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18 answers

a silly little passage in the bible - revelations 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
most scholars think that this was refering to the (then current) emperor - Nero

for your amusement, here are some other numbers:
660 : Approximate number of the Beast
DCLXVI : Roman numeral of the Beast
666.0000 : Number of the High Precision Beast
0.666 : Number of the Millibeast
/ 666 : Beast Common Denominator
6.66 e3 : Floating point Beast
1010011010 : Binary of the Beast
6, uh... what was that number again? : Number of the Blonde Beast
01666 : Area code of the Beast
66.6mph : The speed limit of the Beast
£665.95 : Retail price of the Beast
£728.55 : Price of the Beast (inc VAT)
£769.95 : Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul
A666 : road of the Beast
666 F : Oven temperature for roast Beast
666 mg : Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast
6.66 % : 5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, £666 minimum deposit.
£666/hr : Beast's lawyer's billing rate
Lotus 6-6-6 : Spreadsheet of the Beast
Word 6.66 : Word Processor of the Beast
i66686 : CPU of the Beast
666i : BMW of the Beast
668 : Next-door neighbor of the Beast
333 : The semi-Christ

2006-10-11 23:39:19 · answer #1 · answered by Vinni and beer 7 · 3 1

It's from the Book of Revelation

The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the Christian New Testament. The Number is 666 in modern texts, although 616 and 665 appear instead in at least one ancient source. The meaning of the most common variant 666 is still debated today. Some scholars contend that the number is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero, a view that is supported by some Roman Catholic theologians.

2006-10-12 06:35:06 · answer #2 · answered by SteveT 7 · 1 0

There are various fanciful explanations, but I prefer to stick with this one! The nefarious connotations of 666 weren't invented by some heavy metal band -- they are rooted in the Bible.
The final book of the New Testament is Revelation, and for centuries theologians have pondered its highly symbolic, prophetic language. Revelation tells of impending Armageddon, an end of all time, when a great war will be fought between good and evil, and God will triumph. In Revelation, "the beast," also called the Antichrist, personifies evil.
Revelation, Chapter 13 speaks of the beast and how to identify his followers. According to verses 16 and 17, they will have the mark or the name or number of the beast on their right hands or foreheads. Verse 18 introduces the number 666 itself: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." It's unclear why the specific number 666 is the number of the beast. According to Dial-the-Truth Ministries, the number 6 is the number of man because in the Bible, God created man on the sixth day. Elsewhere in the Bible (Matthew 16:23), Satan is described as being "man-centered" (as opposed to God-centered). Thus the devil's number would be a twist on man's number. This is just one theory, and the number 666 has generated plenty of debate.

2006-10-12 06:35:09 · answer #3 · answered by uknative 6 · 1 0

The Bible did not call it the Devil's number. It simply calls it "the name of the beast or the number of his name". Book of Revelation Chapter 13 verse 11 to 18. There is more to the number 666, it has been interpreted in many ways by many people. It all sounds like something out of religious X-files. All I can advise is that you read it and enjoy.

2006-10-12 06:45:24 · answer #4 · answered by bluebell 2 · 1 0

666 is the numerical value of: "ועתה יגדל-נא כח אדני" ("Ata yigdal na koach Ado-nai"; Now, let the power of my Lord grow) (Numbers 14:17). This was Moshe's (Moses) prayer invoking Divine Mercy on behalf of the Hebrew People.

6-6-6 is Waw-Waw-Waw ("WWW") in Hebrew, since in Hebrew, letters have numerical values. The number 666 however is Taw-Resch-Samech-Waw (400-200-60-6), since in Hebrew, hundreds, tens and ones have different characters.

666 is the amount of gold talents that King Solomon collected in a single year (see 1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13).

666 is the number of Adonikam's descendants who return to Jerusalem and Judah from the Babylonian exile (see Ezra 2:13).

The Roman numeral representation of the number 666 (DCLXVI) uses once each the Roman numeral symbols with values under 1,000, and they occur in exact reverse order of their respective values (D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1).

In Chinese culture, 666 sounds a lot like the words 'Things going smoothly'. It is considered one of the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture. It can be seen prominently in many shop windows across the country, and people there often pay extra to get a mobile phone number including this string of digits. 666 is also the number of cities in China.

666 was used in a popular song by British band Iron Maiden. The song was titled The Number of The Beast.

The UPC barcodes found on most commercial products are characterized by guard bars at the beginning, middle and end made up of two thin lines. Two thin lines also appear in the UPC encoding for the digit 6 (and no other digit), and so to human eyes (but not to an electronic barcode reader) the guard bars appear to read 666. Some people interpret this as a fulfilment of the prophecy "Without this number an individual will not be able to buy or sell" from the Book of Revelation.

666 (or 616) is commonly known as the Number of the Beast in Book of Revelation chapter 13, verses 17-18.
Since the "sine of the Devil" , where φ is the golden ratio, this expression has been paraphrased by the humorous quip "The sign of the devil is the opposite of good, but only half as strong." (sin 306°) and (sin -54°) are mathematically synonymous with (sin 666°).

