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2006-10-12 14:38:58 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

31 answers

I'd examine the feasability of cutting off trade with non-democratic countries, and yes that would include China.

I'd arm any insurgent army that wanted to overthrow a dictatorship and install a democracy. And I'd provide U.S. military officers as planners, strategists and advisers; not our soldiers unless absolutely necessary.

I'd racially profile wherever security is a concern until that racial profile no longer fits those who would do harm to us. Make THEM change THEIR tactics.

I'd lower taxes but fully fund anything I'd dare mandate. And gov't shouldn't be mandating much.

Instead of pledging a bunch of taxpayer money for things like international tsunami relief, I'd encourage Americans to give of their own accord. I'd remember it's not my money to give.

I'd adhere to the 'Wisconsin Idea' (Google it) and tap the brightest university minds in the country to examine some of our most pressing social problems and to provide solutions. (Congress can go to hell. They're all more concerned about their next elections anyway.)

Recognizing that a lower class is an ugly necessity in a true capitalistic system, I'd lay as many tracks OUT of that class as possible for those folks. That way, while we'd always have a lower class, it wouldn't necessarily be the same people trapped in it.

To that end, I'd index minimum wage so it would always rise with the national inflation rate. At least then people would be able to keep pace if they chose to stay at min-wage jobs. Any raises beyond that would be up to the employers.

I'd encourage competition in the health-care industry with the intent of driving down costs and increasing quality and services.

I envision a nation where everyone lives for 100 years ... then passes away peacefully in their sleep. And I'd authorize federal funding of all stem-cell research that could make that possible.

I'm torn between eliminating the death penalty because it's not a deterrent ... or re-instituting public hangings because it would be.

I'd give young people every opportunity to feel as though they matter, to keep them from joining gangs or doing drugs.

I'd let people gamble, in person or online, and I'd legalize prostitution, so long as gov't got a fair cut from both industries. It's their money; who the F am I to tell them how they can't spend it.

While I'm at it, I wouldn't legalize marijuana, but I'd legalize industrial hemp. The more I hear about it, the more amazed I am about what that (non-narcotic) plant is capable of.

I wouldn't be comfortable allowing full-on gay marriage, but I would loosen up some of the benefits currently reserved for hetero marriages. For example, anyone who shares an address should be able to visit people in the hospital, etc., as it's reasonable to assume they have at LEAST a vested financial interest in that person's well-being.

And, of course, because I believe in all of this ... I'd NEVER get elected!

2006-10-12 15:08:30 · answer #1 · answered by Lawn Jockey 4 · 1 1

I would start by helping America First. There are too many homeless, jobless, etc. in our country. Think about this - There are over 300 million? people in the USA - If everyone gave one dollar a month or year to an organization (besides the government) to help every fellow American that needed help to contribute to a successful society, would we need the government to help law-abiding citizens? I say - Screw the Presidency and start our own financial organization to help ourselves!! But, of course the government would find a way to get their "fair-shake" of that money somehow. Taxes, etc. I do believe there are many other countries in the world that does need help, but why must USA always "save the world"? The President and the elected officials need to get their priorities straight and help ALL of Americans that want to help themselves and want to make USA and the world a better place no matter what. That I believe will make the whole world a better place. Just like the saying goes " IT STARTS IN THE HOME"

2006-10-12 15:21:46 · answer #2 · answered by Tigersmack 1 · 0 1

Take a step back from policing the world. What gave the USA the right in the first place.
Withdraw troops from ALL conflicts where oil is the major issue (oil as opposed to people).
Reinstate the gold standard and abolish the federal reserve.
Make the USA a monarchy - so that my Daughter could be its first Queen.

2006-10-12 19:26:58 · answer #3 · answered by Phlodgeybodge 5 · 0 0

Focus on education mostly! Educative people can judge things clearly and they will not be sheeps who are just following the leader. I would fovus to make US a strong country from the inside. Support the family values, decrease the unemployment rate, stop trying to exploit other countries for their own goods and focus on America's products. Invest on sciense and especially medicine. Make the country a strong economy. Make America known about its people and be respected around the world.
And finally, stop all the wars and let the countries find their way around things. I would support them financially or in the infrastructure or by sharing ideas whenver i was asked to help.
But since i will never be president of USA, i can continue dreaming!

