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I don't care about the white people 50-300 years ago. 99% of the white people nowadays are loving, caring, considerate, and have love for fellow man. We are the only race that allows diversity in our countries. The only diversity in Asian countries are white English teachers. When a woman from Japan commented about the possibility of immigrants she replied " we want our gene pool to stay clean". Although, I can not remember what that lady's name was. So why are Asian countries suspicious and don't really like foreigners and don't accept immigration? They all have the same excuse "we have too many people". Well, Germany has 600 people per square mile almost as dense as Japan, and Germany accepts immigrants. I don't see what Asians have toward other races???

2006-10-12 11:58:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Why ask why ... it's human nature

2006-10-12 12:00:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Are you insane? Many whites are just as if not more racist. I once had a job where my two white bosses kept explaining to me and everyone how great and smart asians are to one of the asian guys working there. "asians are so smart, it's how their culture is, that why he's so good at his job", is what they would say. I'm the only black guy in the room, clearly if they believed that about asians, they must believe something negative about blacks. I could never see them saying, "blacks are so smart and intelligent." Made me feel like crap. And the asian guy they worshipped was racist too. He even admitted that he had an easier life in school because white teachers always treated him like a genius just because he was Asian. He ADMITTED to this, felt bad about it, but figured it was easier than being treated poorly like teaches would do the blacks.

I don't know where you getting your info from.

Experience: I experienced this first hand.

PS: the only reason whites let anyone in this land is because of money. The more people you let work in the country, the more money they make for the government, and help push products around the country. It's not because their "caring". Don't buy into that nonsense, it's always about the money in America. Even when they say their helping other countries to live, it's only for the money/resources. Don't let the bullsh*t fool you.

2006-10-12 12:03:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

First of all Germany's pop. desnity is not nearly as much as Japan's, not even close. Go to Berlin and then go to Tokyo and you will see what I am talking about.

It is racist to say that 99% of white people are nice and caring. Racism is making sweeping generalizations about a people because of what a smaller group of people has said or done. There is about the same percentage of assholes from Germany as there are from Japan (the Europeans I know are the biggest stuck up racist ***** I have ever met and the Asians I know are by far much nicer and worldly than them).

Also, think about the last time Japan accepted foreign white immigrants, their culture was destroyed and they became slaves in their own country (thousands of christians needed to be killed just to get their country back) even today they are Imperialist lap dogs and bow to the feet of white pigs. they deserve to be a bit racist, they deserve to be more racist than they are (dont give me that **** that it isnt our fault, they opened their country out of the kindness of their hearts and the hopes of better International relations and the whites ****** them!) Oh yeah, remember August 6 and 9, 1945 when you incinerated thousands of inncoent Japanese men, women, and children in Nagasaki and Hiroshima? Remember the Japanese internment camps where you imprisoned Japanese people for being japanese?

The last time China opened their doors to whitey, England began the opium war, managing to get an entire country destroyed by a drug. You destroyed their culture, you destroyed their country! They are still trying to put their country back together.

I am hosting a Korean exchange student and at the mall she bumbed into a woman she very apologetically said "I'm sorry, excuse me are you okay?" In her broken English with the Korean accent. Do you know what the lady said to her? "******* Chink" Hae-ri looked so sad and hurt. She almost cried there, her first week in America and that is how she is treated. Someone that same day called her a **** (older derogatory term for Koreans which derives from the Korean word for Korea-Hangook which came about in the early 50's because of the Korean war and the returning GIs with their new found knowledge of basic Korean).

White people and Europeans were assholes to them then and they are to them now. It is gonna take awhile before the Asians forgive you guys.

2006-10-12 12:15:54 · answer #3 · answered by vladkeren44 2 · 3 2

I think Asians are a proud race and only seek to maintain their culture. My husband is half Korean, and though his mother married a white man she was very upset when he married me, assumably because the women take on the majority of passing on the culture. She wanted him to marry a nice Korean woman that knew how to make homemade Kimchee and what not. I don't think it is a matter of superiority, or maintaining a "clean" bloodline as much as it is maintaining their way of life...keeping their culture "clean", as it were.

2006-10-12 13:15:55 · answer #4 · answered by Katie 4 · 0 0

You have totally wrong information,Europeans in majority are very racist and Xenophobic.Even they were not able to withstand Jews who were also white for at least the last 1500 years.English French Russians Polish Germans are all in the same boat with the exception of Greeks and Italians.It is very much possible that the one you met were widely traveled and educated,Those kinds are every where but in Minority.

2006-10-12 12:09:20 · answer #5 · answered by Dr.O 5 · 2 1

Japan accepts immigrants too. Sadly, in today's world ALL races have an element of intolerance. So take the wool off from over your eyes, & get a newer & better perspective, because racism is alive & well all over the world, not just in Asia.

2006-10-12 12:05:06 · answer #6 · answered by No More 7 · 1 1

While I can relate to what you're saying about Asians, and I think it is because they think they are somehow superior to all other races (which is even evident in the smallest of situations, like walking on the wrong side of the mall and expecting everyone to get out of their way, or RIDICULOUS driving by cutting people off and an utter disregard for people around them in everyday experiences), I have to disagree with most of what you say. Many Americans (who are white) are very racist. I know most other countries hate Americans, and I know for a fact that in Germany, you are either Turkish, or you hate Turks.

Racism is a worldwide epidemic based on ignorance.

2006-10-12 12:09:25 · answer #7 · answered by pacerslover31 3 · 1 3

Firstly; I would like for you to know, that I am a "white", home-grown Canadian boy. Your question is one it seems of astonishment. In a Country like Canada, we are amazed at other cultures and races when they fail to respond the way we think they should. Our history is one of relative peace and affluence opposed to Asian nations, who have had tough Rulers, wars and invasion. Their strong sense of identity and family seems odd to us because we, (more affluent) have drifted away from a sense of family due to facts which would take a chapter to discuss, in it self. These Asian people "see" things through a different set of eyes than we do. Take China for example. The Chinese have a strong sense of family and do not like the Japanese because of pre-World War II "antics" (check out history for this one). Europeans have had war and invasion but in general, are nice to people "other races" . Pre World War II and W.W. II speak to the contrary. Germany has a immigration policy of no one can be a German citizen, who was not born German, today on the books. It is a trait of human nature to be biased or prejudiced against those, who we deem to have hurt us or we perceive to hurt us.

2006-10-12 12:25:17 · answer #8 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 1 1

Ok this is my opinion... Just cause you heard one asian woman talk like that doesn't mean you can bunch asian people all together and assume all of them are like that. Have you interviewed all Asians in this world and then came to the conclusion that they are racist.

2006-10-12 12:06:18 · answer #9 · answered by ic2011 5 · 3 1

They want to keep their gene pool clean that way they will always all look alike.

2006-10-12 12:56:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You MUST be from the South, living in a gated, all-white community, in which the lynching of Blacks still is considered "good fun" rather than murder!

I have German relatives and spent a year there and can tell you: they have NOTHING but contempt for most Americans, especially the IGNORANT ones (can you think of any close to you???).

Get your head out of your a**!!!!

2006-10-12 12:03:45 · answer #11 · answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6 · 1 5

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