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Personally i think feminism is a load of dog poo, it spreads lies that men and women are same. But it says it want equality but it only takes advantages away from men but not from women. Also looking at media their is a lot of anti male propaganda spread by feminists.Their stats on rape are always overexsagerated to try and spread the idea that men are by default rapist. For me its the same as spreading the idea that all black people are crimanals just because one black guy rob you. Plus they destroying families ,make women and men hate each other. I don`t how you feel but this is how i feel. Feminists are nothing more then sexists

2006-10-12 07:41:27 · 16 answers · asked by Joe soe 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

16 answers

Equality is great live it.Are men in favor of equality yes they are men like the fact that they no longer have to support women who sit home and watch tv,equality means women pay their own way buy thier own cars and when they get home too their own places they still get to cook and clean.eqaulity is great live it love it.Men get to stop at the bar without listening to nagging and some women who wanted eqality will m cook him a hamburger hahaha.Do men want to turn back the clock NEVER NEVER NEVER.hahahha.

2006-10-12 09:45:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I think there are some elements in the feminist movement that are hostile to men, but the movement itself has some very worthy goals like equal pay for equal work, voting rights, equal access to higher education, business opportunities, etc.
I did have the pleasure of attending the first National Women's Conference that was held in the city of Houston, Texas in 1978. Yes a lot of the exhibits there were openly hostile to men but over all the movement has tried to stay above petty disputes and be more positive.
I think the bigger problem is the "feminism" of society in general....as evidenced by the general tone of most TV ads where the man is always made to look stupid or ignorant and the wife or woman always has a vast and superior understanding of every situation.

2006-10-12 08:37:47 · answer #2 · answered by Robert b 4 · 1 0

I don't think it is a "hate movement" in itself, but there are women who are extreme feminists that use it as such. I am a woman, I love the fact that I can vote, work outside of the home if I choose to (which I do), drive my car when and where I want, and say no if I don't want to have sex with my significant other. However, there are women out there who use the whole equal opportunity employers and the military to get into positions only men can handle and fail miserably. Now before any woman out there can send me all the hate mail my mailbox can handle LISTEN UP. If a woman wants to have the same job as a man, then she should have to have the same qualifications. In military the men and women should have the same type, kind and amount of exercises. If she is to protect a 6'8" 225lb fellow soldier that is unconcious from a bomb blast from the enemy then she should be able to carry him just like he should be able to carry her if the tables were turned. I still can't stand to hear people crying how the female soldiers are being killed and what a horror it is, yes it is horrible, when A soldier is killed, man or woman. People need to realize that those women wouldn't be out there if the exercises had not been "modified" to allow women a better chance to get into the military. Think about it.
I feel I am all for equality of the sexes, as long as that doesn't mean that the majority is all stepped on for the minority's sake.

2006-10-12 07:57:59 · answer #3 · answered by Amber C 3 · 8 1

I don't think that its a hate movement. I think it was started with good intentions and like most good things, got corrupted by people. Women were not looking for equality as much as equity. Men and women will never be equal as they are 2 different animals by nature. Feminist women are looking for the respect they deserve and the pay they deserve. They don't want to be looked over for a job just becasue they are women. In some respects they have gained this equity in the American culture. The thing I don't agree so much with are the ones that play both sides. If you want to be on the same footing as a man, then move your own damn furniture and don't cry to get out of a speeding ticket. A great example of how feminism corrupts is in the all women colleges like Chatham college in Pittsburgh. They were not to be called freshmen. They were first years, as the word freshmen has the word men in it and in this setting, men are the enemy. It was really amazing to see the change in these "first years". I went to visit a friend there at the beginning of the year and the "first years" were so nice. By December they were very distant towards men and by summer break they couldn't stand the fact that I was in their dorm. This is just one small example.

2006-10-12 09:05:37 · answer #4 · answered by danzahn 5 · 3 1

Yes!!! For the most part, feminism is a hate and egoist movement. It's characteristics involve shaming men, hating men, putting down men, labeling men, praise women (not put them equal with men), self-entitlement, ask for more rights than men have, and stroking of the female ego. This is what feminism is really about when you examine it through and through, without bias.

Ever see society emphasize calling young girls as women even when they are not women yet, while men tend to be called guys, not men? That's pretty sexist to me.

Tired of women expecting their dinner to be paid for by the man? Well whatever happened to equality? Equal means woman pays for her own food. I though women want to be respected as independent and capable human beings. Isn't paying for her own food proof of independence? Hell, maybe she should pay for his, too, since that would prove her power and capability!

