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I am not throwing up or anything. Should I even be eating anything?

2006-10-12 09:40:14 · 13 answers · asked by shewaxetheloquent 1 in Health Alternative Medicine

13 answers

Doctors for some reason do not know that there are natural remedies for viruses.

Water. If you are trying to accomplish killing an ailment with a natural antibiotic you must drink loads and loads of water. If anything in your system is killing microbes you need plenty of water to flush the dead germs out of your body. Even antibiotics a doctor gives you will not work well if you do not drink plenty of water. Not fluids or juices. DRINK WATER! When you do not have a cold you should east 8 glasses a day. If you are ill drink more.

You will know an antibiotic is working if you have loose bowel movements almost like diarrhea but not exactly the same.

Here are some natural antibiotic that work wonders. They never become ineffective by over use. So you do not have to worry about that.

If you are talking any anti biotic it is wise to also eat what are called pro-biotics which is a fancy name for what is in yogurt. Not the kind of yogurt that has stuff mixed through it and is jellied. In that the microbes that make yogurt helpful to you are most likely dead. Instead eat the kind that is plain or has fruit on the bottom. Because acidophilus multiplies in your stomach even a spoon can provide much of this to you. If you do not like yogurt eat a spoon every day. If you kike it eat as much as you like all day long.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that has been reported as being able to help the body fight viral infections. Eat three fingers of garlic every day and you probably will live to a hundred and never be sick one day. I have known several persons who were a hundred or older and they were still driving or very alert and healthy. 7 out of the 9 persons I have known personally all said they each ate cloves of garlic every day; most for decades some for all their life. I take three a day and I chop them up, if you do not chop them up or chew them or grind them up just before you eat them you lose most of the value. When you chop them up chemicals in the garlic mix together and make new chemicals these new chemicals are reported to be extremely powerful antibiotics. It is reported that they can kill viruses. They are also antiseptic.
I chop them up put them on a spoon put them in my mouth and drink water to get them down. Sometimes I chew them and let them stay against my gums and mouth. It usually burns quite severely, so, I only hold them there for a short while.
I have placed them on a tooth that dentists wanted to extract. I held a half of a clove there and let it burn into my tooth. Then I swallowed it. I waited a while and then I did it again. Then I did this a third time. The second time after I held it there a while it burned worse than the first and the third time it was really painful.
After I swallowed the garlic for a short time about a minute after my jaw would shake or shudder and the whole side of my head might throb. The third or fourth time it was even more pronounced. I do not know what was happening, but the feeling I got was that the infection was draining or being removed from within me. I often had phlegm or I noticed my sinuses draining. Maybe my lymph system was draining. Maybe a nerve was dying? I do not know what happened but I know that the tooth that had hurt me and bothered me much before stopped doing so. Perhaps I went for months or years before the tooth bothered me again. Then I have repeated the treatment.

It did sometimes cause the skin on the inside of my mouth to burn and peel and blister and my mouth was sort of numb on the side for a hour or two.

I have often done this. I have four teeth one on each side of the upper and lower jaw that need treatment but I can not afford to get any. They are broken off at the gum line but I do not want them taken out. I have been told that when they come out the other teeth start to float or move sideways. I can to afford health care of dental work so I am trying to keep those broken tooth until sometime when I might be able to fix them correctly. I hope that what I have done is helping me and not hurting. I know that the antiseptic quality of this is real. If you chop the garlic put it on a spoon and swallow it with water you do not get this effect. It goes in your stomach and I guess it helps because sometimes when I have had a cold or infection and done this for several days one or two times a day I am sure that it helped me very much not to suffer form the effects of the cold and I am certain I was feeling much better than I would have felt had I not used the garlic.

I am telling you what happened to me and leaving it to you to decide what to do. I greatly propose that everyone eat the garlic daily. If you try to experiment as I did with the garlic be careful and don’t burn up your mouth to severely.

