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okay i get upset when other interupt me and instead of letting go it nags at my brains and it seems to be all i can focus on untill i speak about it!
for example --- i will be at work working on a proposal and someone will come come up to me and blurt out " hey there is a mis spelling on so in so package." or " How do you copy and paste.."ect minor or large issues don't matter.. it send me in a rage! there for the people who ask me these things that i don't mind answering i snap at ... I need to find another way to let go other then snapping! I hate to lose my focus.. they could just come up and say hey Mad luv when you get a sec i need your help asap thanks!
instead of not caring and just interupting me!
or getting me off track!

2006-10-12 08:26:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

8 answers

I know it can be annoying and difficult to do a job if people keep interrupting your work, but the other side to that is that in the work situation part of your job may also be being part of a team and/or answering whatever questions co-workers may have in order that the "team" can get its "collective job" done.

You may need (at least to some degree) to stop believing your job is only to work on, say, the proposal and that your job is to work on the proposal while also being an answerer of co-workers' questions from time to time.

The nature of some jobs makes them jobs where being able to just focus on one thing can be difficult. You may need to talk to your supervisor/manager and explain why it takes extra time to complete a proposal and ask if there's a way you can establish a "don't interrupt" time for a certain number of hours a day or else whether the present time it takes you to complete the work is ok with the supervisor.

You probably also do need to tell people that you'll be able to get to their question when you're finished with what you're doing. You don't have to be rude. Of course there is the point where sometimes one quick question can be answered with a quick answer, in which case sometimes it may be better to just answer and consider it part of your job or "good work attitude". If the answer to their question, though, will take a few minutes that's when you probably need to tell them you'll get back to them. There is also, though, one other issue; and that is if there is some person waiting for the interrupting person to get back to them or to finish some work for them, your telling them you'll get back to them later could hold up a whole bunch of people.

There isn't particularly a simple answer for your question because it all depends on the people, the situation, the supervisor, what is expected of you, whether you're the only one in the company who can answer the question, whether the time on the proposal is a problem or not, etc. etc.

The people who pop by with issues have no idea that you are working on something that needs concentration. You can't blame most of them for doing what seems to be the logical thing when they have a question/issue and a job to get done. Try to think of that, too, before you get into a rage.

Sometimes something is part of the job you have. Sometimes maybe if it is your supervisor/manager could change that and make something the part of someone else's job instead.

Many of the people who "blurt things out" or have an issue may be people who can easily work without needing to just focus on one thing. Many people can kind of just absorb what comes up and manage to get the work done. They may not realize you are not that kind of person. Again, you can't blame them.

You probably can separate out what is a quickie interruption, what is something that can wait, and what is some big, time-consuming thing that, maybe, the president of the company is waiting for. You can eliminate some of the interruptions by prioritizing and getting back to some people. You may have to just deal with the quickie questions that - really - don't take all that much time to answer, even if they come in more numbers than you'd like. When it comes to some big, important, thing that has come down from "on high" you just have to suck it up and get to your proposal later. You'll have a good excuse if someone wants to know why the proposal took so long.

Put some extra cream in your coffee and have some peanutbutter cups. The fat and the chocolate may help you feel calmer and not as grumpy. (This isn't a joke. I mean it. It works.) People who eat don't eat breakfast and have only a salad for lunch can be grumpy! :)

2006-10-12 09:15:39 · answer #1 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 2 0

It sounds like at some point in your life, or perhaps over a long period of time, you were scarred by having not focused on something. Now, as a result, you must stay focused on everything you do and when you don't you deal with your frustration through anger. What I would suggest you do is try to focus really hard on your actions when you are upset. The hardest part is getting to that first time when you feel that you're bothered and want to do something but you hold back. Say to the person, I would really like to help you but it's hard for me to concentrate if i don't focus on one thing at a time. Would you mind waiting till I'm done. What this does is not only let the person know that they made a mistake by interrupting you, but that you would appreciate it if they waited in the future. If you throw people hints, eventually they should get it. I say should because some people just dont. That just sucks.

Good luck!

2006-10-12 15:34:51 · answer #2 · answered by Big Gee 2 · 1 1

You'd better watch the temper. One of these days you are going to snap at the wrong person, and find yourself unemployed!

If your focus is that important to you, I suggest you set up a system whereby the others may tell if they can disturb you or not. It could be as simple as hanging a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the outside of your cubicle.

Snapping at co-workers is office suicide. You have to be able to get along with people to get anywhere in any organization. ESPECIALLY if you're a woman. Men can get away with it, because they call it "forceful". For women they just say "She must be PMSing again!"

It sounds to me as if you don't give yourself a way to unwind outside of work. Try taking some yoga classes, or a meditation class. Or even anger management classes if the other two sound too hippyish to you. Enrol in swimming at the Y. Treat yourself to a regular Theatre night. Join a book appreciation club. Something outside of work that would allow you to let off steam.

2006-10-12 15:42:04 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You're likely an introvert, and working in an environment in which you cannot close your door when you need is likely to be a bit stressful to you--hence the stressing out over these minor things.

What I suggest is that when someone comes up to you and starts talking, say something like, "Excuse me, I am in the middle of something and I really need to concentrate. Can we discuss this later?" And then agree to a time.

Yes, people can be rude. At the same time, it is up to you to set some professional boundaries. That does not mean that people will listen all the time, but gradually, people will adjust to your boundaries so long as you make them known--politely :-) All the best to you.

2006-10-12 15:36:43 · answer #4 · answered by j14456um 3 · 1 0

How about posting a sign stating something like "Unless it's an emergency, do not interrupt me!".

Then take out your frustrations on something like a punching bag. I've been told that when you are angry with someone, or people in general, you are really angry at yourself! Figure out what that is and pray for assistance in letting it go! Scream, dance, or whatever else will get your mind off of the issue! Get therapy, talk to people about issues when they come up, rather than letting them fester.

2006-10-12 15:32:56 · answer #5 · answered by cey12000 3 · 1 1

Ask your DR. about inderal, it is a medication given often to control BP, but often used to help one control "testiness".

Worked for me

2006-10-12 16:44:42 · answer #6 · answered by June smiles 7 · 0 0

most of my suggestions would land you in jail, but try working out aggression peronally i play paintball

2006-10-12 15:29:55 · answer #7 · answered by brotherwolf 2 · 0 1

Tell them you are busy..you'll help them in a minute

2006-10-12 15:28:50 · answer #8 · answered by sweet75482 2 · 1 1

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