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26 answers

"Why is it legal to have sex for free but its illegal to charge money for it?"

The quick answer to your question is "The government is attempting to reinforce traditional moral and cultural values through legislation and also lessen some modern day problems."

Prostitution has been called the Oldest Profession largely because one of the oldest historical records in the world-- the Old Testament-- addresses the issue with some harshness and frequency. Please note that the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions-- that account for a large number of religious folk in the world-- are all based on the Old Testament. And, of course, America was founded largely by religious separatists and a good mix of Puritans that set the course for much of what's happened in the U.S. since.

When you do that math, it's not hard to see why prostitution would be illegal in the U.S.

Some circumstances surrounding mainstream prostitution in modern times has also kept the practice stigmatized and mostly illegal. For example, unregulated prostitution combined with STDs create a substantial health risk to the public. That was a problem until syphilis could be cured and not so much after when it was just your pee-pee that burned. But then AIDS came along and spoiled everything. What seems fairly certain is that promiscuous sexuality-- especially among certain segments of the population-- presents some serious health concerns for the rest of us. Even when we think we have cures for diseases, new diseases come along.

And the business of sex doesn't require much in the way of expertise, education, capitol, facilities, etc. A 16 year old high school drop-out can do it behind some bushes dressed in some cheap high heals, short shorts and a tank top. So, it is often intricately entwined with illegal drug use-- where addicted drug users sell sex for money to buy drugs-- and other organized crime.

Then too there are issues of exploitation that can go along with some prostitution.

When you get down to it, it's not so much the sex that's illegal as it is the relationship between the parties. Just about anyone can take out someone they don't know well and buy them drinks, dinner and a movie in hopes that they'll score. But if the relationship is purely a business relationship for one of the parties-- and mostly a matter of the cash that will change hands-- that's when things go wrong in the eyes of the law.

2006-10-17 03:33:54 · answer #1 · answered by ParaNYC 4 · 2 0

I don't necessarily have a problem with adultery (I think it's wrong, but not criminal), and I don't believe there's anything wrong with homosexuality. That said, I think that the public place part is what gets me. If I were to walk into a bathroom and see two girls getting it on, I wouldn't be any happier than if it were two men -- or a man and a woman, for that matter. I just don't want to see it in the public bathroom. I don't think that what goes on in private and between two consenting adults should be even noticed by the law, much less regulated, but when you bring sexual activity of any kind into the public, then that changes the dynamic. Frankly, I just think it needs to be left at home.

2016-05-21 22:04:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Prostitution is sex for pay,that is illegal in some states and big business in others. To have sex with a lush, a trollop or a nymphomaniac is deemed an occasional occurrence and has not offended any legal minds yet.

2006-10-19 19:27:12 · answer #3 · answered by willgvaa 3 · 0 0

It's more about morals. People "Charge" for sex everyday by buying gifts and flat out given people money. Think of groupies who sleep with the band then are given money afterwards. It's almost like the law is saying "If you want to pay for it, don't let everyone in the neighborhood see it."

2006-10-12 17:21:35 · answer #4 · answered by redman9250 2 · 0 0

Prostitution, it is claimed, legitimizes the social attitudes that subjugate women as a class. Thus, prostitutes have a moral and political obligation to stop selling their bodies because these transactions fortify the cultural assumptions that damage women. These assumptions are said to have dire consequences. Specifically, prostitution is said to lead to rape. Thus, prostitutes are contributing to the rape culture. but on the same token having free sex can lead to the same thing, because if you are a bed hopper you never really know who you are bringing home. best bet only have sex with the person you know, love or trust.

