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I do believe in it.
But my only concern would be if the couple decide to have children & the kids get tortured at school - coz kids can be very cruel.

what are your thoughts?

2006-10-12 03:16:52 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

44 answers

Yeah, kids can be terrible, but I don't think that should prevent gay marriages from taking place. Look at the extremely negative response to interracial marriages throughout history; for such a long time, it was unthought of and taboo for (for instance) a white person and a black person to get married. I'm sure the children were cruel then to mixed race children, but now the criticism, while still present to a small degree, is much much lighter.

Response to the "population die off" argument against gay marriages:
Artificial insemination? Surrogate mothers? Do we even -need- an increase in population? We're having a hard enough time keeping the world in order as is.

2006-10-12 03:20:25 · answer #1 · answered by Glory Box♥ 3 · 6 2

I feel the only reason gay and lesbian marriages are not law is because of the religions in the world
i might sound like a broken record saying this again but
i believe the bible was only written as a law book over years
the book /bible was only written so the king of the day could rule the kingdom with out hassle
the kings appointed a pope or someone in the top job of religion to infect a law at first it only worked for a while
so thy wrote the book i am gong to call the first law book
it had family values making things like steeling as a bad thing after a while they found it did not work so many people did not care if they lost there life for some thing like that as they would go to heaven anyway
so the king not saying it would be the same king
told his pope that he need something that starting the people from fearing death
so hell then all of the sins came in to play like it was a sin to steal so this worked for a while as many people started to care
then they got all of the laws in a book written down
see at the time a king could use the pope and make him self a god or a saint meaning he is thee ruler not only of his Kingston but of the world
and as many other kings did the same that is how wars continued
OK to the point
the Bible says marriage can only be between a man and a women
so why are we still using the laws that are thousands of years old it is now we need to wake up god dose not excised
he is just a rummer that started many years ago
popes and kings just use god to brain wash there kingdoms

So i think get with the program government and piss off the churches they are the only thing standing in the way of true piece only when that happens will we get some where towards equal

2006-10-12 03:38:21 · answer #2 · answered by Zara3 5 · 3 1

I believe that everyone has the right to live their life in their own way as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.

Same sex marriage is perfectly acceptable and should be respected as much as heterosexual marriages.

Despite what you will no doubt read elsewhere in response to this question, marriage is not necessarily a "holy" institution. The act of marriage itself is a CIVIL contract between the parties and is quite distinct from the religious marriage ceremony that sometimes takes place at the same time. For example, in the UK, people can get married in a Register Office (or indeed in any one of a number of other locations) without any religious trappings whatsoever and they are just as "married" as a couple whose ceremony takes place in a church, mosque or synogogue. The important part of the ceremony is the civil part which creates a legally binding contract which is the thing that actually makes people "married"; the religious ceremony itself does not do that, no matter how much the religious lobby would like to think that it does.

This is confirmed by the act of divorce which is the legal "undoing" of the civil contract - no religious ceremony is required to get divorced, even if you got married in a church.

As far as children are concerned, this may be a slightly different matter. Naturally as both parties to a same sex marriage are the same gender they are not both going to be the biological parents of the child. There is the further possible complication that in an ideal situation, children should be brought up in an environment where they are exposed to both the male and female influences that are normally found in a mother-father situation.

However, there are so many single-parent families around nowdays where children are brought up by just one parent of a particular gender that it would be regarded as highly prejudicial to exclude two parents of the same gender from having children. There are also many families nowdays where one of the parents is not the biological parent of the child (eg a step-parent). Again while this may not be regarded as 100% ideal, there are so many examples of perfectly well-adjusted children being brought up in these circumstances that to preclude same sex couples from doing the same would be idiotic.

The most important thing in any matter concerning children is that the children are happy and well cared-for. This is just as likely (or unlikely) in a same-sex marriage as in any other family structure and the gender of the parents IN ITSELF should not be the deciding factor as to whether a same sex couple should have children.

Thought: If God created everything then he also created homosexuality. This means that either God made a mistake or he doesn't mind people being homosexual or he's a closet gay. God didn't create marriage. Marriage existed long before the bible and all the major religions came along and took it over.