Eat the seeds in grapes, or eat grapes with seeds in them and swallow the seeds. Eat about a pound a day if you are sick. When you are not sick eat about a pound a week and you will seldom become sick, I believe. The seeds of grapes have a most powerful and effective antibiotic on them it is an antiseptic you can safely swallow. If you hold a grape in your mouth and let the crape substance looses and come separate from the seeds you can swallow the grape and hold the seeds in your mouth. If you suck on the seeds a while flipping them around in your mouth you will feel a velvety or gelatini substance on the seeds which will come off of it. I understand this to be the part that has the powerful antibiotic effect. When I chew on them for a while and do it with a few grapes one after another I find my tongue becomes numb. I think this is from the antiseptic and germ killing nature of this substance. If your teeth are strong and healthy you might want to chew up the seeds and let the insides come out in your mouth. There is a very strong tart taste to this. I do not know if this is antiseptic or antibiotic or just very acidic. You do not have to suck on all the seeds just s few of them.
Now, I think this kills germs in the mouth and when you swallow them I think they kill germs in your stomach and as they go through you I think they kill lots of germs that are harmful to you. Your immune system has to do many things. One of those things is to kill bad germs. If you have something like grape seeds or garlic to kill many germs that gives your immune system a break. The energy and ability it would need to use to kill the germs it can use to do other things like rebuild the cells of your body. I think eating these seeds a pound of grapes a week would help keep your immune system strong. My own experience convinces me this is true. It might be a placebo effect. But if it is and it makes me well then thank God for the placebo effect. However, I am not so stupid that I do not know when something is actually helping me and when I just think it is helping me. Eating grapes with the seeds in them really helps me.
There is a lot of propaganda about wine being good for your heart. This is poor science being used to help persuade person to buy and consume alcohol. The experiments done with this use wine then it is extrapolated to all alcohol by those pushing this idea. You have heard it on TV because TV often promotes lifestyles that are questionable as to their benefits to your health. It is the substance on the sees I have spoken about that is what helps your heart to be strong and prevents heart trouble. There is a type of linoleic acid that helps just slightly to unclog clogged arteries. I may have the spelling or name slightly wrong here but I am correct about this substance being in grape seeds. It is also found in the skins of the grapes in grapes that have seeds. This chemical is all but absent from seedless grapes. This substance is what makes wine slightly helpful for heart disease. It gets scraped off of the seeds when they make the wine. I suppose it is a stable substance and remains all the way into the wine and drinking small amounts of wine daily might help with the heart. But the alcohol and other bad things in wine are harmful. So no wise scientist would recommend wine when they could simply recommend that you eat grapes that have seeds in them and swallow the seeds. If you go to a health food store and ask them for a really good product a well trained store clerk will recommend grape seed extract. It is expensive and highly valued by natural practitioners. I still recommend that you save yourself money and simply buy a pound of grapes that have seeds in them and eat a few every day, swallow the seeds. Hold some in your mouth a while. I do it every day when the grapes are less expensive. When they get expensive I do not buy them. The best thing for consumers to do when an item gets expensive is to not buy them. This forces the price to come down. I am poor and IO can only afford them when they are about 99 cents a pound. If you have land you can grow grapes and if you care for them you can have this “Medicine” for free.

Vitamin C in mega doses used only when there is an infection in the body have been reported as helping a cold or flu to go away quickly. Dr. Linus Pauling

About Linus Pauling
The late Linus Pauling was the only man in the world to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes. In 1954, for Chemistry and in 1962, for Peace. Two Nobel Prizes by one man in one lifetime! Linus Pauling was globally admired and globally controversial.
Dr. Pauling candidly spoke his mind about peace to presidents, heads of state and all others alike. He hated war. He found it unacceptable.
He shared this devotion to pacifism with his friend Albert Einstein. In 1958, he presented a petition, which was signed by 11,000 scientists, warning the public about the biological danger of radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing.
World peace was Pauling's passion, but he was equally as dedicated to chemistry as it helps humanity. His 1954 Nobel Prize was awarded for his work on genetic influences in relation to the atomic structure of proteins in hemoglobin. He discovered that sickle cell anemia is caused by genetic defect.
Professor Linus Pauling was considered the Champion of Vitamin C and its curative powers.
He continued his other scientific work at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine in Palo Alto, California. There, he and 35 other researchers researched the basic mechanisms of disease, including the way to decipher human genes.
But what was it that drove Linus Pauling? He had a passion for Discovering the Undiscovered and Total World Peace.
Madame Jehan Sadat and Women's International Center were equally proud to present the Jehan Sadat Peace Award to the great Peacemaker, Linus Pauling.
Linus Pauling died in 1994 at the age of 93. )
Highly recommended the use of Vitamin C to prevent cancer and colds.
It was suggested that each human has a different daily need for vitamin C. The idea is that on the first day you take 1000 mg (one gram) of vitamin C make sure it has bioflavonoids attached. The next day you take two grams (2,000 mg) of C and each day you add 1 gram (1,000 MGS) until you get loose bowels. Remember I said you know an antibiotic is working well when you get loose bowels. Then notice how many grams you took that day and cut back by 500 mgs half a gram. It is said that this is your need or tolerance for vitamin C. It is suggested that you should take that amount daily. For each person it will be different.
I do not know if this is right or wrong. I do know that drinking orange juice is a useless way to try to get vitamin C. Orange juice is a diuretic which means it makes your body get rid of water. Your body needs water and getting rid of it is setting your body up to be susceptible to a cold. Drinking lots of vitamins c when you have a cold should have no benefits and possibly could make it last longer. When you have a cold you need to drink water lots of it. When your body is fighting a germ it needs water to flush the dead germs out of you.
Some day when you are perfectly healthy drink a quart or two of orange juice and see if you do not come down with a cold the next day.
To use vitamin C in the Way I think it is effective (But this is just my opinion) I use it in mega doses when I have an infection. Only I must stay near the toilet and be prepared for my stools to be more like urine than like stools. This happens only temporarily for a hour or two after I have taken so much vitamin c that it is permeating my whole body. I think that is what happens. I know that wherever it goes it kills every thing bad and strengthens everything good. I believe it acts like a scavenger and picks up and takes out every bad thing that is in every cll. I do not know if this is what actually happens I just think this is what happens. I do know that infections in your entire body will diminish.
If you ever have a doctor who tells you that you have an infection and he does not know how to kill it with his antibiotics and he or she starts talking about things like removing a limb. I highly recommend you get some vitamin c with bioflavonoids attached and use mega doses of them before you let them cut off your limbs. You may find the infection and swelling go down. I have always noticed the infections in my body go down when ever I have used this regimen to solve a problem I need to solve but can not afford a doctor to take care of.

I take up to 15 grams of vitamin C at one time and then I take a gram more each hour for a while until I have loose bowels. Then I take more. Sometimes I have sat on the toilet and just kept taking more every ten minutes or so and drinking water. Other times I combine the C with garlic and grapes with seeds in them. I can tell you I am almost urinating out of my bowels for awhile. It gets quite raw down there it is bad because all that acid is burning. I only do this for may be a half hour and gradually tapered up to and then taper down. Then for the nest few days I take a lot of c but not as much as I did in that one sitting.
To kill something you need lots of anti biotics and you need to repeat them until your body has been able to make the human anti bodies it will use to cure you of the trouble. SO you take doses of an anti biotic periodically that knock the germ down. Whenever you do this make sure you take enough anti biotic long enough for it to be able to help you completely kill the germ especially viruses. Otherwise the virus can go dormant and live in you and become what I like to call a recurring low grade infection. Sometimes people call them sinus troubles. Very often they are not allergies but a viral infection living dormant in your sinuses and coming back to life when the condition s are correct for them to do so.
Taking a good dose of all these natural anti biotics for an extended period of time can get rid of sinuses in some people it has been reported by some who have tried it.
There is another powerful natural anti biotic called propolis. This comes from bee hives. It is very effective when used properly. I know the best company in the United States or the World to buy this from. I sell it. I do not know if I am allowed to promote a product in this service. However I believe this company has propolis that is eight to ten times better in quality and effectiveness than any other propolis I am aware of. It is selected in very special places and humanely from the bees. I use it often and recommend it to many. The company has this propolis in various forms and I believe we have used it effectively to help some persons get rid of chronic sinus infections or yearly allergies. It is worth trying. So if you are interested in learning about this email me and I shall respond with info about it and how you can buy some. answwwerman@yahoo.com
Of course you can get your own propolis by taking up bee keeping. That is not as silly an idea as it seems. You should look into it. You can get your own royal jelly (free) and your own honey (free) and your own propolis and Bee pollen. In addition your neighborhood will have so many lovely flowers and bloom incredibly. I knew a Mennonite preacher farmer who moved to the Bronx for a few years to do ministry there and he brought his bee hives with him and set them up on to of the flat roof of the building he lived in. That neighborhood had more flowers than you could shake a stick at and he had free honey, propolis, pollen and royal Jelly.

Most companies that sell nutrition products are started and run by people who are experts in marketing or selling. This company is run by experts on health and nutrition. In almost every case they have products that work five to eight times better than similar products you would buy in a health food store or as a vitamin. It really is true to me. If you would like to know more email me. They have products designed to solve specific problems and many person with testimonies about how they worked well for them. You will learn about things you never heard of if you become interested in this company and listen to their information and meet some of those who have used their products to beat the odds.
Very many have used vitamins and natural remedies to no avail and then tried this companies products and found relief for what ails them.

2006-10-12 11:25:38 · answer #1 · answered by Answer M 3 · 0 0

Drink water to make the fluids in your body diluted. This will cure the fue early and also stop the headaches and all. Also ginger+honey ...crushed ginger and 1 teaspoon honey is good for ur system.

Try warm coffe or green tea. You can also try soup too. Dont forget to take a daily suppliment of vitamen C. It cures the flue by activating your immune system.

Have a speedy recovery .

2006-10-12 09:46:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If ou are hungry, then eat whatever you feel up to eating. If you are not hungry then just make sure that you drink plenty of fluids. The flu takes a huge toll on your body, just don't rush anything. Hope you feel better soon!

2006-10-12 09:54:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you are able to eat the best thing to eat really is chicken noodle soup and drink orange juice. The vitamin C in the juice helps alot! Also, drink plenty of water.

2006-10-12 09:49:28 · answer #4 · answered by tommygirl 3 · 0 0

You can't get Swine Flu from eating pork.

2016-03-28 06:46:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Warm chicken soup is my favorite. You should eat foods that make you feel the best, but avoid heavy things like chicken fried steak. I usually stick to soups.

Also, I find that drinking TheraFlu helps a lot. I usually drink a cup before I go to bed when I'm sick. It helps you sleep better and sounder.

2006-10-12 09:48:30 · answer #6 · answered by nmtgirl 5 · 0 0

Not as much what you should be eating but drinking. Get on that vitamin C. Try Naked Juice, it's one of those smoothies, prepackaged. Plus lots of fruit juice has a good amount of sugar to give you a little more pep.

2006-10-12 09:47:40 · answer #7 · answered by Hacksaw 4 · 0 0

Eat fruits for the vitamins and natural sugar, as well as proteins (meat) and carbs (pasta) for the energy. Remember to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Feel better soon!

2006-10-12 09:48:48 · answer #8 · answered by Tangled Web 5 · 0 0

Try eating some medicine. Theraflu, Robitussin, Tylenol, Mucinex, Zicam, etc.

2006-10-12 09:44:45 · answer #9 · answered by Doodlebug 5 · 0 0

if you've been run over by a truck, you should have more important things to worry about than the flu.

2006-10-12 09:47:43 · answer #10 · answered by nuejerz 2 · 0 1

I always eat something warm and hearty, hearty because you won't want to eat much but it would still be filling

2006-10-12 09:44:10 · answer #11 · answered by ThEcOoLeStGeEkYoUlLeVeRmEet 4 · 0 0

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