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Kids think they are grown before they should be. It bothers me

2006-10-12 05:04:24 · 28 answers · asked by funkymunky04020 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

28 answers

i think they dont know what they are doing,i mean now days there are babies having babies and the parents has to raise them for them.it bothers me too.just look at the kids running the streets all hours of the night,i dont think they are out there for exercise.

2006-10-12 15:38:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it's horrible. It's so sad. My daughter is 8 and the thought of her having a baby in 5 or 6 years makes me want to puke. Why do these kids want to grow up so fast? Don't get me wrong, when I was a teenager I wanted to be older. My sister is 5 years older than me, and when people thought I was older than her I thought it was so great! But I didn't want to have a baby!!! And the thought of sex freaked me out!!! I just don't understand why these little kids are doing such grown up things. And these poor babies they're having. I'm sorry, but what kind of life do these babies have being raised by a kid? It's so sad. I guarantee my 2 girls will be well informed about sex and that if they have sex before they're married, they'll die. :)

2006-10-12 12:22:56 · answer #2 · answered by farmersdaughter 4 · 1 0

Little girls, as defined by , if they are under the legal age, and out of wedlock as well, should not even be having sexual relationships-

Children do think they are more mature than they really are at a young age, in this day and age, due to the influences of our media- but, they do not realize the hardships on themselves, the babies, and the society we live in when they make poor choices.

If you are not emotionally involved with your partner, if you cannot support yourself in a good job financially, if you are not living out of your parental home, you should not be engaging in activity that could even result in a " accidental" pregnancy. They should to talk to other young people in that situation, and find out what they would have done differently.

When you have a child, it is not a status symbol, it is a COMMITMENT for life, to be raising a child, that is healthy , and happy, and productive..... how can you do all that if you are not able to stand on your OWN 2 feet, emotionally or financially. You give up your social life , and possible the education you need to have a good future for yourself and your families.

2006-10-12 12:12:07 · answer #3 · answered by onesmaartlady 5 · 1 0

I can not believe half the shyt i just read all you people sitting there talkin shyt about teenage moms i only found a few smart people putting an answer here. Im 16 im 18 weeks pregnant and i am happier then ever i finally got something to help me get on track i got a baby to take care of and you people saying that bein on WIC and getting government help is wrong. You try raising a baby with all you people who dont have open minds running this country.Its gonna be hard Not only are you completely against a teenager caring for a child but you support all these "foster parents" who beat the kids and make them do everything. HELLO they are only in it for the check. I think being a teenage mom is gonna be hard but its also gonna prove to you idiots that teenagers can raise kids better then half these ****** adults can.

2006-10-12 16:05:43 · answer #4 · answered by Felicia 2 · 2 0

It bothers me on many levels. I'm not saying ALL teen mothers fall in any of these categories but the ones that do really bother me.

1. Welfare, WIC, state assistance programs cost us money because of the stupidity of some young people.
2. I get concerned with how one child can raise an emotionally healthy and well taken care of child.
3. The irresponsibility of the teens parents (grandparents). Many house, pay for and feed the teen and new baby giving the teen a free ride instead of the real responsibility.

2006-10-12 14:26:36 · answer #5 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

I agree with the first comment... i am young and although i was not planning on having any kids till later on in my life it happened. i think i am very capable of having a child and have the mentallity to have one...

Also she is right back in the olden days it was nothing for a 15 to 16 year old to be married and have children right away or even have to or three before they turn 18... I think it is very wrong how society treats young pregnant women... i should know.... i am limited at what i can do and i think it is wrong for people to think they can limite what i do just based on the fact that i am " young and stupid"... I may not have a husband or a fantasic job... but i do have a wonderful boyfriend who is goin to be a great father and i have a job that will help us.....

2006-10-12 16:11:22 · answer #6 · answered by future_claudio 2 · 0 0

You know, I think My answer may come in handy.......
I guess you could have considered "me" as a little girl when I had my baby. I was 17. My baby is now 5 years old.
I never thought that I was "grown" before I got pregnant. I never thought much of anything really. I was a drug addict, a drunk and alot of other things that I wasn't proud of. At the time of my pregnany, I was lucky enough that I was trying to get off drugs. I was clean for almost 6 months. Thank god I wasn't using when I got preggo.
But I'll tell you something. The moment I seen a positive result, I knew my life had to change, and now I finally had a reason. Having a little life inside me, made me know that I had to grow up. And to be honest with you, I was mature enough to know it.
Today, I have a full time job, making good money. I did graduate from school. And I plan to further my education. So i guess this "kid" grew up, huh?
People need to stop stereotyping teen mothers. We aren't all bad. We aren't all stupid girls who spread their legs. I thank God every day I got pregnant when I did. I owe my daughter my life, because I would be NOTHING right now without her. Probably dead in an alley somewhere. ( A harsh reality)
Also, I know 30 year old women who are no where NEAR mature enough to be parents. Oh, but they think they are, they think they are "grown" up. It's just easier for some people to think that it's the teens who shouldn't be having babies because they are SO young and don't know anything. Well, I've seen that in plenty of people. Few of them are teens.
Maybe some teens shouldn't be having children. You are right there. But those of us who have and are succeeding in life, you have no right to judge. And we have our parents to thank for raising us with good values and morals. We couldn't have done it without them.

