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I had my first son 3 months ago. He was due on July 2nd, but because he was growing a lot and I was small, she decided that I should be induced on the 5th. I went to the hospital at 7pm. When all the paper work was done, my doctor broke my water at 9:04 Pm. My contractions started immediately. I didn't need Pitocin. I breathed through my contractions and my doctor went home. They had to call her back almost as soon as she left because in a little over an hour I had fully dilated. I pushed for 17 minutes and delivered a 9lb 1oz baby boy at 11:04 Pm..just two hours after breaking my water. I didn't get an epidural because it went so fast. I got very very lucky with my labor. How was yours?

2006-10-12 20:27:58 · 23 answers · asked by Michelle 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

23 answers

First baby ~ 6 1/2 hours of labor. future hubby then current fiance was at work,and called my parents to check on me. my dad answered the phone and told him that I was out shopping with my mom. LOL. Hubby knew better and started calling the hospitals. he found me and quickly came to be by my side. OBGYN didnt arive on time missed birth. complely natural birth ~ no meds

baby#2 ~ 2 & 1/2 hours. start to finish. Dr. broke her clavacle pulling her out. other than labor and delivery was o.k. OBGYN didnt arrive on time yet again. natural birth w/ no meds.

Baby # 3 ~ 1 hour and 45 mins start to finsh. very quick. no problems at all. natural birth w/ no meds

Baby # 4 ~ 1 hour 15 minutes start to finish. Born so fast that he was born in the triage room. I told them I go fast... they didnt listen and were shocked. Dr. didnt arrive on time. natural birth w/ no meds

Preggers with the last and final baby now. Hubby got snipped and we are offically done!! I think i'm going to have to live at the hospital in month nine b/c i know this kid is coming quick!!

2006-10-13 03:20:13 · answer #1 · answered by tamaya_22 1 · 1 0

I went to the hospital at 8 in the morning on July 24, 2006 I was two days overdue and the night was horrible I didn't sleep a wink and had bad contractions all night. I had even called the doc at his home at 4 in the morning because they were starting to hurt so bad. He said that I didn't need to go to the hospital until they where consistently 4 minutes apart for about 2 hours. So finally I went into the hospital at 8 and my water had never broke the doc had to break my water at about 5 p.m. I didn't have any pain medication during the whole labor and I had only pushed for 20 minutes before I had my beautiful baby boy at 9:40 p.m. The scary part was that my baby boy had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck two times but fortunantly my doc was right there to cut it fast. People always tell me it was a good labor for a first timer and that pushing for 20 minutes was not fair because they had to push forever! So my 13 hour labor went pretty well, or as good as it can get!

2006-10-13 16:27:13 · answer #2 · answered by amberroose 3 · 0 0

I was 2 weeks overdue and my body had not prepared at all (no thinning cervix, no "dropping of the baby", no water breaking), so I went in for an induction and when the doctor saw that my body wasn't ready for delivery (and determined that my son could be 11 lbs already) he suggested a c-section.

I agonized over the decision (I hadn't even considered a c-section) and finally decided to go with a c-section. It all happened fairly quickly after I decided to go ahead with a section. The procedure was started by noon and by 12:15 my son was born.

He started spewing meconium all over the OR and the doctor said he had never seen a baby do that before. He had also lost all the vernix covering his skin, and his skin had started to "burn" from the amniotic fluid. His whole body peeled for the first 2 weeks after his birth.

Looking back, I'm not sure I would have chosen a c-section if I had known all the cons, but I am glad I was ignorant of those issues with my son because I believe that if I had waited he would have pooed inside and it could have caused an infection or worse.

P.S. He was only 8lbs, 11oz, not 11lbs, thank god!

2006-10-13 04:01:04 · answer #3 · answered by Lucie 5 · 0 0

I discovered I was pregnant and it was a BIG shock. My husband had cancer a few years back, and we were told we couldn't have any more kids. Well, obviously they were wrong.

He was due on June 10. I went in for my normal OB visit on the 24th of May. Doc said I was a little dilated, so come back that evening for another check. My doctor ended up being on the maternity floor of the hospital and checked me over. I was in labor.Never felt a contraction, and my water didn't break at home either.

