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Im at a loss for words. Anti-Americanism and HATE for Americans has reached an all time high. Kim Jong iLL sets of a NUKE and ITS OUR FAULT.. I fail to follow your logic. Why? Because we called them an "axis of evil" (and now they must protect themselves from the evil Americans).....well....clearly they are.
I just cannot believe my eyes and ears... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. And for those of you who think appeasment is the best foreign policy...well...LOL...good luck with that approach.. You guys just keep going to your "Nevile Chamberlin" play book...It seems to have worked in the past!

2006-10-12 13:31:33 · 18 answers · asked by quarterback 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

18 answers

Well I,m English and I live in London and I certainly do not hate the USA.
What I do hate is people who get on to trains and busses with bombs in their bags and then commit suicide and mass murder at the same time. Then they leave video taped messages claiming to have done it in the name of their religion.
What I am starting to hate too is the liberal left. These fuzzy minded misguided fools who want to tell us what to do and say and not do and say in the name of political correctness.
They need to remember that without the American 'can do' attitude and drive they would not be enjoying so many benefits today - including the computers they use to spread their garbage.

Great answer from John D by the way.

Another thing people need to do is show some more respect for the president of the USA. Whether or not you voted for him or like him, you should understand he probably knows a bit more than you do. Not all information can be divulged to the public.
I don't care how intelligent he is or is not. He is not a gifted speaker but I want to say this.
If the 9/11 attacks had come on Jimmy Carter's or Bill Clintons watch, they would be negotiating a settlement.
Pres. Bush was the man for the moment and he has had the bottle to show the islamic world VERY CLEARLY that if they attack the USA and the west then there is a price to pay.
The above also applies to Prime Minister Blair - and I don't like him and did not vote for him, for reasons not connected with Iraq.
He is still the PM and should get some respect.
So in closing I can say I sympathise with your question and am also at a loss for words about the attitude.
All I can say is that when it comes to people like Jane Fonda, Barbara Streisand etc - they are not real people. Just trash developed by hollywood.
Sure the USA can get up my nose from time to time but thank God they are there.
Best wishes

2006-10-12 22:46:16 · answer #1 · answered by George 3 · 0 1

Stop whining for sympathy, America gets away with too much. I you haven't noticed there are a lot of pathetic people who suck up to all Americans.

Further more if you hadn't raved about WMDs while all the time you were oil-hungry, you could have done something about it. You knew it was coming and you deserve it.

But if America can have nuclear weapons, then the rest of the world is entitled to as well, although personally I don't like nuclear.

And if you are going to bring up Neville Chamberlain, maybe you need reminding that America refused to be part of the League of Nations, and was later Hitler's 'silent accomplice' in the lead up to WWII.

2006-10-12 21:21:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm also at a loss for words why so many Americans feel the need to defend their countries foreign policy. History has proven that American intervention does NOT work, and will never be accepted by the rest of the World, because America is perceived as a bully. We're also sick to death of the American 'gun-ho' attitude or 'shoot first ask questions later' mentality.
There's bound to be anti-American sentiment at the moment, considering what's happening in the middle east. However, we all should be congratulating the US for such a rip-roaring success in bringing about peace and political stability in Iraq.....NOT!!

2006-10-12 13:49:19 · answer #3 · answered by Bont11 5 · 2 0

hehe intense high quality one yet on an identical time as the neatest guy interior the worldwide became leaping out he truthfully in mid air switched over the backpack with the pencils and string right into a hanglider which properly delivered him decrease back to the floor on an identical time as the president and woman jumped out extraterrestrial beings had come of their spaceships and attacked the worldwide. This awakened the Ninja grasp who used his ninja skills to smash each and every of the extraterrestrial beings, yet hwile doing so their spaceships exploded sending 1000's of pounds of candy that overwhelmed each and every of the human beings different than bunnies who started ingesting the candy and grew to become very hyper and had sexy time which created vast super bunnies who had the neatest bunny interior the worldwide that recreated the human poplulation and the following day the bunnies had created their own planet and all of decrease back to popular

2016-10-02 06:04:46 · answer #4 · answered by wheelwright 4 · 0 0

It doesn't surprise me a bit. Since Clinton virtually erased any credibility of the US, by way of his ******** antics, and the way he made fools of our legal, and governmrntal systems, why would the other nations of the world have any respect for us. The people of other countries judge us by the actions of our government, just the same way we judge them.
And, in case anybody has forgotten, Clinton gave North Korea nuclear technology, along with missile technology. Bush did not. Clinton knew that North Korea was not abiding by their agreements concerning nuclear technology, and did nothing about it.
That brings me back to my question, which I will ask everytime somebody starts Bush bashing. What is the democrats plan to solve this problem? If they are going to be in the drivers seat, I want to know where they are going. And what road they plan to use.

