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Why is it that when most of us Gays/Bi's try to live normal lives with the ones we love- you hear about the Gays who sexually abuse kids and adults and all that other crap and automatically stereotype it to be all of us? why is that?
I do not want any religious answers, nor answers of "because you're gay." that's not an answer- and if you think so you need to read the question more carefully.

Gay Pide- and any in Colorado- vote Yes on "i"!!

2006-10-12 16:09:42 · 14 answers · asked by Getoutalive 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

No i do not bash straight people, not even when they bash me. I just want to know why.
I have plenty of friends that are straight and respect me for who I am- why can't all people be like that?

2006-10-12 16:15:02 · update #1

Do not stereotype most gays with the very FEW who end up on TV for being stupid. It's not right.

2006-10-12 16:22:35 · update #2

14 answers

Well having read so many of these hate and gay bashing questions over the last few months on here i have come to several conclusions as to who these people are and why they do this.

1..There kids that aren't too bright and really don't know enough about anything to answer or ask a question with any confidence.
2..Gay haters and homophobic people who are so scared of there own sexuality they just cant face it so they set out to distance themselves from gays by having a sad little bash on a free question site.
3..God botherers that really cant be happy with there own faith (or who don't really believe anymore) and are terrified that someone may be enjoying life better.
4..Sad or jealous people that are so desperately lonely and unfulfilled in their lives that this may be their only form of communication,a lot don't answer any questions but just post hate and then sit back and watch the reactions.
One way or the other they seem to have been left behind on life's journey and bitterly resent that so they roll their disappointment and frustration into a bitter little ball and post some vile hate on this site.I suppose we shouldn't mind too much because if they didn't have this outlet they may have to open a vein to deal with the sadness and disappointments in their lives.

Either way its so sad to watch,the poor attempts at wit and the desperate lengths they will go to,to get attention.
To respond to them just drives them into a frenzy of activity i suppose it make them feel that they matter to someone rather than just sitting alone and unwanted in front of there monitors because no one wants them or is too interested in them,its very very sad really.

So to all of the above if posting hate makes you feel alive go ahead it matters to no one really,and on here your safe to do it because no big bad gay can actually reach you.
Your like a little fluffy dog behind a screen door on the porch barking and snapping because you have a nice screen door protecting you.Hate all you like gay people are here to stay and there is nothing you or your hate postings can do to change that!

So go on vent till your eyes bleed no one cares.


2006-10-12 20:12:22 · answer #1 · answered by Bearable 5 · 1 0

I have been called a basher while I was not bashing at all. I have been called a hater just for expressing my opinion. I think that's your problem, and not that people really are bashing you.

Or is it bashing when I ask you what is there to be proud of being gay (when we all know that its difficult to tell the parents? If you're proud, then why are you not proud when you tell your parents?...Is it already bashing when I tell you: "see, that's your unconscious speaking, your unconscious, who knows that something's wrong?" Is it bashing when I say, in my opinion it looks logical what our sexes, male and female are made for - for being together? Am I a hater just because I don't want to be les anymore? Or am I living a lie like gays say just because I have changed my mind about many things? It seems to me that everyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you is a hater or a basher to you.

2006-10-12 23:46:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Thats a very stereotype statement because kids actually leave normal lives in gay oriented homes.

2006-10-13 00:24:01 · answer #3 · answered by sugar507 2 · 1 1

Sweetness, the idiots who are posting hate are mostly a bunch of cloners who have multiple account and happen to frequent this section. Don't answer their questions, give it a thumb's down and if necessary report them. Report them for inappropriate language, insulting other participants and any slurs (such as ...pardon...fa ggot, fags, etc...) It's rude and they should be more adult about it. Good luck. We're not all idiots here.

2006-10-12 23:46:51 · answer #4 · answered by Mama Otter 7 · 2 0

Well up until I found this site tonight (lesbian site) I just thought people were ignorant but now I'm convinced they are just plain stupid. I'm tired of explaining and trying to educate these people..I'm happy, I'm with my soul mate, I'm gay and I'm out. We are in the thousands coming out daily. The kids that will run our world are living in the gay and lesbian lifestyle and they are comfortable with it. When they grow up and run our world we will be equal to or majority of heterosexual relationships and then we can bash them lolol....I vote yes on "i"....

2006-10-12 23:17:43 · answer #5 · answered by Lipstick 6 · 4 0

there are too types of bashers on Yahoo. Some of them are religious nutcases who think it is their mission to convert gays to heterosexual christians. Although, the joke is on them, as they turn more gays away from god than towards god. The others are guys who are insecure in their own homosexuality and feel they must bash gays to prove they are big men.

2006-10-12 23:13:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i don't bash. that will just sink me to their level. homosexuals and heterosexuals are both evenly the same exvcept for the attraction of the genders. but heterosexuals rather not see that they have problems, so they just throw them in someone's face! like a kid blaming it on the dog for a broken vase.

2006-10-13 01:14:19 · answer #7 · answered by mystic_lonewolf22 5 · 1 0

we bash you because what you do is not natural or moral . and I'am tired of not being able to take my grand kids to cedar point amusement park without them seeing one of you gay people grabing the *** of the same sex go back in the closet where you all belong. dont want my babies seeing this ****.

2006-10-14 00:26:59 · answer #8 · answered by gigi 2 · 0 1

Because they're insecure with their own lives so they feel the need to point out problems in other people's lives to make themselves feel better.

2006-10-12 23:12:39 · answer #9 · answered by JR 5 · 4 0

Because some people are so stupid that they don't understand the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia.

2006-10-12 23:35:38 · answer #10 · answered by masmasac 2 · 5 0

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