2006-10-12 13:49:41 · answer #7 · answered by Cblack22 3 · 2 0

I don't think that kids should have kids. Teenagers now don't realize how lucky they are to be able to live carefree and do what they want pretty much whenever. They all want to be grownup and thus try things that they shouldn't, like sex, too early. I am only 25, but when I was 12, 13, 14, sex wasn't even on my mind. When you have a child, you give up your needs and must put those of your baby first. I can't imagine having to be so selfless at such a young age and not be able to enjoy being young.

2006-10-12 12:07:55 · answer #8 · answered by peachy4995 3 · 2 0

What do you consider a "little girl?"

To answer your question the best I can without knowing how young your talking about....
Why is it that in modern days girls have to be in their mid to late twenties to be considered old enough, and mature enough to have kids when not so long ago it was considered normal when girls were married in their early teens and having babies then?? I think society now is very quick to judge and slow to listen and understand or even to try and help or change things.
I was 19 when I got pregnant, 20 when I had my son. Married, and my husband has a very good job. Was I too young? Would someone else my age who had a kid but wasn't married or financially stable be too young?

2006-10-12 12:06:07 · answer #9 · answered by Jessica 4 · 1 1

Im 16 and I have a year old daughter. Personally to tell you the truth I wouldnt change that for the world. Yes it gets hard but I wouldnt change that. She is my everything and comes 1st before anyone and now its easier on me because i am homeschooled. Im not sayin to anyone to go out there and have kids so young because you should finish school and all that sort of stuff. But I have nothing against teen-age pregnancy because it happens and no matter what anyone says or thinks it will continue to keep happening...but im not for teen age pregnancy either... just think and make wise choices and listen to the song by Lyfe Jennings (S.E.X.) While you at it. It might make some of you out here change your mind quick. PS MY DAUGHTER WANTS TO SAY HI....
u n0' vc ojumh h hnnnnnnb m0 8

2006-10-12 13:01:02 · answer #10 · answered by star_burst_baby_15 1 · 3 0

When I was in 8th grade, there was a girl who was in 6th grade who was having a baby. The baby was born early, and there were all sorts of complications. Because she was in 6th grade and the baby was born at the end of the school year, that means she was 11 when she had sex with the father. (Or was raped by the father - I didn't really know her very well, so I don't know the circumstances.)

One of the girls I attended middle school with had been having sex since she was in 4th grade - her first time was with a guy who was 20, at a party where she was drunk and high, and she passed out during.

One of my friends from high school who is a couple years younger than me and in her senior year now has a 16 month old. The father of the baby is married to another friend of ours and is currently serving in Iraq.

It's not a great situation. It sucks. It's scary for the girl and for her parents and for the boy and his parents.

I don't think it's that they think they're grown. In some ways, they're trying to be grown up, because they think they are, but in other ways, they think they're SUPPOSED to do it. I know that's what I thought, what with all of my friends in 8th grade having been sexually active for awhile already. And some of them think they're in love. Some of them really are in love.

Some are raped. I knew a girl when I was in foster care for a year who had a baby at the end of 7th grade because her mother's boyfriend raped her. Sometimes it's not their choice.

I think it's a tragic situation, one that needs to be dealt with with better sex education in the schools, and with parents sitting their kids down early and giving them little bits of information on sex as they grow up - just enough for their age level, just so that they already know how their parents feel about it - if you wait until your child is 13 or 14 to give them The Talk, the media will have already grabbed them and made a pretty big impression, and those are the values that they know, not yours. Sometimes you end up with people like me, whose parents NEVER talked to them. I lived with my grandparents when I was little and they gave me these books that they used to explain to my mother about sex organs - so I knew about periods, but I knew none of the other stuff. I didn't really even understand what sex was all about until I actually had sex, 11 days before my 14th birthday. And it took years for me to realize what my virginity really meant, and by then it was too late.

It all comes back to the parents. It shouldn't be laid on the shoulders of the kids who are having kids, at least not entirely. Where were their parents? Why didn't they talk to them first?

2006-10-12 16:58:15 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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