn't one. This is a very small sampling of a much bigger world, and frankly the negative people on here are here because they don't have to face those they disrespect. Cowards usually keep their thoughts to themselves when actually up front and personal with someone who might just deck them.

2006-10-13 06:59:16 · answer #4 · answered by tjnstlouismo 7 · 1 0

Because these people have nothing better to do than harass something that is different from them or something they want to be and can't. I think homophobes are envious because we all are fabulous with great personalities, so easy going. They hate that we can be so free and not care what everyone else thinks.

They feel we are destroying their world becausewe choose to date eachother, rather than pro-create bastard children. They hate what they can't be, they loath what is just out of their reach. most homosexual women find men disturbingly disgusting and I think its vice versa, but they're lovely friends.

Now true some homophobes aren't envious they are just nasty, hateful people, and for those I feel sorry

2006-10-13 05:51:06 · answer #5 · answered by datcreekgurl 2 · 3 1

a lot of them fear anything/anyone that's different. and when they don't bother to learn and understand anything different, that fear turns into irrational hatred. a lot have been brought up by bigoted parents....hate is a learned behavior! and some, I think, have miserable lives of their own, and it makes them feel better to lash out at others. pathetic, but in a lot of cases, true. and, I'm sure some of them are also battling with their own sexuality and are in denial.

2006-10-13 08:55:35 · answer #6 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 0 0

Although I am gay, I sort of understand homophobes. Because many people are scared of people/things that are totally different from them. Like if I see someone with an upside down nose, I would be scared of him initially.
The same way some people find Homosexuals wierd and therefore hate them.

2006-10-13 05:51:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

It does seem a little sad.

There is a study (University of Georgiat) hat says 80% of the people who attack gays and lesbians have had homosexual feelings themselves.

A component considered to play into homophobia, as considered by some theorists, such as Calvin Thomas and Judith Butler, is an individual's fear of being identified as homosexual him or herself.

This notion suggests that when expressing homophobic viewpoints and emotions, the individual who does so is not only expressing his thoughts as to homosexuals, but also actively attempting to distance himself from this category and attributed social status. Therefore, by distancing him or herself from the people in question, he/she is reaffirming his/her role as a heterosexual, within heteronormativity, and contributing to the avoidance of his/her potential labeling and consequent treatment as a homosexual.

This interpretation plays into notions of violent opposition to "the Other" as a means of establishing one's identity as part of the majority and therefore, validated by society. This concept is also recurrent in interpretations of racism and xenophobia.

The core fear, then, for the homophobe is that he himself might be gay, and might be forced to face that fact. The homophobia can be as internalized as it is externalized - bash the queer and you don't have to worry about being aroused by him.

Its really sad isnt it to not only be in denial like this but to have to go on hateing and wasting so much effort and energy all in the name of self fear and internalalised hate ...sad ...sad...sad!

2006-10-13 05:53:55 · answer #8 · answered by Bearable 5 · 5 1

Good question!
I don't understand why it's so hard for them to respect the choices we make!
It's our lives we're living anyway, not theirs!
Probably because they have nothing better to do with their lives.

2006-10-13 05:53:31 · answer #9 · answered by - iceman - 4 · 0 0

Most Christians and Jews are not homophobes. Its just that with
the stern warnings in the Bible against homosexual activity(The God of the Bible calls same sex activity abomination) many people get offended because they think you are attacking them personally. If someone wants to play hanky panky with someone who is the same gender, then I won't be coming over to hit you on the head with my Bible. But remember that there is a price to pay for sin.
On the other hand please do not suggest to any gay or lesbian person to take up residence in any of the 55 or so countries with a large Muslim population. Islam is not nearly as tolerant as Christianity or Judaism.
I Cr 13;8a

2006-10-13 05:53:28 · answer #10 · answered by ? 7 · 0 5

Some people like to invade and get into other people's business

2006-10-13 10:23:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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