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14 answers

First of all, this isn't even a laughing matter. My God, what would bring someone to this point! I want you to talk to someone immediately, such as a doctor , best friend, parents, counselor, or anyone close to you. Even a stranger if it will help. Taking ones life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Nothing is that bad that it can't be solved in some way. Your life is precious and noblody holds the special place on this earth that you do. We are all beautiful and valid, and we all have our own mission in life. Don't take away your reason for being put on this earth. Love yourself to begin with and know that you have so much to give. Sit back, take a deep breath, live life to the fullest, and you will be shown the way, I promise you. All my love and concern goes with you sweetheart.

2006-10-12 08:07:32 · answer #1 · answered by june clever 4 · 2 0

There are several suicide manuals out there. However the best one is the Peaceful Pill eHandbook. It was written by Dr Philip Nitschke with Dr Fiona Stewart. This is an electronic book that you can subscribe to online. It’s updated 6 times per year. There are many reliable suicide methods described in it in detail. But for me the best thing about the e-book is that it also contains a list of suppliers where you can buy Pentobarbital (also known as Nembutal). You can’t find this information anywhere else. Pentobarbital is the best medication for ending your life in a painless way. This is the medication they use in all suicide clinics and hospitals where they perform euthanasia. In the Peaceful Pill eHandbook you can find contact information of reliable sellers that can ship Pentobarbital to you in a discrete package. You won't need a prescription.


If you subscribe to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook you can also get access to the Peaceful Pill forum where you can ask questions about suicide/euthanasia. Your questions will be answered by experts as well as other forum members. There you can talk to people that understand what you’re going through and they can help you end your life in a painless peaceful way.


Most people think that committing suicide is easy. This is a myth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ending your life can be extremely difficult. According to National Institute of Mental Health 92% of suicide attempts fail, and according to American Association of Suicidology 96% of suicide attempts fail (source: Wikipedia-Failed suicide attempt). If you decide to end your life then you have to prepare for it thoroughly. Consequences of a botched suicide attempt can be horrific. You could end up brain damaged and mentally handicapped. You might lose the ability to communicate or you might even experience a locked-in syndrome. This is a condition where a person appears to be in a coma but can actually feel everything. Imagine being trapped in your body for decades while at the same time experiencing excruciating pain and not being able to do anything about it. That’s what locked-in syndrome can be like. There’s nothing more horrible that can happen to a sentient being. If this happens to you then you’ll find out that hell really does exist. No matter how bad your situation is now, it can still get infinitely worse. You may only get one chance to end your life. If you do decide to end it, then you must educate yourself first and make sure you don’t end up trapped inside your own body in excruciating pain for years or even decades. I cannot stress that enough.

Dr Philip Nitschke is THE top expert on euthanasia in the entire world. He was the first physician in the world to administer a legal lethal injection in 1996 when euthanasia was legal in Australia's Northern Territory. It was Dr Nitschke who worked to introduce the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act that made euthanasia legal. He is the most prominent international campaigner for legalization of euthanasia. He founded the euthanasia advocacy group Exit International that holds regular Workshops in the UK, Europe, Australasia, and North America. He also co-founded the Voluntary Euthanasia Party in Australia. He has received several awards for his humanitarian work. You can find many videos and articles about him on the internet.


Note: The Peaceful Pill eHandbook is available only to competent adults capable of taking rational decisions. It is not intended for the mentally ill or depressed. Those with psychiatric conditions should contact their family physicians.

p.s. This answer is not necessarily meant for the original poster. It was posted for people who are experiencing unbearable suffering and are searching for a way to end their life in a peaceful painless way. Providing information on euthanasia is in accordance with the law.

2014-04-18 08:45:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2014-04-27 20:13:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no surefire way. Technically the least painful is pills but we get a lot of people in our hospital who fail at it that way. I suggest counseling and not doing it. Look at it this way, if someone were trying to kill you, would you let them? If not, there is still something keeping you here. Find out what that is.

2006-10-12 07:58:27 · answer #4 · answered by snowgirlsam 1 · 2 0

You really do not want to end your life. If you did you would have just done it. You are asking here because your depressed and are crying out for attention. Talk to those in your life, not faceless people on the internet.

2006-10-12 07:59:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Hon, It sure would have been good of you to explain what is wrong.....Maybe one of us could help you with the situation......Suicide is not really the answer...........I'm sure you haven't thought this thoroughly through..............Picture yourself gone..............Go ahead. Just think about it..............Now picture everyone you know at your funeral service............Oh my gosh, can you see all those poeople who loved you ?????There are so many ! The funeral home is packed, standing outside even !
There are people from your school, people when you were little
Everyone is saying the same thing.........If only we knew!! They all know they could have helped you some how.....They are all just crushed.........Some of them will never be the same.....Just look at your family..........Oh my God, They are just in so much pain !! It hurts so bad, they are saying........Someone else said they can't live without you and that they are going to do the same thing to be with you.!! Wow, .
I shouldn't tell you this hon, but my dad did the same thing.....
I was never the same in so many ways..........I couldn't forgive him for 6 years for what he did..........No one knew his pain, or why! If only he talked to someone!!! I still hurt when I think of him all the time. and I wonder if it was my fault ! I'll never know, so I think it must have been..............Please see a minister, or talk to someone...........Promise yourself you will ! I sure wish I could be there for you ............My heart aches right now...I will pray for you.........Keep in mind that you are so loved, and you just don't know it .......Love, Mom

2006-10-12 08:10:59 · answer #6 · answered by mom of a boy and girl 5 · 1 0

If you wanted to end your life, you would not be posting here on yahoo. Stop being a victim and go see a doctor or counselor. You're problems are real, but that's no reason to play victim.

2006-10-12 07:59:12 · answer #7 · answered by Angel Baby 5 · 2 1

Believe in the love that got you here and the love that has sustained you up to this point.

You are loved, and you are wanted.

What kind of love would bother to count the hairs on your very head? If you'll search it out, you'll find it.

Receive strength to keep living and believe in the love that got you this far.

I'm praying for you.

Carol :)

2006-10-12 08:07:32 · answer #8 · answered by Carol L 3 · 1 0

Hmmmmm.. tuff question there grass hopper... did your love life evaporate or did your mom catch you smoking pot? Keep it up kid and you'll wish you were dead..now straighten up and fly right or Uncle Bin Ladin will come git ya! hehehehe

2006-10-12 08:02:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

causes pain however you do it - for you and those who care about you. take care of yourself and get professional help if you are asking this question seriously . good luck xx

2006-10-12 07:59:39 · answer #10 · answered by mousie 4 · 0 0

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