2006-10-12 21:55:40 · answer #4 · answered by Ancient spirit 3 · 0 0

First, I'd rig the election so I won.
Then, I'd draw up a list of the the countries with evil dictators for leaders.
Then, I'd remove off the list all the ones who haven't got anything for me(oil etc)
After that, I'd enlist the help of the first knobless **** I can find-Tony Blair will do.
When I've enlisted his help, I will flout every UN resolution and start never ending wars killing U.S. and British troops while I'm sat in my cosy office.
This will also promote plenty of terrorist activity so I can say 'told you so'.
I will also give lots of the taxpayers money away while my fellow countrymen starve and work for a pittance.
If there is any national disasters in any foreign country, I promise to supply as much aid as possible to make me look good.
If a hurrican tears New Orleans apart, I promise to ignore it.
After all, they're only nigg3rs.
If any other country has nuclear warheads, they are weapons.
If I have them, they are deterrents.
And finally, I'll make sure I ignore global warming.
Well, it isn't going to affect me in my lifetime is it?
I may as well get the revenue from oil sales while I can....

What do you mean, this has already been done before?

2006-10-12 15:42:37 · answer #5 · answered by Kyle 2 · 1 1

My first act as president would be to announce that the US would be withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan. Secondly, I would ensure that when troops returned that they would have access to decent paying jobs, and any medical treatment would be available at free or reduced cost. Then, I would temporarily cease the acceptance of immigrants so that we can secure our borders. Once secure, I would make sure that our immigration policies was much easier to understand with less red tape. Another act of smart foreign policy would be to extend an olive branch of peace with several countries that have been alienated by our actions. Next I would raise minimum wage and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, any companies that hire illegals. I would reduce military spending and use the funds to allieviate the defecit. Also, more money would go towards education, and the environment. Lastly, I would charge George W. Bush with treason, war crimes, and other crimes against America. The end result would be a permanent ban from the US.

2006-10-12 16:23:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

On my first day as President, I would ensure the good people of Iraq had enough ammunition, artillery, weapons and people who choose to fight along side them, who were not aligned to any particular country.

Then I'd withdraw all non-arab troops and leave the area.

Allow the country to become democratic in it's own way, by it's own hands. Fighting for it's own freedom and future.

Finally I would make Saudi pay for the reconstruction of Iraq using only workers from Arab countries.

That would be at the top of my agenda.

Then, I would go to China for discussions regarding North Korea.

I would discuss with experts and non-experts how to make peace in the world financally viable, as against war.

I'd sack a few along the way.

That would be my first week in power sorted.

2006-10-12 15:54:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It was the address used to an American President long before my ancestors and great great grandparents were born. Be it. A president is a man voted by people and the power of the people is within him.Americans are the most powerful men in the world. So your president should be called the most powerful man in the world. I'm ****inday****having a filipino blood but looks turkish indian.

2016-03-28 07:01:30 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I would have the current thugs in the Adminstration tried for war crimes and treason; try to stop political corruption by ending all lobbying and campaign contributions; give huge amount of power to the states, local city councils, and the ordinary citizens; start trade relations and peace talks with Iran and North Korea; end the military aid of Israel, immediately recognise the Palestinians as a separate nation and offer to broker talks between Israel and Palestine, threatening to cut off all financial aid to Israel if it did not join in the talks; pull all troops out of Iraq and Saudi Arabia; support the Afghans against the Taliban; put an immediate end to all military interventions and covert operations in central and south america, as well as everywhere else; and spend the money on healthcare and education instead.

In other words, I would be assassinated before the end of the day.

2006-10-12 23:07:15 · answer #9 · answered by karlrogers2001 3 · 0 0

Stop sending so much USA money to other countries and help the sick, homeless and elderly here. Give the tax breaks to the lower income people. I would be proud enough of my country to actually live in the white house were the president of the USA belongs.

2006-10-12 14:52:08 · answer #10 · answered by ♥tessa♥ 5 · 2 0

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