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what if i felt that am so tired mentally? my problem is that i have a very strong memory,i just can't forget all the pain i went through all my life...i had so many troubles in the last year,but i was so courage and strong i could overcome all those problems,but now when i returned back to my normal life,i still feel the pain of those days,it still haunts me and keeps me so hurt....i can't forgive the ppl who brought me all this pain....one of them is my dad...i just can't live happily...am thinking of suicide (i tried it two times b4 but i was saved) ,i know it's not the right thing to do but am so scared of the idea that am gonna go crazy one day....am so depressed, i weep for remembering some bad things that happened to me and still feel the same exact feeling i felt when they first happened to me.....i can't trust any one.....i lost my belief in every thing....
i know i need to see a psychologist b4 it's too late but this is not possible for me in this time....
i need ur help plz

2006-10-12 21:09:51 · 6 answers · asked by OMA 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

First off, that first answer at the top... don't let them get you down by the "toughen up" thing. They probably are trying to help in their own weird way, there's some good advice they give you, later on in the answer, but telling someone to toughen up and get over it when they are in pain never results in someone actually toughening up and getting over it. I really don't think so. You will eventually find techniques and come to realizations to make you stronger, but until then, you need people to be understanding, I think.

Sorry to hear you are feeling down. I have been hurt deeply many times in my life, and I am in the process now of slowly trying to unravel the mess. Many times I have felt suicidal, and I've done things that could have killed me because I didn't care and didn't think I had a future. I have felt so deeply depressed and hopeless that I felt like the feeling alone was enough to kill me. So I can relate to how you feel.

You definetely should get counseling. Most states and cities have places where you can get free or low-cost counseling, They can work with you and find you some help. See your general doctor and he can probably point you to the nearest place. Or look in the blue pages of your local phone book for mental health services. Depending on your situations, personality / temperment, and how experienced and patient the therapist is that you get, it could take a long time to get results, but I think it would be good if you have a mental health professional in your life. They might suggest group therapy, which might be very helpful for you, to join a group with others that have gone through the same thing, this way you won't feel so alone, and they can give you support and advice. And you probably won't get crappy comments like you'll get here (you pretty much are throwing yourself to the wolves when you show emotional vulnerability out here).

I would also recommend getting some self-help books on forgiveness, here is a search here of some books that might help you on Amazon.com http://amazon.com/gp/search/ref=br_ss_hs/002-0037670-7133663?platform=gurupa&url=index%3Dstripbooks%3Arelevance-above&keywords=forgiveness You could probably find these at your local bookstore, too. Reading a book on forgiveness might offer you some quick comfort (until you can get to a therapist) and help you put your pain in perspective, as well as give you some good practical step-by-step advice on how to start letting things go. I have been reading one of these books (Total Forgiveness by RT Kendall, but if you're not Christian, you may be better off with another book. It's quite good, though).

Most of all, I'd say don't give up. There have been times in my life where things seemed so bad I wanted to die, and it seemed very unlikely that anything good would ever happen to me, and those times were hard, and people were insensitive, including people that I thought really cared about me. But as life goes on, you will have good times, many more, in fact, you really will, no matter what age you are or what your circumstances are. You will discover hidden talents and abilities you didn't know you had, you will overcome things that seem impossible right now, you will meet certain people and find yourself in certain situations that make you so happy, and you'll think "Gee, I sure am glad that I didn't succeed in off-ing myself 2 years ago, because now things are kind of nice!" These have been my own personal experiences, and I'm coming from a situation where things were pretty bad for me. whatever your situation is, now, I'm sure it will be the same for you.

For now, pull out your favorite movie from childhood, make some cocoa, give the computer and break and try to reconnect to a time when you were happy, and know that you will be there again.

Good luck, I seriously hope that you find the help you need. And don't let creeps get you down, dammit! : )

2006-10-12 22:33:50 · answer #1 · answered by waiting_for_light 2 · 0 0

You returned to your NORMAL life? I am about to say some things that you might find offensive, SOOOOO you need to stop reading or be ready to hear what you might not want to listen to. Toughin up. Life is unfair. You can try your hardest and still lose. Everyone has been hurt and to think your pain is greater than anyone else is a silly self absorbed thought. I can't tell you that you were done wrong to. You know if you were. But if you let THEM win ,WHY fight? I live for two reasons.....First ...I REFUSE TO LET ANOTHER SOUL DICTATE MY LIFE!!!! Second I have no idea my purpose, it might be as simple as telling you this, or it might be to steer someone on to their chosen path. I DON"T KNOW. But if it was easy then no one would not know their purpose. So live,live for they soul that you can change. LIVE for what you can do. If not then buckle like a belt. Rub some dirt on it and take the fight to those that would do you wrong. Step on their necks and show them, THAT YOU WILL NOT GO QUIETLY!!!

