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Women easily have it better... but you wouldn't know because they are much better at complaining about things than men.

Breast cancer funding is 10x that of prostate cancer funding even though they both kill the same amount of people each year.

If a woman has sex willingly and gets pregnant, she can either choose to kill the man's child via abortion or keep it and force him to pay child support for 18 years.

Women have more choices in clothing: pants, skirts, dresses, shoes, etc.

Women get to lie about how they look and it's somehow acceptable to everyone: lie about their figure by wearing girdles. Lie about their legs by wearing stockings, lie about their looks by using make up, lie about their height by wearing heels, etc, etc.

Women, more than men, get to choose to stay at home and raise their kids - or not - and go to work. Although it is difficult to ddo either of these... they have more of a choice in society than men.

Women get their meals paid for,

2006-10-12 08:39:01 · 10 answers · asked by gary99gar1 1 in Social Science Gender Studies

doors opened more, books/bags picked up more than men do. Men at the office pick up and move heavy things for women all the time.

Women can have multiple orgasms - not all of them - but a lot more than men.

Women live longer, have the choice to go to war or not, have more funding for medical research in general, have separate gyms, changing tables in bathrooms more than men for their kids....

If you remove the cost to women's careers of them leaving work for raising their kids (which women do by CHOICE - by CHOOSING to have sex or have a kid after getting pregnant), then men and women earn the same amount for the same job.

It goes on and on and on...

One more thing: next time you see a commercial on TV for a product or service and the commercial has a man or woman (married or otherwise), notice that the man always plays the role of an idiot - and the woman is always the wise, responsible or all-knowing of the two.

2006-10-12 08:39:48 · update #1

10 answers

PREACH ON BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-12 08:48:14 · answer #1 · answered by MR. RETARDO IX 2 · 1 2

I think you are wrong and here are just some reasons why:

Women don't have to wear makeup but they do. They camoflauge their real figures and get more plastic surgery than ever, because men have placed on them an unrealistic image of idealism that they could not possibly meet. Thanks to pornography, which is largely viewed by men.

If a woman gets pregnant, it IS her body. Men are unwilling to wear condoms due to the sensitivity factor. So if a man isn't responsible enough to share in the birth control, the woman has the right to do what she wants.

You say women's pay is equal if they choose to stay home and
raise the kids. Because women still earn only .60 to every man's dollar in the workplace, men have to support the family. Otherwise, where pay is equal and the couple is earning decent salaries, there shouldn't be a problem with the father staying home. But not many fathers want to play "Mr. Mom", because men are defined by their jobs. This gives them a sense of who they are.

Women do not earn the same as men if they stay home with the kids. This is because when a woman must work outside the home, which is needed now, when her hubby comes home, he gets to sit in front of the tv all night while she cooks dinner after work, bathes the kids, puts them to bed, and does the dishes , then falls into bed exhausted, usually not until midnight or later. And if she's up with a sick child all night, it's a guarantee hubby is still blissfullly snoring away.

So what is your argument? I think men have it easier than women any day.

2006-10-14 17:22:51 · answer #2 · answered by Big Bear 7 · 1 0


Breast cancer, prostate cancer, it's all deadly and we need to combat them both, and other cancers as well. Prostate cancer may not be as funded as breast cancer, but what about other cancers that are also not as funded? That both women and men get?

It's more than 'You play - You pay'. You BOTH willingly had sex, and got pregnant. It is more than the women's resposiblity. If the man and woman does not stay together, and the man leaves, and since you obviously feel you do not need to pay, what is the girl left to do if she has no support and no money? You say we can force you to pay child support for 18 years. That's where you play - you pay fits. That is the man's child as well. He brought the child into the world just as much as the woman did, she did nothing different. So why shouldn't he pay?

About the clothing: Are you worried about finding the perfect pink dress in a size 6? Get over it, women tend to fuss more about the clothes they wear. Keep in mind, it's not women out there making all these clothes available, it's rich men who know there is a larger market for women's clothing than that of men's and they are trying to make money.

People, of both genders, are consumed by what they look like. Men buy things to enhance their looks as well: cologne, hair gel, whatever. It's not that we lie about these things, it's just the society as a whole. Yes, there is more that women do, but it's all for the same cause as everyone else. AND, I am a 20 year old female and I am less than 5 feet, my boyfriend is over 6 feet, and all my friends are well over 5 feet. So what if I want to wear heels? lol

My sister worked while her husband looked after my neice. My neighbors did the same. You're right, it is more women than men, but men do have that choice.

I pay for my own meals, and sometimes even for my boyfriend's. Sometimes he pays for mine. I had a boyfriend once who insisted on paying for all mine, and I hated it. I tried to pay all the time. It's a personal thing, if your girl refuses to pay, talk to her about it. About the gyms, I don't know why they do it.

I know a lot of women who are yet to have a single orgasm, let alone multiple. In fact, more of them than those who get multiples. Sex is supposed to be more than the end result. You should just enjoy pleasing each other. The end is just the icing on the cake.

Nobody should go to war. Period.

Whatabout reality shows like Nick and Jessica, or the Real World and such which make women to look like self obsessed bimbos?

I'm sorry if this came across as mean, but you need to look at everyone's perspectives. This was a really narrow-minded question, and you obvioulsly don't have all the facts so you really shouldn't be asking such a question.

