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Individuals of both Cancer and Scorpio are motivated by emotion and intuition. Thus, the bond shared by these two will be very strong. Scorpio natives are inclined to throw heart and soul into a relationship and expects any partner to be true. They are also prone to keep a jealous eye open for any wrongdoing. Fortunately for this pairing, the beliefs of Cancer mirror those of Scorpio and the Cancer partner will never give any reason for the Scorpio mate's jealousy to blossom. It is part and parcel of the Scorpio character to work hard...either at home or on a job...and his or her residence is the place reserved for peace and quiet, which is paramount if Scorpio is to unwind from all the daily tensions. If the emotional needs of the Scorpio native is met and he or she is comfortable with the trust placed in the Cancer partner, then it is extremely unlikely that Scorpio would ever dream of being unfaithful. Cancer's natural concern for the welfare of others may somehow lead to Scorpio thinking that those people are using Cancer's good nature and disposition...thoughts that originate from a touch of jealousy in the Cancer partner having an interest...however well-intended and innocent...in someone else. Here, the Cancer partner will have an immense respect for Scorpio and even though Cancer is of a highly critical nature, he or she will learn to phrase those criticisms without wounding the Scorpio pride. In the area of physical romance, Cancer may well be totally possessed by Scorpio...even to the point of being inspired to a greater response than he or she can achieve with any other Sign. Thus, can Scorpio widen the Cancer horizons of passion. In short, this is a most favorable and compatible match.

The Cancer/Scorpio combination results in a drawing together of energies found in two emotionally intense Signs. This usually leads to an excellent blend, with each partner's strengths balancing the weaknesses of the other. Here, there is a very potent sexual attaction and this couple will have much in common...and much potential to keep the relationship both passionate and strong. These two will enjoy making purchases together and creating a comfortable living space. Cancer craves security and Scorpio strives for power. Thus, both partners will occupy their minds with thoughts of domestic good and resources, including stocks, bonds and inheritances. Since each individual is concerned with the home and possesses fierce loyalties to the family group, they will complement each other very nicely. In addition, these are Signs who view life as a passionate and deepy emotional exercise of human connection.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, with the secondary influence of Mars (the planet that ruled Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto). Courtesy of Pluto's powerful influence, this is not only an intense combination of planets but a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. The blending of Cancer with Scorpio forms the basic foundation of human relationship...the Moon's nurturing love coupled with the ambition and passion associated with Mars. The Moon and Mars cooperate nicely with each other. The Moon is concerned with growth and rebirth...Mars is associated with the passion of romance. Thus, influenced by the energy of Mars, Scorpio is smoldering and intense and the emotional Cancer cannot help but be attracted to such intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the adoration inherent in the Cancer native who is ruled by the nurturing Moon. Both Cancer and Scorpio are governed by the element of Water. Hence, both these Signs are exceedingly deep and...much like the ocean...it is virtually impossible to really see to the bottom of either. Cancer and Scorpio may draw further and further into themselves and then suddenly roar back with intimidating force. Here, the loyalty between this couple will be formidable, thanks to the mutual desire for emotional security. However, while Cancer will fix emotional energy on the family and home, Scorpio is prone to focus more upon life's nuances and undertones...the secrets behind the true intentions of others and the power that can be wielded over emotions. In this pairing, the Scorpio partner can take Cancer on a journey beyond the literal surface of things and the expansive heart of the Cancer mate can open Scorpio to his or her own emotions...teaching Scorpio that feeling is nothing to fear. In addition, there can be no doubt that the Scorpio individual will appreciate Cancer's practicality and Cancer rather relishes the jealousy of Scorpio...proof to Cancer that the Scorpio mate truly loves and cherishes him or her. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Scorpio is Fixed. Once these two have a common wish, then it is virtually sure to be achieved. However, if opinions clash, there is going to be trouble. The Cancer partner will likely be the first to instigate an argument and Scorpio almost certainly the last to finish it. Cancer may appear to act as the dominant partner in this relationship and manage to get his or her way more often, but such is not always the case. On occasion, Scorpio refuses to even agree to disagree...simply pretending to give in...and neither Sign is beyond using emotional manipulation to exact revenge. In order for this partnership to work, each partner must strive to avoid allowing disagreements and bad feelings to boil over, instead discussing what is truly important on a personal level and then reaching an equitable compromise. Once Cancer and Scorpio learn to trust and believe in one another, they can achieve almost anything by virtue of sheer determination and this love affair will probably only fail if the couple cannot overcome their opinionated and stubborn sides. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Scorpio match is the powerful teamwork than can result if each partner can agree on mutual goals. When Cancer realizes that Scorpio is there for the long haul and that the relationship is an emotionally productive one, there is no doubt that this affair can blossom. Here, the shared determination makes for a partnership of formidable strength.

In essence, this combination in an excellent one. Jealousy may plague both partners from time-to-time, but the magnificent mutual ability to love on a deep level will generally limit periods of conflict. Scorpio is well equipped to cope with the moods of Cancer and the excess energy of the Scorpio mate will usually act as a potent tonic for the reticence of Cancer. Thus, the Cancer/Scorpio match could prove to be one of the Zodiac's most ideal unions.


