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Hey Yahoo,
I have an interesting question for you. Do you think it's okay for homosexuals to adopt children?
I have a friend who is gay and wants kids but his partner think it is wrong to adopt kids.
Also, do you think it's right for same sex partners to get married? I'd like to know how you feel about this delicate subject.
I'm a straight girl who would like a straight (honest) answer.

2006-10-12 20:06:46 · 9 answers · asked by jhtrddssssssee 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

9 answers

yes, i think it's very much okay for homosexuals to marry and adopt children.
i think they have every right to get married like everyone else because they have feelings like everyone else, and they should have a chance to celebrate them the same way straight people do. make it official, as it were.

as for children, there are so many out there, lost in the system, unwanted by straight couples who just can't bring themselves to love anything but a blonde, blue-eyed baby. i've known gay people who would make great parents, and even average parents would beat the heck out of institutions.

2006-10-12 20:16:53 · answer #1 · answered by gwenwifar 4 · 0 0

Valid points have already been raised by others.

First of all I do not see anything wrong with adults of the same gender acknowledging an attraction to each other. For as long as there is consent from both parties one can only wish them well in life.

For as far as marriage is concerned I have a fragmented reply.

From the standpoint of religion, most probably some shade of Christianity, I feel that while the homosexual couple have every right to seek marriage they cannot but abide the official stand of their religious establishment on the matter. If the Church of "This Denomination" forbids marriage between homosexuals then the same-sex partners have a choice, either not get married, get married anyway by what would effectively be a renegade cleric, or turn to the state for redress in the form of a civil union.

From the civil standpoint, again I do not see why two persons of the same sex should not be allowed to decide that they would like to be treated as a single unit, therefore enjoying benefits very similar, if not identical, to a married couple.

When we enter the field of adoption things become less clear.

I have focused upon the rights of the homosexual couple up till now. It is at this point that I need to also consider the rights of the child who would be adopted.

A child who is raised would need to receive a balanced up-bringing that is not completely uncatered for by homosexual parents, their perspective tending to be different from members of any gender who are 'straight'.

Some homosexual persons either partially compensate for their gender-related attributes, or accentuate their gender-related attributes. A woman, for example, would either be more tough or become super-feminine, delicate and sweet (This is strictly an example, not a generalization).

The dynamics of the couple are completely different.

There is also the issue of the stability of same-sex marriages to consider, as well as the marginalization and bullying that a child would face from peers.

It all boils down to my belief that society is not healthy enough for homosexual adoption to be 'quite' OK. Were the situation different, such as, for instance, a more friendly attitude towards homosexuals in general then I'd be more inclined to say that they should be allowed to adopt kids.

Incidentally some kids don't know they had been adopted. This is infinitely harder to pull off as a homosexual couple, I would think.

(Disclaimer - The above is as perceived by a non-homosexual (no, really.) male)

2006-10-15 13:22:45 · answer #2 · answered by shadow_cup 2 · 1 0

I am a straight guy and I completely support same sex couples adopting. The facts are, gay couples tend to be educated, make a lot of money, and can give very loving relationships to kids. The best thing about same sex couples having kids is that they can't have a "whoops" kid. Many straight couples have their accidents and it leads to a bad family situation. Gay couples have to plan the hell out of kids, so you know they are ready. The one thing I have read is that kids of gay couples go through a period of homophobia around age ten. Of course that is because of their peers picking on them, but it is true from scientific studies. They go homofobe after a while, but usually snap out of it. Also, kids raised by gay couples are no more likely to be gay than the rest of the kids. Let em rock on have kids like everyone else. It would help if daughters had male "friends" raised by lesbians, and vice versa. Kids benefit from an opposite sex role model, but it isn't necessary.

2006-10-13 03:16:54 · answer #3 · answered by NightTrainWooWoo 4 · 2 0

Logically, if kids raised by gays turn out fine when they become adults, then theirs no problem. But if these kids grow up to not know how to interact with the oppsite sex in relationships, then that needs to be fixed.

I read a few times from articles that guys raised in these environments tend to be more emotional, less aggressive, and more respectful to women. I hope that doesn;t mean letting bad kinds of women walk all over them and the men invovled thnking thats okay. I see a lot of more sensitive guys letting this happen to them lately. And I read the girls are more aggressive and assertive. Hopefully that doesn't mean they grow up thinking it's right to treat men the way men in the 40's treated women, like they are inferior. I see a lot of sexist women treating guys unfairly lately now days.

We'll see the results in a few years.

2006-10-13 03:10:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Something like 1 out of 400 Heterosexuals are sexual preditors or child molesters, 1 out of 29 homosexuals are.

I am against gay adoption and gay marriage.

2006-10-13 03:18:30 · answer #5 · answered by sshazzam 6 · 0 1

I do not think so, I do not think it is a good idea but that is me and in Canada I am what you call a conservatory, and do not believe in that crap. Marriage is okay, but I wish they will call is something else. Maybe a Garriage, or something like that.

2006-10-13 03:10:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

take this answer from a straight girl: no homos should adopt a child. that would only mess a child's mind.

2006-10-13 03:10:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

not tryin' 2 b rude, but i think u should just go 2 a sperm bank. bcause what if the child(ren) grow up and they ask "wheres mommy?wheres daddy?" see what i mean? i don't have a problem wit homos, it's just that i think that they shouldn't adopt.

2006-10-13 03:11:42 · answer #8 · answered by E babe 1 · 0 1

i am against people being gay or lesbians
so i'm not the right person for such question sorry
no offense for anyone

2006-10-13 03:10:31 · answer #9 · answered by jesica 2 · 0 1

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