Well, I had NOTHING with me. I thought I had a couple of days to get everything. So I begged him, please let me go get some things. He said I had one hour, and if I didn't come back he'd kill me(joking of course, I loved my doctor).

So, here I am.....in labor at Wal-Mart. I had most things, but there was a few things I had to pick up. I felt fine, no contractions(it was that way with both of my kids). Got back to the hospital, checked in, and settled into my room.

He was born the next day(May 25th, around 1:00pm)7lbs 7 oz, 20 inches long. He weighed the exact same as his brother, and was half an inch shorter. I was in active labor for maybe an hour. And yes, I had an epidural.

2006-10-13 04:10:42 · answer #4 · answered by ★Fetal☆ ★And ☆ ★Weeping☆ 7 · 0 0

My son was overdue so I was booked in for my induction on MAY 22th. I got to the hospital @ 9am and had my first dose of pitocin. Nothing happened and after another 6 hours, another dose, and still nothing! Next morning I had a 3rd dose of pitocin and they swept my membranes (ouch) - things slowly started to happen. At 8pm I was finally taken to the delivery suite thinking that I'd be having a baby any time soon! Things were still slow - I was started on a drip to increase my contractions - which unfortunately meant being in bed (my birth plan had said - no drugs and up and about please). They finally artificially ruptured my membranes at about 10pm. A very very long night followed - where I relented and went onto gas and air. Unfortunately my son was back-to-back - so each contraction was agony beyond belief. I finally begged for an epidural at 3am and was told they were too busy!! At 7am the epidural man finally came (worst 4 hours waiting in my life) and put the epidural in. This wasn't too bad - I think the thought of an epidural was worse than the actual procedure. This helped for a while - It didn't work completely though - and I was still on the gas and air (and drifting off with the fairies at this point). @ 11am on the 24th I was finally told it was time to push - hooray I thought - baby's coming! No!! After 2 hours pushing the baby's head was still not coming and it seems he was well and truely wedged! I was taken to the operating theatre where they tried to do a 2nd epidural, couldn't get a line in and relied on the 1st (not really working) epidural. They used a ventouse, and finally forsepts to get him out - and FINALLY , @ 2.21PM 24THMay 2006 - the little man came out weighing 9lbs 2.5ozs. I had a 3rd degree tear - which was agony - but it was all definitely worth it. My birth plan went out the window - my only wish was that I was 'with it' enough to know what was going on, but after 2 days no sleep, 15hours of gas and air, and an epidural - I feel I was so out of it that I missed out a little. I really wanted to have as little intervention as possible - but ended up with them using everything they had! However, that said, I have a beautiful son, and feel absolutely blessed.

2006-10-13 05:17:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was going in to be induced on Septmeber 15, but my water broke while walking across the street on Sep. 13. I went to the hospital and they induced me because I wasn't having contractions. I was in labor from that time until Sep. 14 in the evening. I was stuck at 5 cm and wasn't dialating anymore. So after all of that labor with no drugs, they made me get an epidural to see if relaxing would help me progress. After and hour they checked me and I was still at 5 cm. So they decided to do a c-section. It turns out that he was face up instead of face down, so he wasn't gonna come out on his own anyway! lol But in the end it was all worth it and I have a beautiful son who is now 3 years old and am expecting a girl in January of 07.

2006-10-13 10:05:03 · answer #6 · answered by lookinout 2 · 0 0

Had to be induced because baby was getting big. Put me on pitocin drip early in the morning, laboured all morning and afternoon. Sometime late afternoon, the baby's heartbeat plummeted to a dangerous zone, so they quickly prepped me for an emergency c-section. Turns out the cord got wrapped around the neck several times - and they got him out in time. Very grateful he was totally fine and so was I. Found out later how much easier "regular" contractions are than those when one is on the drip - so I didn't feel like such a wimp after all. Baby was 8 lbs 3 oz.

