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Some of the answers that I have gotten have put tears in my eyes.
There are some funny people here.

2006-10-12 18:58:56 · 27 answers · asked by s t 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

27 answers

What an interesting question! Obviously, eighteen other people before me thought that answering this one was NOT a waste of their time.

To tell you the truth, I think most of the questions and most of the answers would, indeed, be a waste of my time. So I ignore those.

But I'm a retired teacher, with some health problems. How I wish I could un-retire. So Y! A lets me play teacher again EXCEPT that now I answer only those questions that interest me, I don't have to grade answers given to my questions (I'd give most of them C's), and I can do my tutorials any hour of the day or night. Can't beat that, in my book.

I'm not wasting my time, though I sometimes spend up to an hour answering a question. Why isn't it a waste? Well, it's certainly better than solitaire and crossword puzzles. And I answer only questions that give me pleasure in formulating my response.

Are my answers a waste of other folks' time? Now that's a different question. Most of the time, I have the feeling that no one, including the asker, reads my answers (they tend to be long). I have a pretty good percentage of Best Answers, but often with only one or two votes.

But then every now and then an asker thanks me, and does so in terms that suggest sincerity. Sometimes a sense of appreciation that is very moving. That fills a teacher's heart and fulfills a teacher's dreams.

Nope, that ain't no waste of time, brother. Not a-tall!

2006-10-12 20:48:16 · answer #1 · answered by bfrank 5 · 1 0

The first time I entered YA was to post a question because I really needed help with the answer and I needed a starting point.

But then I started checking out some questions that were posted but was too shy or afraid to answer. Then I started to answer first a few questions and then suddenly I´m spending 3 hours answering questions and reading answers.

The point thing is ridiculous, but I LOVE accumulating points, I kinda feel envious of the guys that have accumulated 22,000 points or more ( do they spend all day long answering questions?) And then I discovered this lady Inaka who has a higher percentage of Best Answers than anyone in here. There is like a cult around her, people post questions so that she can answer, and she usually gets the Best Answer reward. Her answers are great by the way.

Then you have the category groups where poeple ask if such and such should be banned. Like in the Football (soccer) category there´s this dictator guy who everybody hates and actually have contacted yahoo to have him banned. It is sooo funny. And of course in the Religion and Spirituality category you get your share of fun and laughs due to the riffs of the freethinkers and christians. It is hilarious.

And then I start checking out people´s profiles and questions and answers and Best Answers. And then I compare their answers to mine and their level to mine and so on. I do this with people that post interesting questions or give really witty, intelligent or funny answers. I also do it with those I dislike.

For me it is definitely harmless entertainment, and a way to get in touch with different people through their questions and answers. I love it.

2006-10-13 04:28:42 · answer #2 · answered by gretaotto 3 · 0 0

Interacting with s....o many intelligent people from all over the world - you call it a waste of time - you must be crazy.

Every good thing has its dark side too. One such dark side is that you get s....o much here that you get addicted. The other one is indeed some of the ill conceived humor. But the worst is frivolous answers simply to earn 2 points. Usually, when the question is a good one, you get just one or two first answers aimed at 2 points only. Must learn to ignore these and move on to the meaty answers. And to tell you the truth, I do enjoy the humor as well.

2006-10-13 03:06:54 · answer #3 · answered by small 7 · 0 0

Well obviously people have fun doing it. May be some people do it only for fun. But you have no idea how useful a thing it can turn out to be sometimes. It truly could be a life saver. Especially in tech related categories. Some of the best things I know about computing, I got to know through "Y! Answers".

On the other hand, so what, some people do it just for fun. If they ask funny, dumb questions and others like to give funny, dumb answers, as long as they don't cross the lines I think it's totally OK.

I mean take a look at some questions and answers man. Thay're freaking out of this world funny!

2006-10-13 02:41:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is what it is.. don't ask anyone for any real medical, legal advice, and always suspect someone has an angle about whatever question they post.. besides that's it's pretty funny reading answers, until you get a violation, then it kinda sucks, lol.. but you press on, and about level 3,, you care less anyway and start to recognize the "cliques" that have formed here online, those that vote or don't, those that report you, those that are perverse, and those that are bored, .. well the rest of us,, and mainly all of us,, are simply using it for amusement. It passes the time and I'm not at some lame bar, dealing with hassles.. so it's worth it for now for what I get out of it.

~Good luck!

2006-10-13 02:12:23 · answer #5 · answered by Manatee 5 · 0 0

I look at this as a form of bonding, sure too many jerks here and those that want attention, but it is a good way for some that are home bound and those wanting to help if possible. It feels at times a waste of time because so many talk as animals here and many use poor grammar.It is a good little feeling when your answer is chosen as best, then your think maybe you made a small difference in another life.

2006-10-13 04:49:17 · answer #6 · answered by AJ 4 · 0 0

I donot know how many notice the difficulties in conversation. More so , in a group. You try to open your mouth a dozen times but someone has beaten you in that. You come back listening to a load but sad.

This platform gives us that feeling of live and let Live. talk and let talk. Isn`t that alone great? Yes. Five out of ten are mocking the system, misusing it. But it is the other five that are stimulating.

Have you noticed ( or am I only noticing?) that after a certain time . as you notice the answers , you feel identifying with some of the answerERS too1. Who is this "X" ? That "Y"? I tend to identify with those far away entities who take the trouble to share their views with the world.

For me this is a channel for entertainment, knowledge, relationship riddles and pure and simple reference sheet

2006-10-13 03:13:52 · answer #7 · answered by YD 5 · 0 0

I wouldn't really say that asking or answering questions on here is a waste of time, although it certainly could be a great way to waste time if you need to. The biggest issue with asking questions on here is that there is a large percentage of people who either don't know, or don't care to know the answers to the questions being asked. To put it bluntly, getting points for writing something pointless like "My marshmallow is sticky" in response to a question about relationships is largely to blame.

If only those people who are nominated for best answer were to recieve points, things would be far better on here than they are quickly turning out to be.

As for answering questions being a waste of time, that one is really up to you and how much time and effort you are willing to put into providing truly good, well thought out answers. If you, like me, take the time to research answers to questions being posed, and give a full answer with the intent of actually helping someone, then it's never a wasted effort. If you simply write about how scary your pillow is, or how cool your avatars hair is, however, then yes... you are wasting not only your time, but the time of those who are honestly looking for an answer.

So, long story made short... you only get out of it what you put into it, and you can't always expect miracles of those who are answering your questions. Just hope you attract those who are honestly willing and able to help.

2006-10-13 02:28:34 · answer #8 · answered by SuccessSeeker 2 · 1 0

There are some VERY funny people who really make me laugh, (& become more aware of how serious I sometimes get). There are sincere & thoughtful answers. There are angry, & mean spirited people. & I guess bottom line, that's why I'm "here." What an incredible cross section, what a profile of the "human condition." & it's a very nice feeling when someone lets me know I've helped, or that we have "shared.".

2006-10-13 02:24:18 · answer #9 · answered by Valac Gypsy 6 · 0 0

I don't think it's a wate of time to be here asking and answering questions. When you ask a question, you learn some new information each and every day. When you answer a question you teach people something they may not have known, and you can say you helped someone today.

2006-10-13 03:20:32 · answer #10 · answered by Dimples 6 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers