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My room is extremely messy and i'm grounded till I clean in but it'll take forever to clean it.....what to do?

2006-10-12 09:18:34 · 12 answers · asked by dance*dance*dance* 4 in Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

12 answers

Take everything out. Only put things back in your room that you really need or absolutely love. Don't let yourself start a "I'll have to sort through this" pile. Decide right away on each item, then make sure it is clean/dusted and put it back in your room. Everything else goes in a trashbag.
It's good to pull everything out of the space - otherwise, the task is intimidating because you don't know where to start amid the heaps of junk. Using this technique, and as long as you don't take too long deciding what you really love, cleaning your room should take no more than a day.

2006-10-12 10:06:14 · answer #1 · answered by stargirllll4311 4 · 1 0

You need to think like the person who decides if the room is clean. If they define the room by things like the floor being cleaned, then start by cleaning the floor. If they always notice that your desk is a mess, start with that. They may forgive other things being dirty if they can see that the thing that bothers them has been dealt with.

Simple ways of clearing areas quickly: If you can put laundry in a hamper or bag, do it. Papers can be put into a pile and then into a box or bag. Dirty dishes can go out of your room and into the dishwasher. Make the bed, this makes things look much cleaner quickly. Don't get distracted by organizing CDs or looking at artwork you did three years ago, just put it in a pile. Go out to the kitchen and get a big trash bag so you don't have to keep filling the little one you probably have in your room.

Putting on some high energy music helps a lot.

Also, if you set a timer for fifteen minutes and just clean, you'll be surprised by how much you can get done. I know it sounds kind of silly, but it works.

Good luck, I hope you're done soon and can get outta there!

2006-10-12 09:28:40 · answer #2 · answered by sciencegeek 2 · 3 0

Get some baskets, start at one corner and work around. Don't ponder, only spend a moment on decision. Put dirty clothes in one basket. Clean in another. Your cleaning in layers until you see the floor. Put stuff you want to keep in one basket and undecided in another. At the end when you have a clean room, you will probably throw out the undecided basket of stuff. Clothes and paper cause the worse problem. Check some organization home sites, like HGTV and you can find inexpensive ways to keep this from happening again. Try to have dresser tops empty. Use one top drawer on your dresser for a place to put stuff that accumulates when you are in a hurry. A small basket also works. Bigger the basket the bigger the mess when you sort it.
Most stuff is garbage, get a garbage can in your room and a couple expandable baskets $3-5 at you local Walmart. Hooks for clothes to wear again. I roll my re-wearable clothes and put in a closet thing that is made to hold shoe boxes. They don't get wrinkled. Most clothing messes are washing things that got dirty because you threw them on the floor. Set a timer 15 minutes everynight. You would be suprized what 15 minutes will do.
Turn on your favorite music, its not that bad. You might find some great stuff you lost, in those piles. Start at the top. Handle something only once. Never stack, thats just shifting it, and you will feel like you didn't get anywhere.

You will love it when you have extra time to do those final touches on your hair and makeup, because you found your clothes so fast.
A system to keep the closet neat is hang all your clothes in one direction. Everytime you add your clean clothes turn the hanger the other direction. In a few months, the clothes you don't wear will be facing one way and you can get rid of them easy.
If you wear different sizes try using two or three types of hangers. Small med large. It cuts down on trying on all those outfits, that end up on the floor, because, its such a pain to find something when youre in a hurry.

Good luck.
I wish someone gave me some hints before I turned 40. It would have made me on time and maybe look a little more together.

2006-10-16 07:22:10 · answer #3 · answered by PAT 2 · 1 0

Nothing takes forever, not even the creation of the entire universe.

First pick up all the dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. Pick up all the trash and put in in a garbage bag. Straighten up the books on the bookshelves and add any books that were lying around on the floor, bed, desk, etc. Straighten the covers on the bed (don't make it yet 'cause it'll just get messed up during this next part). Dump one drawer of clothes onto the bed. Fold the clothes neatly and put them back in the drawer. Repeat will the rest of the drawers. Pull everything out of the closet. Hang up clothes neatly. Stack toys and other stuff neatly on the shelves as you put everything that belongs back into the closet. Arrange shoes neatly in pairs. Pull everything out from under the bed and store or dispose of appropriately. Make the bed. Dust all surrfaces. Vacuum. Promise yourself you won't let it get that messy again.

2006-10-12 09:28:23 · answer #4 · answered by fyrfly 3 · 2 0

Start with picking up the dirty clothes and putting in hamper. Clean clothes go on a hanger. Shoes belong in the closet. Make the bed or change the linens. Toss all papers you don't need. Stack the rest. When you can see the floor again, vacuum or sweep. Leftover food and dirty dishes go to the kitchen. Open the windows and get some air in there.

2006-10-12 09:23:42 · answer #5 · answered by beez 7 · 2 0

if your room is that dirty and messy, you have too much stuff! Talk to mom and ask her if you can get rid of all the clothes that don't fit, or you don't like. Return items that belong in other rooms. Throw the dirty clothes into the washer, wash them, dry them and put them away. Get rid of knicknacks you don't like. Put your cd's where they go. Clean off your computer desk. AND number 1 most important thing, you cant clean your room until you get off the computer LOL

2006-10-12 16:17:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Choose a side to start on. Separate the dirty stuff from the clean. Throw away any trash or anything you don't need. Hang up and put away all clothes. Put
Cd's, videos, and books where they belong. Put shoes where they belong. Make your bed. Dump your trash. Sweep the floor.

2006-10-13 12:57:22 · answer #7 · answered by narcisscus24 5 · 0 0

Make a pile of everything on the floor. Next make categories depending upon the location as to where each thing will go. So all clothes are in one pile . All shoes in a nother and so on. Then just rush to the location and drop the stuff there.!!
It works for me all the time.
have a speedy cleanup!!

2006-10-12 09:23:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Keep only what you absolutely need. Group like things together. Music in one area, books in another, clothes in another, etc.
Give stuff away, and buy less in the future.
Ask a friend to help you, and then help clean their room. Put on some music first.

2006-10-12 10:50:12 · answer #9 · answered by cowgirl 6 · 0 0

Go through and pick up all the big stuff. Then go through and pick up all the little stuff. Then dust and vaccuum, etc. It goes quicker if everything has a place to go--try bins for storage, a hamper for dirty clothes, etc. Music or a book on tape can make it go quicker, too.

2006-10-12 20:31:36 · answer #10 · answered by p2of9 4 · 0 1

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