2006-10-13 04:23:19 · answer #2 · answered by Casca 4 · 0 1

Forget suicide...

That's what the people who brought pain into your life would want for you. To conquer your depression, you must first conquer your fears and that never really happens...

To live fearlessly is to live with fear, not without fear. Because of what has happened to you, you fear tomorrow, and that's exactly what those people want of you, so as to laugh and continue their torture of you. Be strong and fight back by enjoying your life.

Sometimes, we all need to get away from it all. Think about moving to another location and begin, again. It's done all the time. You have one life and life is not a practice run.

I would advise change for you. Think, quietly, without telling anyone about changing jobs, change where you live...get out of that environment. You can do it. it's been done thousands of time before and it'll be done thousands of times from here on out.

Above all, keep it together and don't fear tomorrow or getting out of bed. Suicide satisfies your enemies and feeds their hatred of you....

Ariana Huffington wrote a book about living fearlessly...it's worth reading. She shares her thoughts and anxieties.

2006-10-13 04:55:27 · answer #3 · answered by marnefirstinfantry 5 · 0 0

hey firstly, I really feel sorry for you, I can imagine what do you feel right now. And it is hard to live with those feelings.
My best advice would be find the truth. Basically, turn yourself to religion, to the faith and souls. Only god can help you to overlive those feelings. I am personally muslim living in USA. I've been here a long for several years. and only god can help me whenever I am stressed out. it is Ramadan right now in Islam religion, this month we have to fasten at day time, it is teaching you a lot of patients and clean your soul.
Please do not just pass on that. I am promise you will feel yourself like you just born.

2006-10-13 04:31:02 · answer #4 · answered by Napster 1 · 0 0

Sorry for all wht u suffered in ir past!!!
listen mate!! once u r over with all n now when u r leaving a normal try , try to forget that as a bad dream .....u r getting tense as u dont belive that u have retured to normal life, give some timeto urself, dont think that u ,ll forget that suffering that easily, it ,ll take some time to get out of that, first u ,ll have to develop a control over ur emotions, ur thikings, juts give it a try, u should belive that previously when u were in toruble u faced that all with great strength , now when ur r free of all, u should be even more stronger, u should be proud of urself that u made it n magaed to live a normal life, just give urself a break, think over it, NO use of reminding ur past to u again n agian, if sometimes something comes to ur mind just ignore it, as it was PAST n now u r in present......select a goal for ur life that u need to be sucessful , try to get that goal, n convence urself that u ,ll have to get a bright future.its useless to think of past........past is gone n just look at present, there is no such time machine which can throw u back to ur past.............so cheers n good luck :):)
n yes try to find a good n sincer frind n if u r religious u can get some help from ur religion as religion always give peace of mind i belive ...
hey u r normal trust me ....NO need to go to psychologist, u r just senstive n try to decrease that threshold of senstivity .u ,ll be fine soon........i wish:)

2006-10-13 04:39:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Suicide is the biggest sinn in the world,because u cant get forgiveness. The troubles are giveb to you by evil spirits b`cos the devil dont want that you get saved.first thing you must do is accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. You must pray with your whole heart and must give yourself to Jesus. you must confess all your sinns to God with a real repentance. The devil going to make u fear in beginning but don´t loose your courage continue to pray until you get a peace in the heart then all your problems. Through Jesus and prayer you going to learn to forgive everybody. You must grow in the image of Jesus He told,when he was Crucified `` father forgive them for their dont know what their are doing.´´ It shows the forgiving spirit. If Jesus has forgiven the people who killed him, smite him, mocked him and spilt on him. How much we has to forgive the people whom the satan is using to create troubles,their cant do anything against that because their are living in Darkness, but you want to live in light so give yourdelf to Jesus and confess all your sin only through Jesus you can get peace and can come out from your depressions. If you are living in light, only through you and your prayer your father can come out of darkness into the light.Main is TRUST AND BELIVE JESUS CHRIST! He died for us in the cross he took the pain for us to wasch us clean from all our sin with his blood.Dont go to see Psycologist, To Jesus you can tell everything. By choosing a assembly, choose the faith home and contact the workers, their can give you counsel.If you would tell me where are you living I would give you the adress of a faith home near to your home. pray for all the people who did bad to you truly and Jesus going to hear the prayer. If you have a bible, read the new Testament first and all your Questinons,what you are having about my answer,will be answered.

2006-10-13 05:12:10 · answer #6 · answered by repentance 2 · 0 0

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