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Recently, There is a lot of fear in the western media from Islam. Islam is increasinly being associated with terrorism and fanatism. Do you think the real problem is the Islamic religion or some indivisuals who are abusing Islam? Why do you think most of the current wars now are against Islamic countries..examples are Chechnia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine.

2006-10-12 12:09:24 · 29 answers · asked by Moh'd K 2 in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

I think the reason Islam is getting such a bad press is that there is more to report regarding extremism. We are experiencing terror attacks in the west, and that is news worthy.

What the media fails to even try to communicate, is that every creed of people have their fanatics, like in the UK we have the BNP. What they fail even more miserably to convey, is that whatever actions are carried out, they are carried out by a minority, and you cannot judge an entire race of people upon the actions of a few.

Unfortunately we don't get to hear about the local mosque that does loads of good in the name of the Prophet. Of local hero's who happen to be muslim. We just hear about the bad stuff that is going on.

And the media doesn't influence western governments to go to war; the media is a tool of those governments to justify to the hoodwinked masses, that there is a reason to be at war, when really the only reason is the wests own form of extremism, greed, power and domination.

There is every reason to stop the terrorism, but is there any reason to become terrorists ourselves, killing civilians as we have. We are no better than them!

Don't you think even the phraze "war on terrorism" is a complete contradiction, it brings negativity to what has to be the ultimate goal of bringing peace into the world.

2006-10-12 12:36:55 · answer #1 · answered by KJA 3 · 2 2

Before we understand the present situation concerning muslims, we need to look at the past. The west (US and UK) have been invading the lands of the muslims from day 1. I am sure that if the west stopped interferring with the middle east and stopped sending troops and going into illegal wars, I am sure that there will be world peace.
Remember, it takes two (2) to tango. The war started with the west from day 1. Firstly the British Empire invaded so many countries and colonised there lands and forced the people to accept there laws, then the Americans and British teamed up into forming an illegal state called Israel in the middle east.
The media is biased and only favours the US and UK and doesn't show the true reason why muslims are increasingly becoming more angry with the west.
All of these years that the UK and US have been attacking the muslims, 9/11 and 7/7 was inevitable. They must have seen themselves being attacked on there own lands the same way that they have been attacking them on there land. I'm not saying that 9/11 and 7/7 was a good thing, I am against terrorism, but we should atleast acknowledge the fact that the west is responsible for more deaths than any other nation.

Westerners are so gullible that they believe everything that the media says.

BUSH is the biggest terrorist in the world.


2006-10-12 12:24:12 · answer #2 · answered by Mr curious 3 · 2 3

I think that the main problem lies with terrorism. Yes, we know that all Islamics are not terrorists. But, we also see that Islamic leaders do not speak out against the terrorists. Why is that? For me, that is a real sticking point. For example, this whole thing that happened with the Pope. He accused Islam of having a violent beginning by quoting someone else. The response was outrage and that is appropriate, or at least it was until the accusation was answered with what? Violence. That was to be expected from extremists, but even then no one from Islam of any import stood up and said "That's wrong, be peaceful in your protests." I think that is part of the reason not just western media, but western people increasingly believe all Islamics are okay with terrorism - they certainly don't speak out much against it. What's up with that?

2006-10-12 12:57:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i could say if there's a random homicide or theft and a suspect is Muslim or has a Muslim call, and there is not any reason to suspect terrorist style pastime (the homicide sufferer became additionally Muslim) no longer plenty would be made out of it, till it rather is an 'honor killing' of a daughter who has 'disgraced' the family contributors. yet a attractiveness might desire to be needless to say a center jap style call and maximum possibly Muslim (even with the actuality that Lebanese and different Christians from the midsection East do have comparable names) yet whilst it rather is a plot against an airline or some thing, then terrorism is in touch and it will become a controversy. i do no longer understand that the lead on the story would be "A Muslim is suspected of such and such". yet whilst it rather is a suspected terrorist plot, each and every now and then names on my own are sufficient, notwithstanding if no longer something is declared a pair of person being a Muslim. i can nonetheless keep in mind whilst race became constantly pronounced in memories. If a Black person the two committed against the regulation or became a sufferer, the newspapers, in all probability up till the mid 60's could point out the guy's race.