2006-10-12 11:27:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yeah.... some pretty petty questions, but two points are worth commenting on:
Government and private funding for prostate cancer is a fraction of the funding that goes towards breast cancer research despite the fairly equal rate of occurrence, and the higher lethality of prostate cancer. Men's health across the western world really takes a back seat in terms of attention, and therefore, funding. Men's life expectancy is years shorter then women's, and men die at greater rates from every major cause of death, from suicide to cancer, from heart disease to mental illness.
Your second point worth commenting on is a man's lack of reproductive rights. If a woman finds that she is going to be a parent, she has choices: abortion, adoption, safe-haven abandonment, or keep the child. What choices does a man have? Yes, I hear the people out there saying 'you play, you pay', or that guys should take it like a man (ever notice that when someone says to take it like a man, it's never anything good?), and be responsible for their actions. These people I suggest to do one thing: write "You Play, You Pay" of "Be Responsible for you Actions" on a poster and march in front of an abortion clinic.

There are a number of important and legitimate issues out there that seriously impact men's lives, and need to be discussed intelligently. Complaining that women get their meals paid for and have more choice in clothing is just stupid.

2006-10-12 10:18:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Breast cancer affects women & men.

As for getting a woman pregnant, you play -- you pay! Best learn that lesson now little boy.

If you want to wear skirts and dresses, have at it!

How a woman dresses (heels, pantyhose, etc...) has nothing to do with lying. Grow up.

Men can stay at home to raise their kids. It's a choice open to both genders.

I pay for as many meals as my bf does. I open doors for anyone. I can lift & move heavy objects too. Once again, grow up. You're living in a dream world.

Men can have multiple orgasms. And most women seldom get one orgasm let alone multiples.

Women live longer because of genetics and we tend to take better care of ourselves. That's a positive thing moron, not a negative.

For every dollar a man makes (on average) a woman earns 80 cents. No equality there. It's not our choice to be paid less for the same work. Grow up.

And finally, you base life on commercials? No wonder your elevator doesn't run all the way to the top!

2006-10-12 08:43:29 · answer #5 · answered by kja63 7 · 6 2

Well, the orgasm thing is good. However, women get paid around 70 cents for every dollar a man makes for the same work. Women are given an impossible choice: go to work and be a cold, selfish ***** who abandons her children/ is too selfish to have them, or stay home and be a sad, pathetic stay at home mom. Women are also judged on their looks far more than men are, and we can get fired from our jobs for failing to wear makeup. We get raped. We have idiotic men trying to tell us what to do with our bodies, like would you really accept having a pregnancy forced upon you? We have periods- you try bleeding for a week out of a random orifice while your hormones fluctuate wildly and then repeating that _every month for decades_. We do 80% of the work in the world. We're dismissed as being emotional or "it's just PMS" whenever we have a complaint or feel sad, and if we assert ourselves, we're "bitches". We're told we aren't good enough if we don't have less than 10% body fat. If we are beautiful, we're stupid. If we're smart, we must be ugly and unattractive to men. If we have sex, we're sluts. If we don't, we're prudes or cockteases. We can't go out after dark, live alone, travel alone, because those are stupid risks that could get us raped or killed. Have you ever read a "welcome to college!" guide? Yeah, they generally have a special section for women to help prevent rapes. The morality of the nation is always on us, because we are the sexually irresistable ones who have to keep the men in check- you just can't help yourselves. There's never been a woman president, there is one woman on the Supreme Court, and wayyyyy less than half women in Congress. And all of that? Is just what I can think of now. So STFU, because men still run the world, and you have it so much easier than us in so many ways.

2006-10-12 13:13:56 · answer #6 · answered by random6x7 6 · 1 0

I am only going to address the medical care of women.. It sucks! Our breast cancer treatment is and has always been barbaric at best. While the treatment of prostrate cancer has advanced tremendously. All because a male doctor got it and didn't want to be impotent and figured out a way around this little side effect.
I will make a comment on fathering kids out of wedlock... Men beware! Women will trick you into getting them pregnant just to get a paycheck from you for the next 18 years. I think a woman should be completely responsible for a child she has out of wedlock or in wedlock if the husband did not want children. Believe me, no woman will get pregnant if she really doesn't want to. There is no such thing as an accidental pregnancy.

2006-10-12 12:08:14 · answer #7 · answered by lily 6 · 0 1

Actually, women get to be men and women. As a women, she can have the babies, prepare the meals, clean the house, do the laundry, oversee the homework and activities schedules, be the gardener, chauffeur, window washer and work outside the home for at least one-fourth to one-third less pay than a man. As a man, she gets to go to work, take the car to be washed and serviced, raise kids by herself when the husband finds a cutie and get viagara paid for by the gov't but not her estrogen, o no.

2006-10-12 08:59:06 · answer #8 · answered by beez 7 · 1 0

You know nothing. I hope you'll be reborn as a woman so you can have a better idea of what it's like living as a woman. Certainly, life for women in the US is much better than it is for us in many other countries. Obviously you're unhappy living as a man there. Are you saving up for your operation?

2006-10-12 08:48:54 · answer #9 · answered by alison k 3 · 0 0

Stop complaining, deal with it.

2006-10-13 03:13:11 · answer #10 · answered by pgenius3 3 · 2 0

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