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Anyone have an idea of why? I think that black people living in the ghetto do commit the most violent crimes, because they're poor and have nothing to lose.When I was living in Baltimore county, I wouldn't dare go into the city at night because that city was ghetto and most of the people there were poor, and wouldn't hesitate to knock you over the head to steal your pocketbook. And I'm Black! But the black people who don't have to live in the ghetto are just like the rest of the NORMAL people in the US. What are your thoughts?

2006-10-12 15:45:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

Yes, I know. I didn't say all of them.

2006-10-12 15:50:07 · update #1


2006-10-12 16:37:45 · update #2

Damn! I guess I didn't word my question right. I am not saying that blacks are more criminal than others. I'm trying to prove a point here, and most people who answered agreed. So don't call ME a sellout! I'm not responsible for those people, and they do not represent me!

2006-10-12 17:23:16 · update #3

22 answers

It sounds to be more of a socioeconomic problem than a race issue. Poor neighboorhoods are are not limited to blacks.

2006-10-12 16:55:30 · answer #1 · answered by NuMi 2 · 0 2

Only A Minority Of People Of All Races Commit Crimes. Its Riddiculous To Think That If A Black Person Sat Next To A White Person They Would Be More LikelyTo Commit A Crime. That Not How It Works. Its Not About Your Race, Just because Youe Black Dosent Mean You're A Born Crimminal. Individuals Make Bad choices. Dont Stereotype All Black Or People or Any Other Race Based On the Actions Of A Minority Of People.

2016-03-28 07:03:49 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2016-06-11 00:24:07 · answer #3 · answered by Edgar 3 · 0 0

Right is right and wrong is wrong and we all know the difference between the two. Nobody makes these people comit more crimes.

The ones in the ghetto are phuckinitup for the rest of the decent black people it is sad but a fact nonetheless. Educating them didn't work, they rejected that a while back. Most can but wont work a real job for fear of losing "street cred" or can't pass a background check/drug test. Personally I would just make it a point to break stereotypes. I am six foot five, shaved head(hey it beats the hairline i was cursed with), multiple visible tattoos. How do you think I am perceived? But whenever I get the chance I hold the door open for someone at the store, I stop and help women change a tire, and offer my seat to a woman if there are no others available on the train or bus, all this regardless of color. I don't do it out of a "white man's guilt" it is just that my dad would whip my *** if he saw me not do these things Sorry if I went off on a tangent...my point is do break stereotypes when you get the chance, do something that will totally confuse their perception of you. Something as easy as saying hello and smiling when you pass them on the street say a polite "hello" and offer a smile. It may not sound like much but it confuses them when people don't act the way they look like they should, and you can see the look on their face too sometimes. But that will stick in their mind and maybe next time they run up on a "normal" black person (your words not mine) they will think twice about making opinions first.

Oh here is the answer the others wanted to see me post...black people commit more crime because they like jail

2006-10-12 17:35:38 · answer #4 · answered by bullybrian2000 3 · 0 0

People will try get away with what they can when they can, especially when they need to. Most people outside of the "ghetto" can afford what they need, therefore canceling out "survival mode." Those that can't afford to leave the "ghetto" either have to make personal sacrifice, to scrape by or they can keep spending and acquire money in more "creative ways." It's not just black people it's everybody. The difference is being picky or not caring at all about your plan. Some groups are less "stressed" because it is a part of their culture and possibly their genetic makeup. Which means they spend less time on a "good plan." Meaning less protection from Law Enforcement. Crime happens every day, and it's not any one group more than another. It's Who Is Getting Caught more than the other.

2006-10-12 16:13:51 · answer #5 · answered by Dustin S 2 · 0 0

It's a socio-economic thing...there's nothing inherently "criminal" about Black people. For instance...in a country like The Ghambia, which has basically been always been ruled by Black people (even under French colonization) and has always had a relatively solid economy, there is very little crime...and everybody is Black.
I lived in Atlanta for a long time, and there are some very nice middle class Black neighborhoods that have no more crime than comparable middle class White neighborhoods.
But since there are a higher percentage of Blacks in very low economic situations, a higher percentage of Blacks commit crimes...mostly against other Blacks.

2006-10-14 05:53:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well unfortunately it is true statistics bear out that blacks are much, much more likely to engage in crime than whites. Also unfortunately, most of the crime victims of black crime are other blacks (although many crime victims are white, too).