2006-10-12 14:06:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Lets put this in perspective. We are at war with North Korea. We have been at war with them for longer than most middle aged and younger Americans have been alive. However it does not seem that way for these same people. They have no involvement in the war. This is due to a cease fire that was declared many years ago. No one ever won the war we just stopped shooting at each other for a few decades. As far as most of us are concerned Korea is just a back water Podunk hole. Who cares? As far as Korea is concerned, every one is still at war. Just waiting for things to heat up again. We have moved on and they have not. After all they have nothing else better to do.

And yes it is our fault. We signed agreements with them under the first bush and then did a bunch more under Clinton and it was pretty much all as you say Nevile Chamberlinish.
In Kim Jong Ill's mind, he is still at war and he is determined to win. He also knows that he can not beat us in a conventional way. So that leaves nuke's on the table. Iran is also building nukes. Any surprises there?

Yes it is upside down. Every thing is America's fault. Bush is evil and bush is Hitler. I guess the history teachers in the public school systems need to be fired if every one thinks bush is equal to Hitler. Perhaps those who do should go live under shri law with the talaban for a few years then come back and tell us if they still think Bush is Hitler. Most of them would be executed the first day.

In vietnam we won the war. The enemy was ready to surender. However they heard our news casts and decided to hang on. it worked. Congress defunded the war and we came home. The enemy claimed victory. We lost 58,000 people. They lost 50,000 just on the Tet offensive. They had the support of Jane Fonda. After the war the real killing started (see the movie the killing fields) and Jane never went over there to protest that killing for some odd reason. No students protested that on any collage campus. No reporters said a word. Why is that do you suppose? I don't remember the exact number but I seem to recall it was around 2 million dead. Not a peep.
Sadam kills with poison gas his own country men. No protest. WE invade and the war protesters are out in front of the camers and chanting. No I never understood it either. The talaban and al Qaeda treat women poorly. No one says a word. Not a peep. No protest. We liberate them and we are evil. Where the hell is Jane Fonda and Barbra Striesand when it comes to the opressed women of Islam? Silent as sheep before the slaughter.

Just for fun what if George Bush said enough of this. You want al Qaeda, you got al Qaeda. Hey Osama I'm pulling down the american flag from the white house and its all yours. What would the protestors have to say once the constitution that gave them free speech was replaced by shri law? Untill the attack of september 11'th becomes a daily event, most americans will be asleep at the wheel. So yes its going to be upside down for a while. I wonder how its going to look for those loud mouths when we are attacted again? What will happen when a small nuke is set off over Kansas at an altitude of about 250 miles? How much more American blood before they wake up and realize who the enemy is? It looks like 3000 before lunch on september 11 was not quite enough. What about 4,000? 10,000? Would 50,000 do it? Will we wait for a nuke to go off first? Just how much damage do they have to do to convince every one that they not Bush is the enemy? Yes I know if it ever came to that every one would blame Bush and ask what he knew and when he knew it and why didn't we connect the dots. We wont' let him spy on the enemy but he better connect the dots and stop the next attack and he better do it while we all object to his doing it. Go figure.

2006-10-12 14:34:39 · answer #6 · answered by john d 3 · 0 2

You're wrong, the United States thinks they have police power over every country in the world .. We don't mind letting our allies developer WMD , But should other countries decide to develop uranium enrichment we think that is cause for war. So we are heading over to mess with N.Korea. They have every right to develope Nuclear Weapons, for no other reason than to protect themselves from the U.S.. We should butt out of business that does not concern us. One or two missiles, does not pose a threat to us one tiny bit. We have thousands..Where does this paranoia come from? It wouldn't be from the Bush Administration would it.Your logic is that of a fool!

2006-10-12 13:55:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

my dear, America has got nuclear weapons. Israel has got nuclear weapons. Why can't any other country have the same? We need some balance here. I think it is very good to know that there is not one single dominant in this world. Let Bush go and attack Kim Jong if he wants, the same way he attacked Irak... yeah, let him try...

2006-10-13 01:03:19 · answer #8 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 0

You not having a go at Harry Truman are you?

He set off two nuclear devices and the world blamed the USA, well at least Japan did, but was he a mad man?

I don't know. I guess that it depends whether you think that killing over 200,000 people using two bombs is sane or insane, I guess.

2006-10-12 22:57:10 · answer #9 · answered by karlrogers2001 3 · 1 0

Well said. I,ve had these thoughts for a long time. Thanks to America and Britain i can come on a web site to air my feelings. Its called freedom of speech. Thats why were not opressed and living under the swastika. If it was left to the spinelless other European countries we'd have been living under a dictatorship a long time ago.

2006-10-12 23:59:41 · answer #10 · answered by bootycreord 3 · 0 0

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