2006-10-13 07:11:41 · answer #7 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

I had my first five years ago this December. My sister-in-law just knew I had toxemia. I thought she was just over-reacting. She insisted on coming with me to the doctor for my routine weekly check up (I was two weeks from my due date) for fear they would send me to the hospital for a delivery. My husband asked if he needed to come, I told him it was no big deal and not to worry. When I got to the doc, she said my blood pressure was sky-rocket high and that I had protein in my urine. She said the only way to protect me and the baby was to deliver. I thought I still had some time. This was a Monday morning. I thought we would deliver later in the week. My response to the doc was "Great, what day will be doing this?" She said, "Oh, they are ready for you now. You need to go straight to the hospital. They started my pitocin at 6:00 p.m. Monday. Broke my water at 6:00 a.m Tuesday. I didn't have him until 10:10 p.m. He started to go into distress and I had to have an emergency C-section.

With my second I had a planned c for July 11th. Unfortunately I had toxemia again. They bumped my planned c to June 29th, 2006 and it was a breeze. Went in at 3:30, had an epidural, went in O.R. at 4:30 had her at 4:45. It was fantastic!

Congrats on your new baby!

2006-10-13 03:42:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok ok my turn!! my baby was suppose to be born on july 17 but he came 5 WEEKS early!! it all started on a friday, i wake up at 6 am to pee and realize i have a blood stain on my pj's i got scared and went to the bathroom, when i get there i feel somethign fall it was my mucus plug, i got scared so i wake up my husband and tell him we must go to the hospital so we did they had me on observation for 12 hours, i was starving!! and nothing they just said i needed to be on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy, so i go home and stay on bed rest, saturday night it was 10 pm and i feel some contractions and the begin to get more painful so we went again to the doctor by the time i was there i was bleeding so they check me and i was 4 cms so they told me i was going to deliver that day, i wasn''t prepared at all i had nothing for the baby because the following week was going to be my baby shower and i didnt know the sex of the baby so i didnt have an clothes or dipers or a carseat only a crib so by 7:30 i was 10 cm dialated no epidural or anything so they took me to the delivery room at 9am and they tell me ok get ready to push but my contractions had stopped so they had to start them again and they did so i was there pushing for almost an hour because my baby came soon he was still very high so i pushed alot my baby was born at 9:52 am 17 1/2 inches 4.6 pounds he was so healthy they let me take him the same day i came out of the hospital, after the delivery they check me and did there stuff and i was able to walk to my room, easy deleievery, i think i was one of the lucky ones lol

2006-10-13 04:32:36 · answer #9 · answered by Drama_mAmA 2 · 0 0

Oh you did get lucky didnt you! Mine went for 11 hours after 2 weeks of contractions!
My waters didnt break themselves so when I was fully dialated the nurse broke them for me (so gross) I could have won any arm wrestle challenge put to me that day!
I thought every hour that passed that it was time to push but no, the midwife said "another hour" my goodness I could have ripped her hair out!! LOL, I forgot her name so I kept calling her Lady, lol, "Lady, Lady, my leg, please Lady come & hold my leg" LMAO!!!
No epidural for me either but I did have pethadine (I dont think they use that anymore) so I was sooooo sleepy, once that wore off, I was offered the gas, I said no thanks & then vomited. The thought of the gas made me sick!! There was no way anyone was putting a needle in muh back hey so the epidural was well & truely out of the question!!!
After 20 mins of pushing my daughters head come out with the cord wrapped around her neck, she was purple but thanks to the brilliant midwife (Lady LOL), she acted so quickly & the rest of the birth went forward without a hitch. Well, it was darn painful! LOL
It was funny because I was wearing one of those silly hospital gowns that show the butt at the back & throughout the labor I kept trying to cover up, lol, but once the actual birth started I didnt give a damn who saw what!!! My daughter was born 6 pound 9, 52 centimetres long with a head circumfrence of 30 cm. She was & still is very healthy & I have been blessed everyday since then!
Congratulations on your joy, may you be as happy forever in the future as you are now :o)

2006-10-13 03:51:04 · answer #10 · answered by Mrs D 6 · 0 0

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