I don't think it can be explained by economics or social class alone, either, as you have whites in places like West Virginia living in abject poverty and the crime rate doesn't come close. Culture might be part of it as these ghetto areas seem to glorify criminals. But given the massive amount of statistical data inherent differences between the races can't be wholly discounted.

That being said, the question is what can we do about it. Some of the best solutions have come from conservative black commentators, in my opinion, who advocate getting TOUGH on crime (and all suspects: black, white, etc).

If you're in the ghetto and committ crime, or one of your unsupervised older children does, there should be very punitive punishments beyond just prison time: lose section 8 housing assistance for instance, is a start.

Its unfortunate in our society the welfare system seems designed to keep people down instead of helping them get on their feet.

2006-10-14 20:09:40 · answer #7 · answered by midwestbruin 3 · 0 0

. Many people who are poor and many people who are poor and Black never commit crimes. You need to go to a rehabilitation office and see people who have been worked to death and then thrown away when they are no longer able to provide difficult physical labor. Or perhaps people who are worked like animals at their jobs and not paid enough to maintain their households. People will sometimes not get enough hours from their employers to make ends meet and suffer in quiet desperation without lights, electricity or running water, because they have to spend what little money they were able to earn on food and medicine. The criminals are people like you who make accusations and have no clue what people are going through. You can avoid dangerous areas. Think about the families who have to live in these dangerous areas trying to get their children to school safely and to go to work without being harassed. My thought is..ignorance such as yours is criminal because you are blaming a class of people for the actions of a few. You are the kind of individual who perpetuates these conditions by buying into this mentality.

2006-10-12 16:31:55 · answer #8 · answered by ValleyViolet 6 · 0 0

I am quite horrified that an African American would make such a statement. I am curious of your point in making such a stereotypical statement. I know for a fact that crime happens in every area....it affects everyone regardless of their race,religion,gender or creed. I recommend psychiatric help to the creator of this Question. Crime is every where as are mean spirited / evil minded people! In this day and age you must be careful wherever you are. It is definitely a tragic situation that so many crimes do occur in areas that are labeled "ghetto" or " low-income" but please let us not forget 2 things... #1 there are alot of people who cannot afford to live other places and ..#2 There are alot of many wonderful people who have come out of such areas and made really positive contributions to our society.......my question to the author of this "question" is What have you done to change things?...or Are you a self-loathing *****.... just like the ones who helped trap and lead our ancestors onto slave ships? Think about it ...Get your mind right! One Love

2006-10-12 16:17:24 · answer #9 · answered by goddess_treasure 1 · 0 1

I think it has to do with poverty, lack of jobs and a distorted value system that operates on "the street". Also, in those situations there are other things that contribute like absent fathers and even absent mothers in some cases. The result is obviously a lack of parental guidance.

This is just my opinion based on personal experience and what I read and see on TV. I'd bet that studies where data has been collected and analyzed have been performed, but there is usually a fair amount of uncertainty involved with interpreting the results.

I added a few sources below.

2006-10-12 15:53:48 · answer #10 · answered by pollux 4 · 0 0

i agree with bully brian,When i moved from Va to Nj i was constantly being acuused of being racist as soon as i talked due to the accent. I showed them thoughwhen all the girls was hitting on me BECAUSE of my accent and manners.I don't mean just white girls either,just about every race. Did i mindd of course not did i accept the offers no because i was engaged(now married)
The point is all this racism,stereotyping is mostly bs, the only stereotyping i agree with is the govt only cares about their money. I live near paterson NJ and i know many many nice people that live there .i also know many bad people live there are they all black,no they are white,hispanic,black,asian and a few others.
I also agree that that alot of crime is caused by poor,but whose fault is that.you cant just look at violent crimes you also have to look at drug dealers,theifs the nonviolent ones.Alot of the time they do it to survive. so i think it is partly the governments fault,they are sending mixed messages by saying no hate crimes,having Rice in government office and so on but still allowing workplaces to be racist,dont tell me they ain't. if you have an equally good white and african man doing the same job who do you think is getting paid more. you see hispanics working their arses off doing landscaping and such while the whites are running the machines and staying cool.
hell if i was treated like that i would be pissed and turn to crime as well most likely.
Also though blacks have given themselves that rap as well,look and all the gangsta rap. talking about shooting people,beating people and so on. it really is a shame not only do the black people have the white people labeling them but other blacks as well.When that happens it really is a difficult label to overcome.

2006-10-12 18:00:39 · answer #11 · answered by cuervo25_1 3 · 0 0

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