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32 answers

go to family counseling or cheat or divorce...

2006-10-12 14:25:20 · answer #1 · answered by Queen D 5 · 1 3

Why doesn't your husband make you happy anymore,...?
and yet you still love him...I some what confused, please help me out.
Have you got your eye on some one else...?
and you just don't feel the magic with your husband anymore..?
Let me just put it this way.
if the fire has gone out in your marriage, and you have given it your very best and have talked with your husband about how you feel, and nothing has changed.
Then remember life is short, don't live it in a dead marriage,
make the move and reach out for another Star and Dream.
be Happy and not unhappy.
As for marriage counselors they are a really joke, that's like asking a priest for help with your marriage,
You have to step back and ask yourself, why in God's Name would I or anyone else ask a Priest any question about marriage he doesn't know anything about it, since he has not experienced it.
that's what I think about marriage counselor, because most of them are in the same boat.
Look if your not happy and you have tried everything to make the magic come back into your lives but with no luck then it's time to say good-night.
Thats if you are strong and do not spend the remaining part of your Beautiful life in denial.
it's your move good luck, and God Bless You.


2006-10-12 14:49:56 · answer #2 · answered by candyman 2 · 1 0

Happiness comes from within. Your happiness has nothing to do with your husband. You are dissatisfied and blaming this on your husband.
And at any rate, if your husband is causing you deep unhappiness, the only person you can change is you.
So no matter what your situation is the solution is the same; change yourself and you will find some peace.
It is written, "Come unto me and I will give you rest..."
Get more active. Talk to your pastor. Listen to God. And be free.
Peace and may the Hand of God be upon you.

2006-10-12 14:30:39 · answer #3 · answered by Jack B 2 · 0 0

Let me start by saying these answers that say leave are WRONG! If they were right I would have left a long time ago. You can't just leave when things get bad you have to fix them. My husband is a great guy and a great father, but when it comes to romance hes well lets just say umm clueless. I know that for me I am starting to realize that I have to take more care of me before I can expect him to. I have started doing my own things. Such as making new friends, sewing, and going to flea markets. I think that he is starting to realize that I don't really need him is a want thing so he's SLOWLY becoming more attentive. I hope this helps good luck!

2006-10-12 14:39:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The two of you have to communicate and you have to express to him how you've been feeling and ask him to work on showing more affection and doing the things that make you happy.
A marriage is a unity, the two of you have to compromise to be happy. I think with a bit of communication the two of you can work on progressing the relationship.
You also have to take care of yourself in order to be fully happy.
If you love your husband like you say, you will be willing to talk things over with him to save your marriage from what it may become. He has to be aware of your feelings in order to change the way he's acting and the areas that he has been lacking in.

2006-10-12 14:46:36 · answer #5 · answered by ♪Msz. Nena♫ 6 · 0 0

Find happiness in volunteer work, friends, things that are outside the marriage, excluding an affair. Or you could try to do things together, suggest to him an activity that use to make you both happy. Night on the town, dancing, hiking. I don't know what your interest are but when you were dating didn't you do things together? Well, it is never too late to start "dating" again and fire up the romance again. Good luck to you.

2006-10-12 14:42:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is hard and i have asked myself that same question. I am not really sure i love him anymore. I know that it will get to a point that you will have to make a decision for yourself. Alot will depend on how old you are and then you might want to consider seeing someone for help in dealing with what you are feeling. My husband does not want to talk to anyone about our problems and that is why we have not gotten any help. He keeps alot bottled up and i do not.

2006-10-12 14:39:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can't find the happiness you seek in any person or thing. You can be happy in your marriage, though. You can indeed have a fulfilling, passionate, and emotionally satisfying relationship with your husband. You need to do this one thing. Die. Die completely to yourself. Look not to please yourself. DON'T look out for "#1". Make yourself a servant. Determine to figure out ways to make him feel like you absolutely prefer him over every earthly thing. No man can resist this!
Sacrifice. Not much talked about or understood in today's society, but if applied consistently, it works!!! Don't exert your "rights". If you are offended in some way big or small. Don't take account of it; don't hold grudges. Be quick to forgive.
All this can be summed up in this one word: LOVE. This is what true, lasting and fulfilling love consists of. Can you accomplish this alone? No. You need to receive this kind of love first, before you can give it. Can't give what you do not possess. You get it one place. The Father- God. He's waiting to give this same kind of love to you. Unconditional Love. Wow, it's the ABSOLUTE MOST!

2006-10-12 14:39:28 · answer #8 · answered by fruitypebbles 4 · 0 2

If you really still love him you should be able to find a way to keep your marriage together, especially if there's kids involved. You should try to rekindle the flame. Think of all the reasons you married him to begin with. If he's good to you and loves you, good men are few and far between. Don't throw away what so many women look for and never find.

2006-10-12 14:44:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How do you mean "Happy"?
Do you mean failing to please you in the sack?
Expecting someone to make you happy is placing a huge burden on that person. Do you want a clown? You need to be a happy person in your own right . You could be having issues with depression or a hormone imbalance.I suggest talking to a doctor.

2006-10-13 01:27:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are not to depend on someone making you happy. Happiness starts with yourself. If you still love your husband, open your self up to his hobbies and start doing things together that first brought you together. If you honestly love him, you will began to feel the spark and happiness you once shared with him.

2006-10-12 14:28:26 · answer #11 · answered by moochie753 1 · 0 1

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