Whether a Capricorn partner be male or female, this individual is likely to be involved in a career which will occupy most of his or her time and attention. Thus, it will be necessary for Cancer to accept the excess time that is given to this career since Capricorn will naturally expect as much. Cancer natives tend to demand a lot of attention and if it is not provided, are likely to pout for days. Unfortunately, pouting will probably not even be noticed by Capricorn, who is sure to be far too busy planning ahead on his or her career performance. Because natives of Capricorn are so absorbed by their own affairs, Cancer will undoubtedly come to consider his or her partner as a total bore. In turn, Capricorn is likely to feel that Cancer should put some of that sensitive and emotional instanct to good use in his or her own career which, in Capricorn's mind, will make the Cancer partner less dependent...both emotionally and financially. Both individuals will be good money managers and not usually prone to experience financial problems. In the eyes of a Capricorn native, waste is an offense...as is extravagance...but he or she will be a faithful and devoted mate, which the more positive type of Cancer subject can be content with...even if life does tend to be a tad boring on occasion. Capricorn enjoys reading and studying in bed and this can interfere with the romantic mood. So, it will be up to Cancer to initiate seduction in order to get the Capricorn partner's attention. This relationship could possibly achieve longevity...but is liable to take a lot of hard work on both sides.

The Cancer/Capricorn combination, in terms of the celestial level, is a pairing of great tenacity and determination. Capricorn is focused on logic...being down-to-earth and real. Cancer brings a charge of emotional intensity to this relationship. Here, each individual holds the other to a high standard, which is tempered by an abiding mutual respect. In the Capricorn partner, Cancer finds dedication and in return, Capricorn will come to love Cancer's persistence. These two Signs, which are opposite each other in the Zodiac Wheel, can combine to create a very successful and secure connection. This is a relationship that builds and grows from a strong foundation of material and emotional security. Both partners can be depended upon to make frugal and conservative decisions...but it does not necessrily have to be all solemnity. Cancer can help the hard-working Capricorn mate to relax a little at the end of the day...to take time to enjoy the reward of all that labor. Cancer will also be the one to polish and preserve the fruits of their shared accomplishments since these natives are characteristically the keepers of nostalgia, cherished memories and possessions. Capricorn will move Cancer toward achievement and enlighten Cancer to the more important matters of the world outside his or her easily bruised heart. If there is an ironclad commitment and a stable, traditional home environment, then this union is almost certain to succeed.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. The energy of the Moon is warm and feminine, whereas the energy of karmic Saturn is masculine and cold. The Moon is emotional and nurturing, concerned with maternal care giving and intuition...both of which become vital to natives of Cancer. Saturn practices integrity and discipline to achieve goals. Thus, a Cancer partner can show the more serious Capricorn companion how to enjoy life...how to appreciate beauty and comfort...and mothering Cancer will truly revel in smoothing Capricorn's hard edges. In return, Capricorn can smooth Cancer's ruffled emotional feathers by providing the type of solid foundation that a native of Cancer desperately craves. Capricorn teaches Cancer to be more disciplined, to venture into the world and strive toward goals. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Capricorn is governed by the element of Earth. The focus of Earth is upon possessions. The focus of Water is upon emotion, intuition, beauty and nostalgia. Thus, this couple like to surround themselves with beautiful things...a stately home, magnificent artwork and expensive vehicles, for example. Their desire to be ecomonically stable and their shared loved of finery ensure that this pair will work hard toward such an end and other mutual goals. It is this desire for fine things that keeps these two partners free of arguments related to one of them trying to live osententatiously or beyond his or her means. Both Cancer and Capricorn are Cardinal in quality. Hence, each individual in this combination will be initiatory, active and ardent. Although this can prove to be a catalyst for some dynamite conflicts, it can also provide Capricorn with an emotional pillar since Cancer is totally dedicated to the relationship. The differing emotional dispositions complement each other well. Natives of Capricorn excel in getting the business done and Cancer always steps in when emotional counseling is required. These two are destined to get along very well...if each partner allows the other to use his or her respective individual strengths. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Capricorn match is the utter dedication each has for the other and their mutual commitments toward shared goals. Both adore quality and beautiful, luxurious things...and neither is inclined to shirk at the idea of a little hard work if that is what it takes. Indeed, Capricorn natives would probably rather be working than almost anything else. Here, the shared passions, sense of responsibility and morality make for a highly compatible union.

2006-10-12 11:57:07 · answer #1 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 0 0

Capricorn is your opposite. Scorpio is the best match for cancer.

2006-10-12 17:29:41 · answer #2 · answered by sunshine 4 · 0 1

For any sign, the 5th, 7th and 9th are the best ones. Of the three the 7th sign will be a good one. As cancer, your 7th sign is capricorn which is good for you. Also Scorpio being the 5th sign is the next best one.

2006-10-14 18:54:15 · answer #3 · answered by spavc_tpt 2 · 0 0

Cancer is a water sign, so you go best with water signs & earth signs - which are: Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, and Pisces. But you can't just judge how compatible you are by your Sun signs. (You need to know your moon signs, rising signs, venus, etc.) Go to http://www.alabe.com/freechart to find your other signs.

2006-10-12 11:56:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to distinguise between male and female.
The one that i heard of as "PERFECT MATCH" is Cancer (male) and Scorpio (Female)

2006-10-15 03:42:05 · answer #5 · answered by danielpsw 5 · 0 0

water signs mix well with other water signs and earth signs,earth and fire is said to be not favorable,Taurus is a good match for you as well

2006-10-12 13:17:20 · answer #6 · answered by bumpercar 3 · 0 0

Just live your life...do not worry about the signs......

2006-10-16 07:31:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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