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6 answers

I react angrily to violence, having personal experience of my son being attacked on a railway station and nearly pushed under a train, simply because he doesnt smoke so didnt have a cigarette to give to a couple of lowlifes.

i just dont understand how people can treat people this way. when you treat people with respect and others feel the need to, attack, steal, bomb or whatever.

i dont like to use the word hatred but sometimes its the only word that describes how i feel in certain situations.

ive always said, hurt my kids and you will pay. the two who hurt my son are now in jail paying for their crime.

2006-10-12 14:53:33 · answer #1 · answered by vanessaoz 7 · 0 0

Shock, fear, and anger, and some physical symptoms are my reaction to violence. And hatred is the baggage ,in the since that I may misuse my hatred, as a fear based way to try and control the violence. I find it exhausting and tiring to work out hatred once I have committed violence with it to get revenge or whatever. Yet these knots or baggage are worth working out. If for no other reason than to keep me healthy. What comes around, goes around.

2006-10-12 21:47:39 · answer #2 · answered by mike t 3 · 0 0

If violence is being projected onto me or my children in a physical nature, I become violent and terribly dangerous.

2006-10-12 21:42:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-10-12 21:39:52 · answer #4 · answered by govtagent_2001 4 · 0 0

unfortunatley with more violence, i have not evolved enough to turn the other cheek, hate and the vibes of such are all consuming

2006-10-12 21:54:13 · answer #5 · answered by chaun_blue 2 · 0 0

My reaction to violence depends on why the violence is occurring and how truly "violent" it is. Like, if I watched a boxing match, I would probably just get some adrenaline, I wouldn't start a raging fist fight with the person next to me. Now, if the violence were to cause some serious harm to me, someone I loved or cared about, my country, or innocent people (especially children, I have no problem giving the O.K. for the execution of child rapists and their sickening ilk) I would probably get quite pissed, depending on the degree of harm. For example, my older brother used to be in a car club, he meant no harm by it, he didn't want to be in a gang, he just liked hanging out with his friends and working on their rides. Now one night, while they were at a bar, just hanging out, some members of another car club in town walked in and started threatening them. The members, who numbered about 30 and who happened to be Hispanic (I'm not racist, but where I lived, the Hispanic culture was deeply influenced by gangs and gang-violence) started taunting my brother and his 4-5 friends. Not one for fighting, especially for a stupid car club, my brother left out the back door, right as he heard the fighting start in the bar. Unfortunately, he didn't get out before being seen and about 10 of the members followed him. As he got in his car, he glanced over towards the building only to see 10 angry people coming at him with beer bottles in hand. They began hurling them at him, causing some serious damage to his vehicle's paint job, and one even hit him in the jaw and broke a couple of teeth, as well as causing a very very small chip in his jawbone. He got away before they could actually get over to his vehicle, and he then came over to our house. It was 1:30 AM, so a knock at the door was sort of odd, but when we saw him standing there, blood pouring from his mouth and a bruise on his cheek, we freaked out. After we got him some ice and gauze for his mouth, he began to explain what happened. Apparently, his entire car club was targeted because a few nights back one of his friends, who happened to be drunk, had insulted one of the other club's members, that's it, one insult from a drunk man and they went all vendetta on people they didn't even know. Needless to say, I was furious, as was my father, and we both wanted to grab our baseball bats and go beat some heads open. But we didn't, mostly because we didn't have a clue who the members were, and secondly because it would have been pointless, solving nothing (later the police arrested about 12 of the members, several were charged with assault and battery). That is my reaction to violence against my person or people I care for, I am not afraid to stand up for them, but at the same time, if my reaction would just cause more violence and trouble, I won't do anything except pray that the cops/military get the buggers.

As for my reaction to violence against innocent people, it depends on two main things. Firstly, what happened to the person and why did it happen (did a sicko just decide to rape/murder someone, or was the violence the due to war?). If the person was mercilessly raped or murdered, or otherwise injured for no reason other than the satisfaction of some sick freak, I can get quite heated (a reason I don't watch the news, lol). Now, when it comes to war, I feel sad about deaths, but it's war, people die, it happens. I am in no way advocating war, but when war DOES happen, I expect innocents to die, not that I am happy about it, but unfortunately it is just the way it is. As for genocide or other such horrendous things, I just want to stick the perpetrators on sharpened pikes and burn them alive, killing one person is sick enough, but annihilating an entire nation/race/culture is as sick as you can get. Yes, I sound violent too, I know, but I've never murdered/raped/molested/assaulted anyone nor do I have plans too, I just get really pissed, lol.

So, yeah, sorry that I was longwinded, but I just had to tell that story, it vividly shows how I react to violence, I get mad, and justly so, but I can keep cool enough to not go do something reckless in retaliation.

2006-10-12 22:33:04 · answer #6 · answered by Locomotive 3 · 0 0

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