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im in 7th and so r all my friends but this girl jazmin i know is prenant (shes in 7th 2)nobody likes jazmin so they are always calling her names bui dont(the only porson in my grade who knows is me)right so naturaly she has to tell some1 so she tells my i feel bad 4 her so i gave her a cookie(she comes from a poor family so she doesnt get alot of food)it worries me cas now shes goona have a baby she didnt even tell the gym teacher so she still has to do gym
how can i stop feeling bad?
i want to be sexually active and this scares me how do i deal with that?
how could she have been so stupid?

2006-10-12 08:50:34 · 23 answers · asked by im lost come and find me 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

no monique its a girl in my grade she is jazmin and im kay

2006-10-12 08:56:05 · update #1

she also told me she didnt want the baby to be adopted cas her life was hard till she got afoster mom but she cant keep it because finacially she and her foster mom cant raise it also she cant stand to kill it

2006-10-12 09:05:55 · update #2

oh she is deffinatly pregnant she said she has missed 4 or 5 piriods and yes her foster mom knows about it

2006-10-12 09:20:40 · update #3

23 answers

First off, she's not stupid, she's 13. this is why teenagers have no business having sex. Its hard enough for adults to avoid making babies they dont want, let alone hormone driven insecure teenagers looking to have an emotional connection through sex with someone who might love them.

Second, you need to help her get to a doctor, or a school nurse, or someone who can guide her through her pregnancy. The state where you live and provide her with care, but only if they know she needs it. Her body and her baby could suffer, or even die if she doesnt get proper care. You will feel better if you help her some how.

Trust me, at this age, you have no business having sex. You dont even understand how unimportant it is what other people think of you or those around you.

Keep your legs shut and learn how to be a friend to this girl who obviously needs you.

2006-10-12 08:55:18 · answer #1 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 3 0

So let me get this straight: you are in the 7th grade and just 13 years old want to become sexually active because it scares you that your poor not-friend is pregnant?

Why do you want to be sexually active at such a young age? Why don' t you wait five years? In the meantime, focus on your schoolwork and join a club at school (or the girl scouts) or the school band or the swim team or the photography club or the school paper or some other activity? There must be something you would like to do? Talk to an adult about all this, please!

When you do finally decide to have sex (and I hope its about five years from now) make sure you are in a relationship and that the boy respects you. He should be a friend to you, too, not just looking for sex. Then get some protection before you do anything so you don't make a baby!

2006-10-12 16:02:46 · answer #2 · answered by EmLa 5 · 0 0

You should not feel badly that she is pregnant. The best thing you can do is talk to supportively and try to talk her into talking to a guidance counselor. If she doesn't want to, you should tell someone. Whether that is your parents, your counselor, your principal, or a teacher you trust. She needs to be getting a doctors care. Also, don't worry about her having to do gym class, that should actually be good for the baby as long as she isn't lifting anything over 30 pounds. Try to understand how scared she must be and comfort her if you can. I was 14 when I got pregnant with my son. He's 9 now and we are both fine, but it might not have turned out that way if I hadn't had a good support system and good medical care.

Please understand that it is not a good idea for you to be sexually active now. You have years and years of that ahead of you. Kiss, make out, make 3rd base a BIG deal, but don't jump in to sex.

Good luck.

2006-10-12 16:02:41 · answer #3 · answered by anna8297 1 · 0 0

WOW thats a big thing to deal with. I think if you were a true friend you would go talk to a counsler at school. Do you know she was sexually active or raped? My advice is to wait to be sexually active. I am 19 and I have a beautiful baby girl who is almost a year old. (got preg at 17) Its hard. You dont expect to get preg even if u think your being careful. Your virginity is precious hold on to it. Wait unitll you find someone you really love. Someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Sex comes with a million and one responsiblities. None of which you get to choose. I cant forc you but please think before you do it. Also shes not stupid!!! She either A.) made a mistake and now is going to pay for it with blessing from God or B.) she was raped and had no controll over it. Dont look at her as if she is stupid when you are thinking about doing the same actions that may of got her to where she is now. Tell someone!