Vicarius Filii Dei, an epithet for the Pope which means literally "vicar of the son of God", adds up to 666 if only the letters with Roman numeral values are included (which would give VICIVILIIDI). This epithet was never used by the Catholic church itself and was likely invented by a person who believed that the Antichrist would be a Pope.

666 was used as a nickname by Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), an infamous practitioner of Magick who styled himself as the Beast referred to in the Book of Revelation.

The remake of the film The Omen, which contains references to 666 being "The Number of the Beast," was released on June 6, 2006 (06/06/06). Promotional materials for the film made reference to this fact.

666 is the port number used by the game Doom when playing against another player via TCP.

Most versions of the computer game Lemmings feature a level called "All the 6's "; the level layout features three 6's built upon the "hellish" lava terrain set, there are 66 Lemmings and 66 of every skill, the time limit is 6 minutes, the release rate is 66, and the player must rescue 66% of the Lemmings.

666 is the postal code of the Swedish village of Bengtsfors, causing the joke that fans of heavy metal would move there.

666 was the original name of the Macintosh SevenDust computer virus that was discovered in 1998.

2006-10-12 09:33:50 · answer #5 · answered by Danny99 3 · 1 1

The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the Christian New Testament. The Number is 666 in modern texts, although 616 and 665 appear instead in at least one ancient source.The meaning of the most common variant 666 is still debated today. Some scholars contend that the number is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero, a view that is supported by some Roman Catholic theologians.
The Number of the Beast is described in the Book of Revelation 13:18. From the King James translation: - Number of the Beast
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. "
One interpretation is that 666 encodes the letters of someone’s name or title, identifying the Antichrist. However, since the reader is free to choose the code, any name or phrase can be matched to the number by finding an appropriate code. The phrase “Vicarius Filii Dei” is an example of this.

There is a theory that the answer exists in the Bible itself[citation needed]. One interpretation of this idea is that 666 identifies the Antichrist when he goes into the temple in Jerusalem and proclaims that he is God, as recorded in Isaiah 66:6. Since biblical numbering was put in the Bible by man, 66:6 is man's number.
To be convincing, interpretations invoke arguments other than mathematics to prove their point. For example, scholars who believe that the Book of Revelation refers to historical people and events argue that the number represents Nero.The value of “Neron Caesar”, written as “נרון קסר”, “Nrwn Qsr”, using Hebrew letters with numerical values under the usual number values of the Hebrew alphabet when used to write numbers.
The hypothesis that 666 is a code for a Roman emperor seems to have historical support. The emperors were noted for their oppression of both Jews and early Christians. Both communities were known to use numerology and codes where living under Roman rule to avoid persecution. Accordingly, the German protestant theologian Ethelbert Stauffer conceived a Greek gematrical procedure to explain the number 666.Judging from the precise information that the Book of Revelation gives about the person behind the number 666 Stauffer concluded that the "beast" can in general only refer to a Roman emperor and specifically only to Domitian, also because he had reigned during the proposed time of origin of the Apocalypse. In addition Domitian's "secret derisive nickname" had been "The Beast" with Romans, Greek, Christians and Jews. Stauffer computed the Number of the Beast using the short form of Domitian's five titles and names A KAI ΔOMET ΣEB ΓE, as derived from the abbreviations on coins and inscriptions.
Aleister Crowley (1875–1947) claimed that he was the Beast prophecized in the Book of Revelation and took the name “Το μεγα θηριον”, Greek for “The Great Beast”, which adds up to 666 by isopsephy, the Greek form of gematria.
The number 666 retains a peculiar significance in the culture and psychology of Western societies, where some perceive it as “the Devil’s number”, even in contexts usually remote from superstition. The fear of the number 666 is called hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.

2006-10-14 18:00:25 · answer #6 · answered by catdyer2005 3 · 0 1

It's mentioned in the Bible. In the final book, or Revelations.
It is also mentioned throughout the Bible. Although it doesn't say 666 anywhere, there are many clues.
This passage [Rev 13:16-18] provides five key clues as to the interpretation of the mark of the Beast.
-The name of the beast
-The number representing his name
-The number of the Beast
-The number of a man
Thus we can calculate the number is 666.

2006-10-12 06:44:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anria A 5 · 0 0

The church created 666 as the devils number.

In detailing the messianic line, the 40 year generation is apparent in the genealogical list of Mathew 1:6-16. It spans 1080 years from King David to Jesus, and contains 27 generations of 40 years each. The significance of this as far as Jesus being the awaited saviour (prophesied in Zechariah 9:9) is that 1080 was regarded as the magic lunar number of the eternal feminine. Its polar opposite in the solar force was the male number 666. As given in Revelation 13:8, ‘It is the number of a man’. Together the male and female numbers total 1746, which Plato called ‘fusion’, and in the numerical system of Greek Gematria this was the number of the Sacred Marriage – the Hieros Gamos

2006-10-12 06:43:44 · answer #8 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 0 2

The devils Number is 666 because he is the Anti-Christ,
And it can be found in the book of Revelations..

2006-10-12 06:49:07 · answer #9 · answered by ralf5@btinternet.com 2 · 0 0

In all actuality it is not the number of the devil but the number of the beast Read Revelation 13:11 till the end of the chapter.

2006-10-12 21:54:12 · answer #10 · answered by snoop_dougie_doug04 5 · 0 0

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