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It's a crazy topic, but I am curious to see what people think on it. Alot of you will type "No, duh.", but you neglect to recognize that the reason you are wearing that Fubu Jacket is because you were convinced by your television you weren't cool unless you had it. It's a thin line between influence and control, but even in technology there are reports of mind control success, the question is... can it go wi-fi? Gimme some feedback!

2006-10-12 12:15:10 · 9 answers · asked by twocircuits 2 in Social Science Other - Social Science

9 answers

of course people are mind controlled. how else could you explain the fact that some women will fight for the right kill their own unborn babies? how else could you explain the fact that some people will argue that homosexuality is genetic?.....i mean that doesn't even make since.

2006-10-12 16:05:13 · answer #1 · answered by hillbilly named Possum 5 · 0 0

Mind control is happening on many different levels, and as far as it being a 'crazy' topic, that is in itself the object of mind control to assert that such a subject is a 'crazy' topic.

Mind control should be an expected outcome from Biblical prophecy. If you know your Bible it tells you repeatedly of its existence in Revelation.

When the Bible talks about Sorcerers, that includes those who use the science of mind control to deceive the people, and any other evil misuse of science or human words (which is regarded as witchcraft) to lie.

The effectiveness of mind control can be gaged by the statement in the Bible that even the elect are almost deceived.

2006-10-12 12:42:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The question of who is brain washing whom depends on which side you are on and what you are calling 'brainwashing.'

Here's an article:

It's not so farfetched. Like a computer, the brain is made up of many little units wired together to process information digitally. Where computers use zeros and ones, neurons encode our thoughts in all-or-nothing electrical impulses. And if computers and brains speak the same language, it should be possible for the two to speak to each other.

Researchers hope ultimately to eavesdrop on the brain's digital crackle with electrodes, transmit those signals to a computer that can read the brain's code and then use those signals to control a machine. Imagine a quadriplegic person able to operate a robotic arm mounted on a wheelchair with merely a thought. Imagine a digital stream flowing from a microphone into a deaf person's auditory cortex, where it could become the perception of sound.

These dreams have an official name: brain-machine interfaces. A decade ago they seemed little more than fantasy, but now their emergence seems like just a matter of time. At the Center for Neuroengineering at Duke University, monkeys with electrodes surgically implanted in their brains move robotic arms with their minds alone. The electrodes pick up signals from neurons that normally would produce hand movements, and a computer translates those instructions into commands that drive the robot. The translation happens almost instantaneously, and is sophisticated enough to allow the monkey to do more than move the arm. It can also squeeze the gripper at the end of the robotic arm as hard or as lightly as it pleases.

The Duke neuroengineers are now moving from monkeys to people. In the July 2004 issue of the Journal of Neurosurgery, they report their success at temporarily implanting their electrodes into the brains of volunteers. (The subjects were undergoing surgery for Parkinson's disease and other tremor disorders.) The patients then played videogames while the electrodes recorded the brain signals. The scientists trained a computer to recognize the brain activity corresponding to the different movements of the joystick—the first step toward translating brain commands into computer ones. Now the Duke researchers want to do long-term research on electrodes implanted in quadriplegics.

In its current form, the Duke brain-machine interface isn't pretty. Cables run out of the test subject's skull, Borg style. The design is not just ugly, but unhealthy—the opening for the wiring could let in infection. The Duke neuroengineers are hoping to make their brain-machine interface wireless: electrodes buried in the brain would relay signals to a transmitter embedded in the skull, which in turn would send them as radio waves to a receiver attached to the scalp. The receiver would then pass the signals to a miniature computer a person might wear on his or her belt. The device would wirelessly send commands to a robotic arm or some other machine.

If you don't need a cable to transmit signals from your brain, then you aren't limited by a cable's reach, either. You could send those signals through the Internet to a machine thousands of miles away. You could uplink them through a satellite to a rover prowling around on Mars. Consider the possibility of electrodes implanted in the language centers of the brain, wirelessly transmitting your inner voice thousands of miles away. You might choose instead to send them to someone standing nearby with electrodes implanted in his or her hearing centers. Telepathy, anyone? Or, if you take a bleaker view of the future, mind control?

Huge hurdles remain between today's state-of-the-art and these possibilities. The fact that scientists can decode hand-moving brain signals is no guarantee that other signals—incoming touch or outgoing speech, for example—will be as easy to master. Basic hardware challenges, such as getting more power to the internal transmitters, have yet to be solved. And making brains Wi-Fi will still involve surgery, unless someone can figure out how to monitor neurons from the outside. On the other hand, few would have imagined a decade ago that monkeys would now be running robots with their minds. When it comes to Wi-Fi, it may not be wise to bet against the future.
© 2006 Newsweek, Inc.

2006-10-13 06:47:49 · answer #3 · answered by JFAD 5 · 0 0

I believe in suggestibility, pressure, and influence. I also believe in brainwashing. But I don't believe that a person's thoughts can be controlled directly and deliberately at the will of another. Like, one can be brainwashed to join a cult, but to make them think that the air is pink, is another story. I think it's impossible to go wi-fi.

2006-10-12 12:28:37 · answer #4 · answered by pandora the cat 5 · 0 0

yah sure, i mean anything can be possable if u put ur mind to it and i think mind controll is one of them. its somthing that can happen but its not likely a nother person can preform it on u can they?i would like to figure that out one day and see if it would work then maybe we could make everyone in the world more giving and respectful dont u thnk?

2006-10-12 12:28:54 · answer #5 · answered by bubbles and bambam 1 · 0 0

while you're apprehensive approximately concepts administration look no extra beneficial than your government. I dont have self assurance it fairly is available psychicly. Telepathy confident tho. yet in comparison to scifi video clips might have you ever suspect. you are able to knock on someones concepts door and that they dont could pay attention. they could hear you mumble in the process the door nonetheless.

2016-12-13 07:14:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Absolutely! All marketing/add agencies count on it. Even certain songs give you subliminal messages. That's how various trends come and go in the society.

2006-10-12 12:25:46 · answer #7 · answered by Sam 3 · 0 0

Ask the followers of Charlie Manson they based their case on it they did the deed they got off better than Charlie did.

2006-10-12 12:19:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sort of but not realy

mayb 1 day tho

2006-10-12 12:24:50 · answer #9 · answered by Claire 2 · 0 0

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