2006-10-12 15:58:20 · answer #4 · answered by Melissa P 1 · 0 0

First of all, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but 7th grade is too young to be sexually active, because no matter the precautions that you take, it is still possible for you to become pregnant. If I were you, I would talk to her. Do her parents know... if not and she doesn't want to tell them, just realize that it will become apparent sooner or later. And is she sure that she's pregnant? Or is she late... pregnancy tests can have false positives. If she is sure I would suggest going to the hospital, I realize that if she doen't have money she wont have a way to pay for it, but hospitals have to help her either way. Don't have her go to Plan Parenthood, because they tend to have one track minds. Just try and be supportive the whole time because if she told you and no one else there is a reason she trusts you and wants to talk to you. If she refuses to go to the hospital, and you are sure she is pregnant, I would suggest you go to the principal and talk to them. You can leave names out to begin with if you want to, that way they can also give you suggestions... I just wouldn't mention that you are thinking of sexually active. Oh and don't tell her that you think she's stupid, because that may just sever the connection that you have made.

2006-10-12 16:05:48 · answer #5 · answered by soccerbabe_angel 3 · 0 0

Well at least you know the consequences at first look of being sexually active. Your way too young to even be considering sexual activity. Stay in school and keep you nose in the books, trust me, it will pay off. You have PLENTY of time to worry about things like that. As for your friend, well there is nothing that's going to stop you from feeling bad, it's just your kind nature. Just be ther for her as a friend, but just remember that she's going to have to deal with this problem herself, there is only so much you can do. Just learn a lesson from her.

2006-10-12 16:00:21 · answer #6 · answered by sweet_truth 4 · 0 0

How about stop pitying her, and don't call her stupid. If it happened to you, how would you feel if someone calls you stupid?

You are 13 so I'll be nice and say, just don't associate yourself with it at all. It is not your job to try and fix her issues. She has parents, and if they are allowing her to have a baby that is theirs and her choice, and you have no right to judge her actions.

As far as being sexually active, YOUR 13!!!!! Go roller/ice skating, hang out with your 13 year old friends, buy non revealing clothes, play tag, go to the mall, play video games, read a book, because guess what, when you get older, you'll realize how lucky you were to not have grown up so fast and enjoyed being a carefree, irresponsible, non tax paying 13 year old teenager.

2006-10-12 16:03:45 · answer #7 · answered by Tracey 4 · 1 0

First let's deal with you first. I think you need to wait to be sexually active. 13 is too young for that. You aren't even mature enough to handle the emotions that comes along with having sex.

As for your friend you are right to care for her. If she doesn't have anyone else continue to be her friend and help as much as your able. If the home life for her isn't right maybe she could consider getting some help from the state. You are a good friend but don't get so overwhelmed with her deli ma.

Use her situation to deter you from having sex. Boys at your age are just looking for exactly that. They don't want to have any kind of meaningful relationship with you. SO don't expect him too. Listen to Lyfe Jennings song S.E.X. He tells the real deal.

2006-10-12 16:00:24 · answer #8 · answered by Tyler&Noah's mommy 2 · 0 0

You may not want to hear this, but you are too young to deal with the consequences of a sexual relationship. I'm not only talking about the physical parts, but also the emotional stuff too. Please do not do it because of the pressure to be grown up or cool. You do not need to deal with your fear, because you should be afraid, that's your common sense talking to you. Most 13 yr. olds, regardless of what they brag about, are not sexually active. Please encourage your friend to talk to a school counselor. She could do a lot of damage to herself this way. I pray for her sake and yours that you are really taking this seriously. If she absolutely refuses, talk to a school counselor on your own and tell her you're concerned for her and that this is what you were told. She may be mad, but she'll be alive and healthy. You do not know the circumstances of her pregnancy, she may have been molested or something else. Be kind to her. I can't stress enough, PLEASE do not make the mistake of becoming sexually active, it is illegal, immoral and unhealthy for you physically and mentally. God bless you.

2006-10-12 16:00:17 · answer #9 · answered by Kelly S 3 · 0 0

i'm answering your question cause i would like a favor in return. plez talk to the girl and tell her to speak with someone older, someone who will be able to give her some advice. let her kno the most important thing is to be checked out by a doctor and to let someone kno. let her know she has option like adoption, keeping the child, and abortion. but alot comes with pregnancy not only physical but mental. it can make someone go crazy if they dont have anyone to talk to about it. let her kno that not everyone will tell because of confiditial laws. giving her that kind of advice should make you feel somewhat better but its nice that you are concerned because it shows your a real human being unlike some people. and if you wanna be sexually active think about it fully make sure you kno the dos and donts of sex and try if you can to wait. because what you feel now can be different in a year or two. if you cant wait get informed about protected yourself.

2006-10-12 15:59:05 · answer #10 · answered by StilettosGolour 2 · 0 0

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