2016-10-02 06:00:49 · answer #4 · answered by schnetter 4 · 0 0

I as an American do not see this which you speak of,but do see the media making excuses for muslim hatred,against Americans,Christians,and Jews,i wonder if the world knows that muslims served in the german army doing ww2,chasing and capturing Jews to send to the gas chamber,even though the state of isreal did not exist,as for the Palestine's,why do the muslims country not give part of there lands,and money to create a free Palestine or is that to simple.

2006-10-12 12:33:51 · answer #5 · answered by truckman 4 · 0 0

The problem isn't Islam but those that misinterpret it and use it to pursue their own agenda. As regards the Western media there would probably be more balanced reporting if moderate Muslims were more outspoken in their condemnation of their religion being hijacked for the political ambitions of people with their own agenda.

2006-10-12 21:08:42 · answer #6 · answered by bob kerr 4 · 0 0

The real problem is that we look upon these people as enemies, but not people. Muslims are mostly peaceful, as are other religions, but the news media in America has begun to portray Islam as a religion of hate and all Muslims as sub-human. No, none of those wars are against Islam, well, maybe Iraq.

2006-10-12 12:33:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Um because the truth is coming out about how radical Islam really are fking crazy and want to take over the world perhaps?

Maybe they are seeing too many beheadings and dead bodies that are mutilated by the Radical jihadists that they are not allowed to put on TV?
Why is it that when soldiers are killed in Somalia or Pakistan, the Muslims carry the dead bodies of Americans through the streets and mutilate them, string them up? I'm sure those are ordinarily nice Muslims.
come now, you can't tell me that almost every Muslim doesn't have just a tad of Hate for Western culture? Any who are the Relgious fanatics that is. Just what percentage of the Muslim religion AREN'T religious fanatics?
happy jihading.

2006-10-12 12:16:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Do you hear any "peaceful muslims" speaking out against the terrorists? No. Do you see them coming to the aid of their country and providing information that would stop Innocent people from getting killed? No. Do you see them taking a patriotic stand for their country where they have many more freedoms than if they lived in a Islamic fundamentalist country? No. Enough said.

2006-10-12 12:15:04 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 8 0

You have to remember something:

the only truly tolerant religion is Christianity - not the old testament gore and bile about revenge, which is a characteristic of various religions from that part of the planet, but the radical ideas espoused by one J. Christ concerning love, tolerance, forgiveness, etc. So the problem is not Islam or any other single religion, but all of the old ones that instil fear and paranoia by their characterization of their 'god' as vengeful, ever-vigilant etc.

The appearance of Christianity in the world was earthshaking news. It was upsetting to the established order. It did make rabbis and other priesthoods quake in their boots because it represented a sea change.

So don't try to suggest that the West is picking on one religion. The old religions breed fanaticism and intolerance and the idea that in order to be faithful one is obligated to use hook or crook or terrorism to make an example of non-believers. The wars are not "against" countries of any particular religious persuasion but against those who hide behind their religion in order to perpetrate idiocies, stupidities and crimes.

Should they be of one religion as opposed to another, one has to ask as well - is there something about that religion that favours or demands more violent measures?

And of course you should know from history that Christianity in its true form is not like that, would not be like that. But some religions, from their history and their precedent, ARE like that.

By the way: I am an atheist.

PS: Re Palestine, this situation had NOTHING to do with Islam; it was a perceived redress to a perceived historical wrong - whether you believe that to be the case or not, that's how it was perceived.

And NO, Israel is NOT An "ILLEGAL STATE". But the creation of Israel caused problems which we are now having to acknowledge and deal with.

It is only the subsequent behaviours of ALL SIDES of the situation that has caused Islam to be appended to the Palestinians; it WAS NOT and IS NOT an "Islamic" war. The unfortunate truth of the situation is that you have thousands of Palestinians now in their third - and entering their fourth -generation in a "resettlement camp" who have nothing, nothing to look forward to, and nothing to lose. If some of them - or all, for that matter - decided to throw in their lot with Islamic warriors, who could blame them?

2006-10-12 12:22:40 · answer #10 · answered by kerangoumar 6 · 1 3

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