2006-10-12 17:18:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Have you ever seen a poor older man married a beautiful young woman? We all have a price, very few can honestly admit it even to them selves. I'm not talking killing or crazy, or morbid. Generally, (you can't put all women and men in a box. Example: men are...women want. All women hate...Men are little boys. and so. etc. etc. Sexually, men who want something kinky pay to have it. Men who want a quickie purchase a quickie and the AIDS is free. I know from running, owing, adult escort's services for 30 years. The older the man, the more money he'll spend the depends on what he wants. I've had men pay hundreds, 4, 6, 8 to do nothing more than play cards, talk with a professional girl who'll just listen. Sounds like lots for nothing but a wealthy man who has a think, say he wants to play mom and she spanks the bad boy. What's 500 to a man who has twenty millions. To you his desire is nasty, wickid, wierd, laughable. A respected older doctor has his reputation, his safety, his harmless game fetish satisfied with women who are trained to service his (need) Porn or the Adult industry as a whole anually makes more money than All Hollywood movies, All sports, all television (combined) Why?
Because we live in a shame based society where a harmless desire to peek up a skirt is Nasty. In reality it's adolesient curiosity that has not been satisfied. Men will pay to watch girls dance. Men pay for magazines of girls posing. I seen, women of all races all ages and guess what......same equipment....different head, different cloths, different personality. Why are women beaten, raped, killed? because a man lacking social skills, confidence or just plain jealous of not having the woman he lust for. The fault is not the woman's but really. Women dress to attract, not all of course. But a sick mind, a weak, man does to women what he believes they deserve. I'm speaking generally. I've never beat a woman, My women go out with a big, bad, bodyguard. He's just outside the door. she's safe, the man knows he can't do harm, so it's a win win situation. A woman can dance, show, talk sex. That's considered entertainment. Exchange money and it's illegal. So are drugs, speeding, stealing. If My women do a sex act behing closed doors, with a bodyguard standing outside, We know he wants more. The more he wants, the more nasty he believes the more he pays. Who's going to tell? Outcall women who work with me deal with my men first. $250.00 pays for her to show up, the bodyguard, and one hour of talk. Want more than take, want three hours it can easly reach a thousand. A thousand dollars his reputation, his privacy, her safety. A ppor man or the average working joe don't call upscale outcall. My reputation, my silence, is cheap compared to the scandels men too cheap or stupid to go first class. I'll never understand why and educated, wealthy, respected man would be so foolish. Look President Clinton, that English actor???, Jimmy Swaggart a one time multimillion tv evangelist. Caught three seperate time going to street whores. Who owns, operates 90 percent of adult businesses? Men. Why? women have no idea of their worth to the right man. I and a woman filmed a porn a month ago. We produced it we did not direct or do anything but financed the movie. The actors are paid a fee for a days work. Depending on who the girl has a following or what's involved she's paid. They sign all rights before we talk fee. Meaning a movie made three years ago is remarked and the money we make is on going depending on the studio's reputation etc. There are sleezy, con's in my industry just like the secretary who sit's on the bosses lap or is fired. Speaking only for my business interests a customer gets what he's willing to pay. The men I service would never pay some amaturish, giggling, girl. Who would if you know the difference? Women have sold, traded, taken as slaves since ttime began. Read the bible, it's full of stories of women under age 13 taken while all men and women older than 13 where killed. Nothing we do today is different really. Women have rights today 150 years ago the didn't. 150 years is was legal for a man to beat his wife and children as much, and as brutal as he desired. 30 years a woman, I don't remember her name wrote a very detailed histor of the women. The book is :Against our wills. Women and men are individuals. all women are not this..all men are not that. etc. But every woman knows how dangerious she might face walking down a dark street. I never worry, I'm a man and always prepared. The most dangerious job, the most abused, killed, tortured are the street walkers.
Easy pray for a sick, woman hater. I hope I've helped answer your question and educated a few readers. I could care less if I gain points. As if that defines me, I take time to write for a point? I'm 62. Way beyond explaining, defending, writing to any person who has an opinion I don't share. Have a nice day, best wishes to you who take the time to read this. BYE!

2006-10-20 14:56:52 · answer #6 · answered by iamagoodoboy 1 · 0 0

Because in nature a charge was never given.

2006-10-20 11:33:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It isn't legal to have sex for free, unless it is with your legal spouse and you are not in public.

2006-10-12 17:18:27 · answer #8 · answered by TheSlayor 5 · 2 0

could it be that , if it was not illegal and some of these rapist could get a little with out raping some girl , there would not be enough crime there fore putting a lot of police out of a job, But, that is the reason for a lot of the laws we have don't you think

2006-10-12 17:20:08 · answer #9 · answered by jim ex marine offi, 3 · 0 1

It's not so much the legal aspect of it but the moral aspect.

Did you know 90% of prostitutes have an std.... worse off AIDS?

It's like playing Russian Roulette.... Yikes!

2006-10-12 17:15:07 · answer #10 · answered by razzyrascal 3 · 2 2

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