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Seems like alot of Christians forgot about Jesus and his message of love and pacifism even as he himself faced his own demise. Now it seems alot of them would rather go around blowing up the entire planet in the search for islamic "demons."

I'm sure the man upstairs is probably scratching his head too. Lately I've felt closer to Jesus than I do Christians or Christianity for that matter, and I'm not even religious, what a concept.

2006-10-12 21:26:49 · 10 answers · asked by Ur-4-Sale! 1 in Politics & Government Politics

Aztec276: I can't speak for those gentlemen, but only for myself and other non-religous people I've met.

I don't really focus on the bible as a whole, I have a theory things got mixed up and Jesus came down to clarify, what good that did. I also think maybe the words got mixed up on him "dieing for our sins" I think he "died because of our sins".

Just an idea.

2006-10-12 21:35:11 · update #1

farkas419: It interesting you should mention when Jesus threw out the moneychangers. I would have been as pissed as Jesus is, especially since that same principle is how the world economy has come to pass, and seeing as "his people" seem to of fallen asleep at the wheel, now will pursue the fight for global imperialism.

Just because we let the money changers take over our society doesn't mean the everyone in the world want's to follow step, some still see it as wrong.

Rome eat your heart out.

2006-10-12 21:46:03 · update #2

Rob: I'm not giving Islam a get out free jail card, but what I'm saying is that alot of the "axis of evil" actually have shown tollerance toward Christians within their own borders.

(Something the "Religous Right" seems to fail in mentioning.)

I beleive anyone who "follows" a book can be a psycopathic killer. People don't seem to get that the bible was poetry and made to inspire.

2006-10-12 21:51:45 · update #3

10 answers

Even Jesus got angry. Didn't you ever read the passage with Him in the Temple? He was shouting, and overturning tables! They were defiling His Father's house!
Jesus didn't try to sit them down and say, "Now, guys, this isn't cool. You can't do this in God's house."
He fought back! Jesus was NOT always a pacifist.
He also said, go and sin no more.
As humans, we are supposed to turn the other cheek. As a nation, we are not. War was used many times in the Bible.
I'm sorry, I don't think you understand at all.
Not only that, but the "religious right" is not after Islam in general. They are after people who would kill you, and your children (if you have any), your parents, your wife (if you're married), your aunts and uncles, and your cousins, if they were given the chance.
We HAVE to fight them. Bad things happen when we let evil take hold. Remember Hitler? Should we have just turned our other cheek to him until all Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and handicapped people were dead? Who would he have come after next if we had?
Those terrorists are going to keep coming, and coming, and coming. Their attacks will grow worse and worse if left unchecked. They've been attacking us since 1979, and they won't stop until they're all DEAD.

You missed the point of that passage. It isn't because they were changing money in the Temple that was the problem. They had been doing that for a long time. The problem was that they were being dishonest.
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is not.

2006-10-12 21:36:49 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 1

The two aren't even a little related. You asking this is the same as a pro-lifer asking how someone can be pro-choice, yet consider the death penalty to be wrong. They aren't the same issue. Pro Life is about when life begins as a legal and moral matter. That is a very different thing from asserting a natural right that places a positive burden on someone else. You see, NO natural right can exist that does so. Natural rights, by nature can only be negative. You have the right of freedom of action. By placing a positive right, someone else would be requiring you to render health care services for them, for free. If you refuse, you are violating their rights. Yet, by compelling you to do so, they are violating YOUR right of freedom of action. See how positive rights create inevitable logical contradictions. Those that believe in positive rights simply haven't thought the issue through.

2016-05-21 22:22:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Maybe because the end is near and the holy spirit is reaching out to you one last time, in an attempt to save your soul. Christians aren't perfect, just saved. We all sin everyday and God knows this. None of us are worthy to enter heaven. God loves us all so much that he had his son pay the price for our sins, because he knows we are helpless to be sin free. Don't blame God for what mankind is doing right now. We as humans have been screwing things up since Adam and Eve. Jesus said "Believe in me and you will have eternal life". I keep it that simple. I'm no more saved by my good deeds than anyone. I'm glad you feel closer to Jesus and I truly hope he touches you heart someday, because you seem like a nice person. Peace be with you.

2006-10-12 21:54:25 · answer #3 · answered by White Knight 3 · 0 0

Simple. We athiests have to prove daily to everyone around us that not believing in God doesn't mean we have no morals. Thus we end up demonstrating precisely what Jesus preached.

Christians in the Religious Right don't have to prove anything. Their God Said So, because their televangelist did, so they MUST be right, and they MUST be just like Jesus. No need for any real effort.

Athiests work for a better world. Christians believe it's going to be handed to them on a silver platter, so why bother?

On the other hand... being an athiest doesn't mean I don't believe in the clear and present danger of a religion that breeds more international killers than international authors, more suicide bombers than suicide hotlines, and more people willing to kill over a CARTOON than everyone who ever watched Squidbillies.

Atheism means keeping an open mind, not being blind to one side and rejecting the other. Christianity started the Crusades and killed many thousands in the name of God. Islam is no less foul, having killed many thousands in the name of Allah.

Do not counsel tolerance of the intolerant. It's a waste of breath.

2006-10-12 21:41:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You must be joking. A) The Bible is NOT a book of pacifism. B) Some of the most murderous people in history have been atheists: Stalin? Mao Tse Tung?



2006-10-12 21:32:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Sound like you steer your star-ship back on course on planet earth.
There are others still at loss on what it is all about.
Look at your hands.
You will see your palms.
Turn it around you will see the back of your hands.
That is what it is al about being able to see both sides of it vital for the survival of living human kind being overlook on planet earth.
Now what can the dead with skeleton hands do for living human kind when we can see through the skeleton hands
on planet earth.
Wonder why they keep on singing "For he's a jolly good fellow" in following The Mummy back to their early graves on planet earth.

2006-10-12 21:47:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I know what you mean. It's probably because the religious right think they are going to live forever as "souls"; human life means much less to them. Atheists on the other hand view and live life as if this is the only one that there is and now is the only time that we have.

"Religious people do what they are told no matter what is right, atheists do what is right no matter what they are told."

2006-10-12 21:31:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The religious right is more obsessed about what "steve and john" do in bed than in human life in general.....get my drift?

2006-10-12 21:42:36 · answer #8 · answered by Pie's_Guy 6 · 0 1

So, ...... it's a contest to see who can be more sanctimonious?

2006-10-12 21:34:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

And Hitler was a christian. :P
Though, I do agree.

2006-10-12 21:34:17 · answer #10 · answered by dane 4 · 0 2

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