2006-10-12 03:19:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I think that if you love someone you should be able to celebrate that love . so yes I believe in gay marriage .If they have children good for them as long as thoes children are raised in a loving household, yeah they may get tortured in school but thats just a part of life in general.. No matter what there will always be people that bully other kids for whatever reason. I dont think it would be any worse for them than a child that has a mother and father .kids are cruel, if people would raise their children a little better than bullying wouldnt be a problem anymore.

2006-10-13 03:58:56 · answer #4 · answered by imtokin_420 1 · 0 0

Anyone who has enough time to worry about some strangers falling in love and committing to each other clearly need to focus on their own relationship shortcomings. I'm hetero and married but I don't care who someone is in love with nor whom they marry.

Kids are mean at school anyway, to say that gay folks can't get married and have kids because other kids might be mean is not a valid argument.

Maybe those same kids will make fun of another kid because his parents are fat or poor or not wearing the coolest clothes/playing with the coolest toys or driving the right car.

Parents of those bullying children who refuse to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong (do unto others etc.) are the ones who should not be having children.

2006-10-12 03:26:57 · answer #5 · answered by always_cookin 3 · 3 0

I have been with my husband since 1989 - - we have a daughter (by my first short lived marriage) who just graduatied HS and began college this fall. She is very well adjusted and really experienced no problems in school. In her school many kids are actually openly gay.

I could care less what other people think and I know in my heart I am married to him. It may not be legal but it doesn't change the way I feel. We have had our ups and downs, lost parents and friends, supported each other emotionally, built a future and a home together, raised our daughter, have laughed and cried and certainly loved, if that is not a marraige I don't know what is.

I would feel sorry for ANYONE who could not look at our life togtether and recgonize our love and commitment - because it would mean they simply cannot see those things and for that person the world would be a dark and lonely place.

2006-10-12 03:26:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

So because kids would torture each other, gays shouldn't be allowed to have children?
Well, if that's the case let's outlaw the use of glasses, and kick all the fat kids out of school. While we're at it, all the poor kids who can't afford as much as the rich kids should be locked out as well. Don't want the cruel kids picking on them while they're in school, just can't have that happening.
See where this is going?

2006-10-12 06:16:25 · answer #7 · answered by Agent Double EL 5 · 0 0

In terms of federal law in the US, yes, I would like the right to marry. I am completely uninterested in a relgious marriage - I am an atheist. I leave that entirely to the churches to decide, and I do not support any attempt to force a church to marry gay men or lesbians.

The problem in the US is that the laws at the federal level that address the civil contract entered into freely by two adults are termed marriage, an emotive term for religious bigots.

I would like to see the term marriage stricken from all federal law, to be replaced by 'contractual civil union between two people'. The same change would be necessary in each state to unify the approach to domestic unions.

Let the church keep the term 'marriage' for themselves, and define/use it as they wish.

With regard to your point about kids being cruel - they generally hunt in packs, and find an enemies weak point. If the child in question understands that there is nothing wrong with their family, they can resist that torment, just as children bullied for their height, lack of skill in football, color of their skin, disabilities, or language can learn to rise above that kind of bullying and schoolyard torture.

2006-10-12 04:22:23 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe that everyone should have the right to marry. It once was that bi-racial couples couldn't marry. That has changed thank God, or I might not be here. But the whole marriage thing should be respected. People abuse the whole sanctuary of marriage. Kids get tortured no matter what, it takes great parents to be aware of whats going on and to help their children get through the ordeal.

2006-10-12 08:34:21 · answer #9 · answered by cj 2 · 0 0

yupp i agree with you. the kid issue could present a problem. however i also believe that it is none of my business because it does not affect me.
i also believe that while kids ARE cruel, that is because the parents are not teaching right from wrong. maybe their values are a little different but that gives no on the right to make fun of another human being.
If you're gay and you want to get married, i say all the power to you! if you want to adopt children, i dont think thats such a bad thing, but the gay parents should definitly warn the child before going to a school or if the child does get teased explain to them why. people are starting to be more accepting though, atleast from what i see.

2006-10-12 03:22:50 · answer #10 · answered by ice hcky rulz 2 · 4 0

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