Sick of women being defended and praised no matter if and when they may commit disrespectful acts or behave condescendingly to others around them? Feminism is responsible for this! A pro-feminist person can make an arrogant girl, who has done wrong, to sound like an angel!

Ever notice laws and unwritten rules being bent to oppress men and give women a leg up? Yeap. Feminism is the culprit! A woman can get a man in trouble by simply claiming to have been raped. A woman who divorces her husband is entitled to half of their assets and some alimony, even though she might not have contributed paying for half of those assets! Certainly, this isn't equality! A woman will accuse a man of staring at her chest when she is wearing low-cut tops, even though he could be a very decent man who does not think of or view women in that nasty way. Yet, women can look at my chest muscles with no shame? Hypocrisy!

The list goes on and on. It's so long, I can't write enough about it ever! Anything that has to do with equality, I support. Everything that is intended to oppress men, give women extra rights, or place them on a pedestal over men I do not support!

2015-08-26 20:18:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm sure that in the beginning feminism was enacted to aid women against the socially inflicted oppression caused by our still existing male dominated society. However like any good movement it is willing to do anything to get ahead and therefore get its point across.

The problem with your statement is that men and women already hated each other long before women became active against social slavery. Why else would arranged marriages been so prominent historically, unless you want to count the fact that it made way to support pedophilia. Sadly men are the most likely to be rapist because we as a whole have been educated to think that sex is an aggressive act. And women have been taught to be the more passive group.

It's not that men and women are the same but that they should be treated with the same respect. The actions are not to take from the men but to level the playing field. From what we've been taught men have had all the advantages since the beginnings of time. To say that this is a just way of living is as horrible as justifying slavery.

If you're looking to the media for education, you will certainly be misled. It seems that your situation stems from a lack of in depth education, or rather a knee jerk reaction to a situation that you consider threatening. With feminist as with any other group that singles out themselves because of a particular characteristic it’s likely linked to feelings from the need for acceptance and insecurity. There is such a thing as strength in numbers or the mob rule.

As for the destruction of the nuclear family, it didn't need feminism to get that started. The system was flawed. Regardless of feminism, the current divorce rate is still 52%. The expectations were unfounded and rooted in grief and disappointment.

Consider this; would you be happy in a world ruled by Amazons?

2006-10-12 08:36:37 · answer #6 · answered by Hacksaw 4 · 1 5

I dont know how old you are but let me tell you that the womens movement did more for men than you seem to realize. Before that movement men were responsible for everything in their home the woman stayed home and contributed no money. And women (could be your mom or sis) who got divorced were looked down on cause "they" could not keep the family together, men beat women and no one did anything, and even if she did exactly the same job and had as much or more experience than a man she made less money. Yeah there are some people who spread hate no matter what movement we talk about the majority of women just wanted to be treated fairly by society and employers. I really dont think many men would want to go back to the old days if they really realized what all it entailed.

2006-10-12 07:53:53 · answer #7 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 3 3

Yes, I believe that most feminists are sexist.

Understand that I believe in equality. I love strong, intelligent, capable women who want to be my partner, not my servant (of course, I married one). However, no matter how you slice it, men and women are different (thank god!).

Frankly, I think that modern feminism has done quite a disservice to women. IMHO, women have always ruled the world. However, until recently they have been smart enough to keep quite about it and let men take all the blame.

2006-10-12 07:48:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

Sure, it is the same as reverse racism. Why do you think there are frmale-only scholorships and African-American only scholarships? Feminism was started by women who just wanted to get even with men for being the top dog for so long, and that's it.

On the other hand, I think women should be allowed to vote, should have a job if they want (teacher, not construction worker) and they should have the same rights as us. But they are not, and never will be, the same as men.

Just to let you know, I reasarched it, and there are two "levels" of feminism. The first level thinks they should be able to vote and so forth, and the second level is the butch bra-burning lesbians. Just thought you would like to know.

2006-10-12 07:43:52 · answer #9 · answered by ihatehippies 3 · 9 3

i,m a man, happily married old man. my wife has better sense than to want 'equal rights' with men. this includes working with a pick, shovel, sledge hammer, handling heavy equipment, and numerous other jobs that are 'unlady like' for womens libbers. she is already ahead of men in general and knows it. equaality for women isn,t an acomplishment,it,s a disaster! equl pay for equual work, h**l yes, i,m all for that, but you womens libberrs change your own flat tire,lay your own pipeline, and clean out the barn.let me know how you like that!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-12 08:36:32 · answer #10 · answered by houdini 3 · 7 2

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